The old man was very happy.

"Deputy clan leader, have you found it?"

The clan member who was driving Takahashi Yong behind him asked impatiently.

"Why are you in such a hurry? The Water Country in the other world is not the same as our Water Country."

The warrior 'shaked his head' and kept 'scouting' around.

"What's the difference?"

The clan member looked at the same wet trees, the same vines, mosses, and the slippery epiphytes on the trees, and couldn't help complaining.

"What should we do if the big brother wakes up and finds that there is no fight?"

The clan member holding Takahashi Yong's head asked cautiously.

"He won't hit us, will he?"

The tribesman who supported Takahashi Yong's solid back with both hands also echoed.


"That's really exciting!"


Damn it! Why are my tribesmen still so stupid!

The warrior who led the way pushed aside the lush bushes in front of him and complained silently in his heart.

But... it seems to be quite exciting! Hehe~

The warrior shook his head and threw this perverted idea aside. Suddenly, he saw a figure carrying a backpack.

"Wait! Old man! Stop!"

The strong-willed deputy chief Kaguya finally chose to ask for directions.

The villagers, who had been malnourished for a long time and had blurred vision, were diligently picking edible wild vegetables in the dense forest.

He only heard an impolite shout, and when he looked up, he found that he had been surrounded by dozens of big men.

"Everyone... all ninjas..."

"Spare my life!"

Thousands of words converged into a plea for mercy that was full of true feelings, fear, and fear of death.

His legs softened and he fell to the ground. The villager only hated his bad luck. He was stopped by a ninja in the Land of Water. Needless to say, the consequences.

He only hated that he didn't go to the widow at the entrance of the village to say hello before leaving. Thinking back to the big mushroom he had just picked up in the woods,

He was extremely regretful. Why was he greedy? Why did he enter this dangerous area?

"Who wants to kill you?"

"Get up, we are just asking for directions."

The warrior looked at the yellow-faced and skinny villagers, and he felt sorry for them.


The villagers looked around and saw the red dots on their foreheads.

It's over!

It's the infamous bone demon!

This is not their territory, why are they here?

Not only do they want to kill them, but they also want me to lead the way back to the village without any grass growing!

Recalling the lovely children in the village, the villagers who helped each other, and the sexy widow!

The old man clenched his fists, ruthlessly, and stomped his feet!

"I'll take you!!"


"You know what's good for you!" The warrior patted the villager on the shoulder, very pleased.

"Go ahead, do you still want your backpack?"


Everyone followed the villager and walked slowly in the dense forest.

The tribesman who was holding Gaoqiao Yong's head had a doubt in his heart.

Did the deputy chief say where to go?

Forget it, the deputy chief should be smarter than me, and he will scold me for being stupid if I remind him later...

The villager used the bone knife given to him by the warrior to shakily cut the bushes in front of him, and took difficult steps forward.

His eyes were full of desire for life, and a trace of bravery.

"Why are you so thin? The children in our tribe are stronger than you."

Wu Ren looked at the panting villagers, frowned, and asked with an unknown mentality.

"Sir, we used to be able to go to the sea to fish, barely enough to fill the stomachs of the family."

"But it has been impossible in recent years..."

The villagers looked at Wu Ren cautiously, and when he saw him signal to continue, they spoke hesitantly:

"Those ninjas with forehead protectors did not allow us to get close to the sea."

"The boat was also destroyed. People who went to the beach to pick up something would be ruthlessly killed..."

Wu Ren was silent after hearing this. He had never felt how hard these ordinary people lived before.

Because he had never been out of the Land of Water, but after following Takahashi Yong on this trip, he found that even in the Land of Wind, where the environment was the most uncomfortable for him, the civilians did not live so hard.

But he couldn't figure out what was going on, only that he had a strange feeling in his heart...

"Let's go, if you're tired, just walk slowly."

Wu Ren said, and he had already decided that when he got there, he would ask his elder brother to kill all the ninjas guarding the coastline.

The villagers nodded, and were not shaken by Wu Ren's actions.

Just kidding, the famous bone monster might have eaten more people than he had ever seen!

Since I was asked to bring

If there is no way, then take you bone demons to the territory of the frost demons!

Sacrifice me to save the small village.

I am so great!

The team traveled through mountains and rivers, and even some roads required warriors to lead the villagers.

Takahashi Yong subconsciously clicked his head and muttered vague words.

"Deputy clan leader, big brother is about to wake up!"

"Impossible! According to big brother's habit, he will never wake up if he doesn't sleep for 8 hours!"

"Are you too crazy?"

The warrior picked up the villager who was leading the way in front of him and asked impatiently.

"How long will it take?"

"Soon, very soon." The villagers had not been to the forbidden area passed down by word of mouth among the civilians, but only knew a direction.

"Point it out!"

The villagers raised their hands and pointed in a direction in the warrior's somewhat anxious tone.

"Very good, you can go!"

The warrior took out a small amount of food he found from the tribesmen and stuffed it into the villager's arms. In his unbelievable eyes, he led the team to run in the direction he pointed.


The villager looked at the food in his arms and suddenly felt guilty. Could it be that the rumors were all lies?

"Wait! Wait!"

The villager felt guilty and wanted to make amends, but when he was stunned, the Kaguya barbarians had already left him with an unreachable back.

The villager gritted his teeth, stuffed some food in his mouth, put the rest of the food close to his body, and chased in the direction they were running.

The warrior distanced himself from the tribesmen, opened fire at full speed, and kept jumping forward on the slippery trees.

While running, the warrior's nose twitched twice, and a breath that seemed more "cool and refreshing" than the humid jungle and the wet ocean rushed into his nasal cavity.

The temperature was also dropping slightly, causing Wu Ren to involuntarily feel a bone spur protruding from his palm.

This feeling...

This breath...

That's right, it's the good neighbors of the Kaguya clan who love and hate each other!

The Ice Water Wu Yue who was persecuted by the Hidden Mist Village together with Kaguya!

Wu Ren stood still on the thick branch.

The clan members behind him also stopped.


"Hurry up and call up the eldest brother to eat popsicles!"

The bone spurs with light red murderous aura protruded from all parts of his body excitedly, and Kaguya Wu Ren had a crazy smile on his face.

He knew that as long as the battle started, the Kaguya clan in this world would definitely come to join in the fun!

Isn't this the way to go!

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