The sharp claws slashed through the bodies of these warriors without any hindrance, like a sharp blade slashing through the water.

The splashing ‘splash’ dyed Takahashi Yong’s body, which had been washed clean by the water, red again.

Takahashi Yong was extremely fast, and every time he stepped on the ground, he would step out a big hole in the ground!

The sound of breaking through the air and roaring, constantly approaching the water escape troops as bait, made their psychological pressure rise, and some of them even panicked and deviated from the original route.


Takahashi Yong grabbed a Wuyin’s head with his palm, and the five dark red claws seemed to have practiced the Nine Yin White Bone Claws. Without the slightest setback, they stabbed into his top of the head together.

With a fierce swing of his left hand, a dark red ‘silk’ suddenly drew a beautiful arc like a whip, cutting off the legs of the ninjas who were desperately retreating in front of him one by one!


“Uh ah!”

Some ninjas whose thighs were cut off by the murderous aura had blood in their arteries like fountains, ‘watering’ their companions who were lying on the ground and wailing.

Takahashi Yong was like a ruthless killing machine, turning into a spiked murderous aura to harvest their lives one by one.

The surrounding environment has turned into a dense forest, and your mission has been accomplished.


Let me see what you have prepared!

Shaking the blood off his claws, Takahashi Yong looked at the two people in the open space in front of him.

One was wearing a white kimono, with a bare chest, and a sticky white hairless tail behind him.

The other covered his mouth with a green scarf, and three gray tails with spikes were shaking behind him.

Their identities were obvious, they were the two Jinchūriki of the Hidden Mist Village.

"What? Use chakra as you please!?"

"Hate his aura?"

The Six-Tails Jinchūriki said in surprise, and looked at the Three-Tails Jinchūriki in surprise.

"Isobu said the same thing..."

The two looked at Takahashi Yong, whose body was covered with the blood of fellow villagers, and whose red tailed beast chakra coat slowly spread all over his body!

Takahashi Yong smiled lightly, narrowed his eyes, and passed by the two Jinchūriki who had turned into half-tailed beasts, and caught the Yuanshi and his group standing in the distance, observing the movements here.


"Now I know why the most important thing in the ninja world is information."

"Letting a Jinchūriki stand in front of me is almost equivalent to giving up my life!"

Accompanied by Takahashi Yong's low laugh, the two black and red 'monsters' looked at each other, they wanted to say something shameless, but in the half-tailed beast form, their vocal cords had long been corroded by the manic tailed beast chakra.



The two Jinchūriki covered with chakra coats roared like wild beasts at Takahashi Yong!

The sound waves made the surrounding plants fall down, and a layer of soil with a rotten smell was blown up, sweeping towards Takahashi Yong!

The two 'monsters' also burst out at a very fast speed, constantly changing their positions, cross-locking Takahashi Yong, and rushing towards him!

Takahashi Yong's exposed upper body suddenly shook!

The 'thick' murderous aura quickly penetrated from every part of his body.

Snap! Snap!

Takahashi Yong used his inhuman reaction speed to catch the claws of the two Jinchūriki in one hand!

"Thief hahaha~~"

Takahashi Yong's pupils were filled with murderous aura, which was so thick that it could be called a 'gas' and was divided into two thin streams like needles.

It began to drill into the foreheads of the two Jinchūriki!


They already felt something was wrong and began to struggle hard!

But no matter how hard they struggled, they could not break free of Takahashi Yong's hands that were like hydraulic clamps!

The murderous aura penetrated their brains and began to invade their souls. It also flowed through their bodies, and a part of it invaded their abdomens where the tailed beasts were sealed!

When the will of the Jinchūriki was filled with negative emotions!

When the tailed beast's already violent consciousness was teased by the murderous aura!

The tailed beast was released! The death of the Jinchūriki! Inevitable!

The claws that Takahashi Yong grabbed with both hands kept getting bigger!

It had begun to leave the scope of humans.

The highly corrosive mucus of the six-tailed beast began to seep out, and the three-tailed Jinchūriki also spit out a ball of gas with a rotten smell, but they all broke under Takahashi Yong's hard body!

The two began to lose consciousness, and the tails waving wildly behind them began to hit the ground violently!

Takahashi Yong spread his hands and jumped back a few times to distance himself


Looking at the two people struggling and twisting on the ground, Takahashi Yong knew that even if he was sent back to the original world now, Kirigakure would be seriously injured!

To seal the two runaway tailed beasts at the same time, I don’t know how many elites would be needed!


Takahashi Yong stomped his illusory feet. He wanted to help this world’s Danzo eliminate the trouble!



A white slug with six tails and a blind turtle with three tails covered with thorns all over its body roared to the sky with red eyes!

The huge sound wave collapsed the dense forest around!

The Yuanshi and his party in the distance were also shocked and could not stand!

The six-tailed and three-tailed were obviously in an unconscious runaway state. Since they had become complete, the two who were not perfect Jinchūriki would naturally die!

The heads of the two monsters were still shrouded in Takahashi Yong's iconic dark red murderous aura, which kept going in and out of their heads and invading their consciousness.

Takahashi Yong gathered his murderous aura behind him, stretched out his arms, and attracted the attention of the two tailed beasts!

The two tailed beasts were attracted by the murderous aura, and they opened their mouths wide. Blue and black substances condensed in front of their mouths, and slowly formed a ball as the chakra continued to compress!

Tailed beast jade!

The master's legs softened and fell to the ground. Behind Takahashi Yong was their village!

Takahashi Yong's mind moved, and two dark red murderous auras quickly materialized, turning into two huge spikes at lightning speed!

The tailed beast jade pierced directly from the ground under the feet of the two tailed beasts to their mouths!

The village had to be left to Brother Danzo, Takahashi Yong just wanted to speed up the battle!

The unconscious tailed beasts were Takahashi Yong's toys!

Boom——! !

A huge mushroom cloud marked the complete release of the power of the tailed beasts!

It expanded in the air, blocking the sun and casting a huge shadow!

The surviving ninjas in the Hidden Mist Village all stared at this scene in a daze, and were then blown away by the fierce air wave!


Two miserable howls came from the smoke and dust of the explosion. Takahashi Yongya took the external impact and leaned forward to barely keep his pants, which just turned into shorts.

Yuanshi watched this scene with bloodshot eyes from a distance, and Qing's shouting next to him indicated to him the strength of the enemy.

God wants to destroy our Hidden Mist Village! ?

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