The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Hinata Sheng opened his eyes and looked at the direction of Sand Village with a focused look.

The yellow sand around him slapped his face. There was no obstruction around him. As a member of the front-line reconnaissance team.

He seemed particularly arrogant.

"How is it?"

The teammate who was hiding in the sand pit behind him to avoid the wind and sand asked without interest.

Hinata Sheng shook his head slowly after hearing this.

"Same as always, no movement."

"Are they ready to die?"

Hinata Sheng retracted his eyes, jumped down the sand pit two or three times, shook off the sand that had poured into his clothes, and continued.

"Captain, do you have a feeling?"

"The poisonous fog outside their village seems to be getting thicker and thicker..."

"It's hard for me to break through it even with my Byakugan."

The captain of the reconnaissance team heard Hinata Sheng's complaints, and he didn't stick his head out, but just lay down in the soft sand.

He didn't answer his question, but instead said something bad:


"Is this really a war?"

"It's boring."

"Is it bad?" Hinata Sheng also lay down beside him, relaxing his body and enjoying the 'local customs' that he couldn't feel in Konoha.

"It's not bad..."

"It's just that I feel like we are useless, junior!"

"The fog in the Wind Country is almost gone, and only the fog outside their house is left."

"It seems that they can't solve it either. We didn't even have a direct confrontation this time."

"War subsidy, I feel ashamed to take it..."

The captain turned his head to look at Hinata Sheng who closed his eyes, mainly looking at the somewhat scary 'bird in a cage' curse mark on his forehead.


He smacked his lips to moisten his dry lips.

The captain's thoughts drifted to the Second Ninja World War. He once had another teammate from the Hyuga branch, but he did not die on the battlefield, but died at home.

Konoha's shitty things are getting less and less, why not let Danzo take the stage earlier.

In his own puppet manufacturing room, Scorpion's ten fingers flew, and some of his specially made wooden parts were connected by the chakra lines in his hands, suspended in the air, and from time to time, parts flew down from his head.

Wiping the blood that accidentally splashed on his face, Scorpion has been a little happy recently.

When his human puppet technique reached a bottleneck, Scorpion went to tie up an ordinary person who was lying on the street and was about to die.

After a series of inhumane experiments and transformations on him, this ordinary person did not resist or become hysterical as expected after waking up, but bowed down to him.

Although Scorpion did not understand that he could continuously provide him with "materials", he was very happy!

Remind this ordinary person to come here every three days to replenish the chakra of the puppet parts, and then let him go.

Although this ‘first generation machine’ has never come back, more and more experimental materials have come to the door, and Scorpion will certainly not refuse them all!

His puppet transformation technology has become more and more advanced, and his movements have become more and more skillful. What makes him regretful is that ‘Unit-01’ has never come back.

He asked these civilians who were introduced, and they said that they don’t need to trouble the benefactor, they can go to the machine at the edge of the village to replenish chakra.

Scorpion knew that there was his grandmother’s previous work, the wind escape manufacturing machine, but it has never been able to solve the problem of chakra leakage.

This is also good, so he doesn’t have to waste his chakra to maintain these experimental products, but Scorpion really wants to thank the ‘first generation machine’ and wants to help him upgrade the parts and so on...

But today...

Scorpion stared at the Kazekage who opened the door and carried the ‘Unit-01’ with a pair of emotionless eyes.

Scorpion hooked his thumb, and a flat puppet wood board was buckled into the stomach of the civilian lying in front of him.

With a flick of his index finger, Scorpion injected a small amount of chakra and activated the newly-made "work" in front of him.

The five chakra lines in his other hand quietly connected to the combat puppet in the corner of the room.

Chiyo looked at her grandson with complicated eyes.

He was so skilled, so calm.

So kind...


Chiyo sighed silently in her heart.

Her grandson must be unable to bear the suffering of the world, and for the sake of these civilians who were about to starve to death, he had to go to sea... No, he had to plunge into this forbidden road.

What a good grandson!

He sacrificed too much for Sand Village!

The Third Kazekage saw the bloody internal organs in front of Scorpion, and his eyes twitched.

If he remembered correctly, Chiyo's grandson had just turned 9 years old.

Is this really okay?

"Explain it!"


A senior official said in a tough tone.

Chiyo frowned, somewhat dissatisfied.

Scorpion glanced at them indifferently, and his hand hidden behind his back suddenly shrank. Under his control, the puppet in the corner slowly and secretly raised several long swords.

If it weren't for these politicians who asked the puppet troops to face Takahashi Yong, his parents wouldn't have died!

"There's nothing to say to you dirty politicians!"

Scorpion's tone was cold, but his young voice made these senior officials feel the bloody murderous aura.


When the Third Kazekage heard Scorpion's words of not fearing power, four big words appeared in his heart:

The posture of the Kazekage!

Caring for the people and not fearing power, what else is this if not the embryo of the Kazekage?

Ye Cang behind him suddenly felt a resonance, and stared at the young Scorpion with narrow eyes.

This is the future of Sand Village!

Although you are still a child, I Ye Cang recognize you!

Did you see it? Luo Sha!

Chiyo only had one feeling when he heard it, he is worthy of being my grandson!

The third generation of Kazekage waved his hand and blasted away several high-level people who he disliked with iron sand.

Scorpion widened his eyes and looked at this scene eagerly!

The third generation of Kazekage was very satisfied with Scorpion's "admiring" eyes, walked forward and touched Scorpion's little head.

"You will be my disciple in the future!"

Scorpion looked at this spirited Kazekage in a daze, and what I said just now also includes you.

But it seems that there is no need to do it...

Scorpion spread the chakra line connecting the puppet and looked at his grandmother.

Chiyo looked at his grandson with a face full of relief. He usually had no time to accompany this child who lost his parents.

I thought Scorpion would grow crooked, but now it seems that he looks good!

My genes are still good!

"Can yours be improved?"

"Can you make one that doesn't need chakra?"

"Let civilians stay alive in the sun?"

The Kazekage said 'I'm thinking', which made Scorpion and Chiyo look at the Third Kazekage with a look of idiot.

"Okay, okay..."

"Let's transform civilians on a large scale first. I'll solve the chakra problem!"

The Third Kazekage stroked Scorpion's hair and said.

His mind was on Shukaku, the one-tailed beast.

Chiyo had already made it clear to him that this kind of human body transformation still requires a lot of chakra. Although he doesn't need to eat, if he doesn't have chakra to replenish, he will crash and fall into suspended animation until the remaining internal organs completely stop functioning and die.

Without chakra, he will really become a puppet.

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