The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

The Different Ninja World


Under the horrified gaze of the two Chuunin ‘gate gods’ of Konoha Village, Minato and his party suddenly appeared outside the gate.

“Lord Minato?”

The bearded Chuunin said in disbelief.

“There are wounded! Konoha Hospital!”

Minato looked anxiously at Obito, whose bandages were dyed red with blood in his arms, and hurriedly explained his next itinerary, then hugged Obito and turned into a yellow light and disappeared.

Kakashi and Lin ignored the obstruction of the two Chuunin guarding the gate, rushed directly into the gate, jumped onto the roof, and rushed to the hospital.

The two Sarutobi Chunins swallowed their saliva and looked at the tall Sandai Kaminari and Ohnoki floating in the air.

Is this true?

We... one each?

Sandai Kaminari and Ohnoki looked at each other.

"Go inform your Hokage!" Ohnoki said lightly.

They did not plan to go into the village, but asked the gatekeeper to go in and inform Sarutobi. After all, they were Kage, even if they came to negotiate.

Sarutobi, who was weak, would definitely come to greet them, so he could get some initiative!


Ignoring the two Kages from other villages who returned to the village together, Kakashi ran wildly on the roof, leaving Lin far behind.

Even though his body was exhausted...


'Don't die! ’


Kakashi jumped down from the house in the hot spring street and came to the square of the hospital. He kept walking. Thanks to the Sharingan that could not be closed, Kakashi was like a flexible loach, constantly changing his body shape and squeezing through the "gap".

Avoiding the crowded crowd, ducking to avoid the nurse's obstruction, and rushed into the hospital gate.

'No, I don't know which floor it is! '

Kakashi braked and turned to rush to the nurse who wanted to stop him just now.

"Excuse me!"


Kakashi took heavy steps and stepped onto the stairs of the fifth floor.

Turning the corner, Kakashi saw their Minato teacher sitting quietly outside the operating room.

On the gate, the red "In Surgery" dyed Kakashi's originally black pupils red.


Minato heard Kakashi's voice, got out of his distracted state, and gave Kakashi a reluctant smile.

Pulling Kakashi to sit on the bench next to him, he stroked his hair and tried to make his tone gentle.

"Kakashi, it's okay..."

"Obito will definitely survive."

Kakashi sat on the bench, his head down, his mood suddenly became low, the scar on his face that pierced his left eye was faintly painful, and his pretty face was covered by the shadow.


Lin came late, leaning against the wall at the corner, gasping for breath.

Hearing Lin's voice, Kakashi got up from the bench, walked along the corridor, and headed for the stairs.

"I'll go find Elder Danzo..."

Kakashi said in a low voice.

He didn't know how to face Nohara Lin, the person Obito liked and the teammate he almost gave up.


Lin looked at Kakashi's leaving figure and muttered unconsciously.

Walking out of the hospital full of disinfectant, Kakashi realized that he didn't bring a mask. He took out a black spare mask and covered his tear-stained cheeks.

Looking at the not-so-scorching sun, Kakashi couldn't feel the warmth, only the coldness.

Father... Obito... Rin...

And, the uncle from another world...


Putting away the ripples in his heart, Kakashi jumped onto the roof, found the right direction, and jumped towards the Shimura clan land in his memory.

Elder Danzo's whereabouts were erratic, and Kakashi had never seen him in the Hokage Building, except for major meetings.

So, just go find his residence!

Running on the roof, constantly jumping forward, attracting some villagers to stick their heads out, looking at curiously and enviously.

Arriving outside the Shimura clan land, Kakashi was forced to stop on the roof, looking at the dilapidated Shimura clan land with shock in his eyes.

The exterior walls are mottled, and the bright paint in my memory has peeled off, revealing the gray bricks and stones underneath. The cracks on the walls are like wrinkles on an old man's face, recording the traces of time.

The tiles on the continuous roofs are broken, and in some places even the wooden beams are exposed, which are full of "fragility" and "weakness" that cannot withstand wind and rain. Some tiles have slipped and piled up under the eaves, forming a pile of messy rubble.

The glass on most of the windows of the houses has long disappeared

, leaving only empty window frames, like empty eyes, staring at Kakashi standing high up.

Kakashi only felt that there was a wall between them, but it showed two different worlds...

The Shimura clan and the Sarutobi clan were the first big clans to surrender to Konoha. Even the ninja god Senju Hashirama was surprised when he learned of their surrender...

Kakashi recalled the description in the book, and walked into the Shimura clan land that was incompatible with Konoha with his legs aching.


This was Kakashi's biggest feeling when he came to the clan land.

Walking to the mansion with the word Danzo written on the doorplate, Kakashi stopped. Although the house of Elder Danzo was old, it was not broken. It should be inhabited by someone, right?

With doubts, Kakashi knocked on the door.


After a light knock, the door made a decaying sound and slowly opened.

Kakashi was a little surprised, but he still pushed open the house that belonged to the elders of Konoha with a little force.

The friction sound of the rusty door hinges and the creaking sound of the wooden door came from this door that used to be shiny on the surface but was full of traces of insects inside.

Stepping over the threshold and walking into the small courtyard, there was nothing...

Arriving at the entrance, the door was half-closed, the room was dim, and the sunlight shone through the glass, casting mottled light and shadows.

The floor was covered with a thick layer of dust, leaving deep footprints when stepped on. The furniture was shabby and full of miscellaneous items. In the corners, spider webs were everywhere, flashing silver light in the dim light.

Kakashi gave up the idea of ​​entering the house, closed the door, and walked out of the Danzo mansion along the small courtyard.

When did the Shimura clan become like this?

No wonder I have never heard from the Shimura family...

Where should I go to find Elder Danzo?

Go to find Lord Hokage?

Kakashi shook his head. From Takahashi Isamu's words, his father's death was directly related to the Third Hokage...

Kakashi himself did not realize that his trust in Takahashi Isamu was stronger than that of the Hokage to whom he had been loyal for many years.

They had only met once...

Maybe it was the familiar tone of his father's voice...

Kakashi walked along the dilapidated houses on the roadside towards the gate of the clan.

A black shadow poked its head out from the corner of the clan, staring at Kakashi's figure with emotionless eyes.

After leaving a shadow clone behind, the black shadow ran in another direction with ease.

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