The fire was still burning, and the fire was still burning.

Takahashi Yong and many Kaguya tribe members stayed in the Land of Fire. As for why they didn't rush to Konoha Village overnight, they were waiting for Brother Danzo to meet them.

Wushi diligently directed the tribe members to pick up firewood and light the fire.

If you want to keep warm, everyone here is a "superman". The temperature drop at night is just a matter of sprinkling water;

If you want to repel mosquitoes, the smell of this group of people is so strong that even bears will run away. What kind of "bloodthirsty insects" dare to approach?

In Takahashi Yong's opinion, these rascals just wanted to light a fire and expose their position so that they could have some fun in the long night...

But it's okay, at least it points the direction to Danzo, that is, to control these rascals;

Don't 'start a fire on the mountain, the director will fall in love with me'...

While Takahashi Yong was waiting for Danzo, Danzo also rushed in this direction with all the roots that could be mobilized.

Because Kakashi said that Takahashi Yong had at least 50 members of the Kaguya clan of the Corpse Vein around him, if he hadn't had the power, Danzo would even want to draw the Anbu to go with him.

"Danzo-sama, there is smoke ahead!"

"And there are a lot of chakra fluctuations, and the murderous aura is different from that of ordinary people. My insects dare not go over."

Aburame Ryoma behind him said very quickly.

Danzo, who led the way, raised his arm, and the whole team stopped directly. Several figures rushed to the treetops and used their own perception methods.

Danzo stood on a branch, looking at the smoke from the cooking fire that stood out in the distance under the setting sun.

"You are so confident! You are so arrogant!"

With his bandaged right hand weakly supporting the tree trunk, Danzo sighed softly.

"Divide and surround them, wait for my order!"

"Yes!" Many shadows scattered and disappeared.

"Ryoma, let's go."

Danzo jumped down from the tree, checked his equipment, and said to Ryoma, the Aburame, behind him.

Ryoma walked calmly behind Danzo, but the bugs on his body were not calm. The closer he got to the fire, the more bugs flew away...


There was a sound of movement in the bushes ahead, and Danzo stopped cautiously.

"Ha~ There's a living person!"

A man with two red dots on his forehead and a crazy face poked his head out of the bushes and looked at Danzo and the others with surprise.

"Unlucky guy! Die..."

Danzo watched the man pull out the bone dagger from his body and was about to rush towards him, but was pushed back by another hand.

Wu Ren frowned and looked at Danzo, then suddenly frowned and asked in a tentative tone:

"Shimura... Danzo?"

Danzo restrained the urge to shake him out, stared at Wu Ren with a cold face.

"What? Big brother!"

The Kaguya tribe member who was pushed back, with green leaves stuck in his hair, looked at the dagger in his hand with shock.


Takahashi Yong saw Wu Ren leading a dejected tribe member towards him, and suddenly felt a little throbbing in his heart.

Standing up from the ground, he saw the two people behind Wu Ren at once.

An inexplicable emotion suddenly appeared in Takahashi Yong's heart.

He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Danzo, who was still confused by Takahashi Yong's momentum and size.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Seeing that Danzo was "controlled", many roots rushed out from the surroundings and surrounded them. Seeing this, the Kaguya brothers did not put up a posture, and all looked at the scene of the brothers meeting in the center with emotion.

"Brother Danzo, you... you have lost weight..."

Thousands of words gathered into one sentence, and Takahashi Yong hugged Danzo tightly to his chest.

Not a brother! Can you use less force? Can't you see that our Danzo is about to be deformed?

"A world without brothers has made you suffer!"

Takahashi Yong looked at the bandages tied around Danzo's forehead and eyes, and even though he knew that he was not the familiar Danzo, he couldn't help himself.

"Come and sit!"

"Brothers of the roots, stop putting up a posture, and go to rest."

Takahashi Yong carried Danzo, whose face was flushed, and put him on the stone next to the fire, and sat down next to him.

"What are you doing? Although we are not in the same world or the same person, our spiritual core is the same!"

"Call someone!"

Takahashi Yong pointed at the Kaguya Mangko who were watching the fun and cursed.

"Big brother!"

The voices of more than fifty Mangko were deafening!

The birds lurking in the entire forest were frightened and flew away with their wings flapping.

Good, good, good~ Danzo looked at the Mangko with satisfaction, almost clapping.


Almost got distracted by this small combo!


Even without his own orders, he maintained an attacking posture!


"What evidence do you have to prove that you are from another world?"

"Or are you my brother?"

"If you don't have evidence, then die under the sword of the Root!"

In fact, the moment the name 'Shimura Masato' came out, Danzo had already had a little trust foundation.

Otherwise, he would have ordered a fight long ago!

Suspicious, he now needs more evidence, no, after so many years, Danzo may not be able to trust anyone...

Takahashi Yong twitched his mouth when he heard this. With these 'crooked' Roots now, you want to fight with my Kaguya Battalion?

It's better not to die, brother...


"Masato doesn't count as evidence?"

"The first person in the Root! As far as I know, brother Danzo, you destroyed Masato's file. Sarutobi, that bastard, doesn't even know there is such a person!"

"This can't count as evidence?"

Takahashi Yong touched his hair, recalling the interesting things he told Danzo when he was drinking with him.

It must be before the start of World War II, otherwise there should be deviations.


Takahashi Yong clapped his palms fiercely, causing Danzo to tremble and almost ordered to open.

"Brother Danzo~"

Takahashi Yong put his arm around Danzo's shoulders and closed the distance between him and him.

Put his mouth close to Danzo's ear and whispered:

"The 'X'-shaped scar that allowed you to pretend to be in front of Sarutobi and Koharu when you were young was not caused by a desperate fight with the enemy!"

A drop of sweat suddenly appeared on Danzo's forehead.

"Rather, when you were practicing wind escape alone with Tobirama Senju on your back, you accidentally..."

Danzo suddenly reached out to cover Takahashi Yong's mouth.

"Good brother!"

"What's your name?"

Takahashi Yong felt a little funny about Danzo's change of expression, but he didn't know the weight of this matter in Danzo's heart.

This matter is known to heaven and earth and Danzo!

He never mentioned it in his life. When he was young, he pointed to his scar more than once, saying that it was the glory of a man, the thrilling trace left by fighting with the strong!

If anyone else knew, it must be another me!

"Me? Takahashi Yong!"

"Brother Takahashi, tell me what happened in your world."

Hearing this familiar "brother Takahashi", Takahashi Yong even wanted to stay for a while longer, so that brother Danzo could be great again...

"Root, disperse!"

"Fix it on the spot!"

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