The old man was in a state of panic, and the old man was in a state of panic.

Former Ninja World—Konoha Research Institute


Uchiha Fugaku lay on the cold operating table, his limbs fixed by the tough corsets, squirming like a maggot.

Screaming at the top of his lungs, the sound was heartbreaking and tearful to the listener…


Fugaku’s chest suddenly split open, and a green tree grew fiercely from his chest, sucking him into a dried corpse.


Orochimaru stood outside the transparent glass wall, shaking his head somewhat melancholy.

The messy hair, dark circles under his eyes, and unkempt clothes made it hard for people to believe that this was the once handsome "Cold Lord Orochimaru".

"The 12th injection of Hashirama's cells failed..."

Orochimaru drew a line on the file in his hand and excluded this plan without even looking at Fugaku's horrible corpse.

"Failed again?"

"I remember that there were 21 experimental plans that were considered feasible in the previous experiments. Don't push yourself too hard, Orochimaru."

Hiryuu walked out from behind Orochimaru and squinted his eyes to look at Fugaku's death.

"The Uchiha clan doesn't have enough three magatama in reserve."

Orochimaru rubbed his temple and said with some embarrassment.

Fugaku's body also turned into white smoke with a bang, just like a substitute technique, and Uchiha Fugaku appeared next to Orochimaru intact.

His eyes were his own nearly blind kaleidoscopes, which were unconsciously turning slightly.

Fugaku stretched out his palm, and the three magatama inlaid on the palm slowly turned grayish white, and he was already blind and scrapped.

"I may be the person who used Izanagi the most in the history of Uchiha..."

After 12 consecutive tragic deaths, Fugaku became a little sluggish, and there was a faint phantom pain in his chest and arms, which came from the violent life absorption of Wood Release, which made him a little scared.

"There are still 6 three magatama reserves, and 6 more chances..."

Orochimaru held the file in his hand, trying to find the one with the highest success rate among the remaining 9 options.

"No! We also need to consider individual differences. We have to keep 3 to protect the three Mangekyō of the Undead Team..."

Hidden looked at Orochimaru, who had not slept for a long time, and reminded him reluctantly.

"Yes... there are only 3 chances..."

The chance suddenly changed from 9 to 6 to 9 to 3, and Orochimaru's forehead began to sweat.

Orochimaru pointed to the operating table, and Fugaku walked up numbly.

Seeing this, Hidden shook his head silently and walked out of this isolation room exclusively for Orochimaru.

Pulling open the transparent door, Hidden walked on the smooth floor of the laboratory, and greeted many tired researchers along the way.

"How are the single blood-stain recipients of Kiyomaru's Explosion and Melt Release?"

Back in his research area, Hidden entered the working state at once.

"Sir, the volunteers are all stable, and the number of applicants has been increasing. Danzo-sama is already urging them." A subordinate replied.

"Okay! Send the first batch of volunteers to the southwest battlefield, and let Sand Village have a taste of the saltiness first."

"Who is the current commander of the western front?"

Hiroko has been the second-in-command of the laboratory for a long time. The current Konoha Village has special respect for researchers and gives them whatever they want.

Hiroko is no longer the unsuccessful jonin who hated his poor physical talent. He is very good at giving orders!

"Sir, it's the head of the Moonlight family, Moonlight Yuma!"

Hearing the answer from his subordinates, Hiroko pondered for a moment. Are they members of the Undead Corps...

They should be able to be ruthless...

"Apply for the intervention of the Root!"

"Bring a base number of 'Tobirama No. 1'!"

Hiroko pulled out a piece of paper, wrote the parameters of 'Tobirama No. 1' on it, folded it and handed it to his subordinate wearing goggles and a white coat.

"Let the Root send No. 1 and this information to the Western Command!"


Standing with his hands behind his back, watching his subordinates rush out of the compartment, Beiluhu turned around and looked at the volunteers who were isolated by transparent glass and vaccinated with Explosion and Lava Release.

He chuckled.

I don't know if he was laughing at Sand Village's overestimation of his abilities, or at his past self...


Uchiha Setsuna, the elder of the Uchiha Hawk Faction, no!

There should be no Hawk Faction in the Uchiha now...

Walking in the deserted Uchiha clan land, Setsuna thought silently in his heart.

Ever since the head of the Fugaku clan became the elder of Konoha, the Uchiha

The doves turned their offensive and began to want to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make achievements, which was more radical than the hawks!

It should be impossible for Fugaku to become Hokage in this generation. Uchiha also respected Danzo very much and dared not act rashly, even though they currently had four pairs of Mangekyō.

The doves were rushing for the future. After all, Uchiha already had upper-level channels and was only one step away from becoming Hokage!

Setsuna shook his head when he thought of this. He didn't expect that the soft-hearted clan leader who he used to look down upon would lead Uchiha out of the quagmire.

Originally, he thought that the guard department that highlighted the prestige of Uchiha was indeed a conspiracy of the evil Senju Tobirama.

After Uchiha let go, the composition and structure of the guard department became complicated. There were people from various ninja clans, civilian ninjas, and even ordinary people. Uchiha only retained a small team.

Now the reputation of Uchiha in the village has begun to improve. Villagers no longer have to shun evil like snakes and scorpions, and they are even the hot cakes in the team market.

This made Setsuna very satisfied. Seeing Uchiha achieve such a level in Konoha, it was worth his life.

Having survived from the Warring States Period to the present, Setsuna has experienced more than just separation and death. Once upon a time, he had also suffered many things that were enough to make people collapse.

The three magatama rotated desperately many times, almost connected in a line, and turned into a new pattern, but that was all.

Setsuna knew clearly and painfully that his talent was not enough for him to open the Mangekyo...

After recognizing the plight of Uchiha, Setsuna hated his weak self for countless nights!

It was as if the geniuses of Uchiha generations surrounded him, Tajima, Madara, Izuna, Kagami... kept yelling and asking him.

Why was he lucky enough to survive? From the Warring States Period to the present, why was it that he, a mediocre Uchiha, survived all the way! ?


Setsuna looked at the Uchiha children playing with the civilian children on the street. They were not Uchiha members, but the merchants opened their shops in the Uchiha land.

Looking at the people wearing the Uchiha emblem, they were still being pulled by the employees to solicit customers. The boss did not treat them differently...

Setsuna smiled with relief, and his smile broke his rigid "cold face". If the Uchiha people saw it, they might suspect that he was under an illusion.

He quickened his pace. Today, the Hokage specially summoned him, and he could not neglect it. He, Setsuna, was the first person who agreed to follow Danzo!

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