A few days later.

Gao Qiaoyong reclaimed wasteland in the unfinished farm. He wore a straw hat, a white vest, gray shorts, bare feet, and a white towel around his neck. Although Gao Qiaoyong might not need it, he felt a little bit short without it.

With one hoe, it seemed to lift up the whole piece of land. The noise caused by the iron hoe resounded throughout the farm.

The children in the orphanage looked at him sideways.

"The director lied to me. How can I be a farmer in the future? I can't grow food. Woo woo woo~." Many children were heartbroken.

Many children in the orphanage dream of farming. For the children in the orphanage, they have not enjoyed the happiness of having enough food for too long.

Pharmacist Nono looked at the crying brothers and sisters around him and was speechless. He quickly explained that Takahashi Yong was an irregular farmer.

Takahashi Yong pretended to wipe the non-existent sweat on his forehead with a white towel.

He supported the hoe standing on the ground with both hands and looked back at the cultivated land he had reclaimed. Hmm~satisfied!

It would be even easier if he could escape from the earth. I really don’t know why ninjas with such high productivity don’t engage in production and fight all day long.

Takahashi Yong can already imagine the scene of a good harvest. Plant a wave of potatoes first. Potatoes will never taste bad no matter how they are cooked.

"Master Takahashi Yong~~"

When Takahashi Yong was sighing, a shout suddenly came from a distance.

Looking closely, it was a red-haired man!

Takahashi Yong suddenly realized something, and hurriedly dropped the hoe and went to meet Mitsuki.

"The old woman went to fight Mito?" Takahashi Yong's eyes sparkled, and his face was full of impatience.

"Yes, I was afraid that Lady Shuiling would suffer. It seems that Tsunade and Kushina are here, so I came to find you quickly." Uzumaki Mitsuki said with difficulty and worry.

Takahashi Yong heard it, and became more excited, and hurriedly urged Mitsuki to lead the way. Takahashi Yong was not in vain to take in the Uzumaki group to see this big show.

Mitsuki was also very worried about Uzumaki Shuiling, and quickly moved towards the Senju clan.

With the speed of a ninja, it took three to five minutes to reach the periphery of the Senju clan. Takahashi Yong had already noticed that several Anbu had rushed out from the surrounding trees, and the direction was the Hokage Building.

Under the leadership of Mitsuki, Takahashi Yong walked to an antique mansion, and there were already voices coming from inside.

"You old woman, can you be a little nicer? Konoha had no other options at that time!" Tsunade's exasperated voice entered Takahashi Yong's ears.

Takahashi Yong almost couldn't help laughing, but he held it back. He was here to support the scene! He had to be more professional.

"Yes, I tried my best to bring back a little girl from the Land of Whirlpools!" Takahashi Yong stepped into the gate of Senju and said loudly.

Uzumaki Mito rubbed her temples when she heard this voice. Takahashi Yong also made her, the emperor of Konoha, feel troubled.

The Nine-Tails in the body also made a move with difficulty.

"Humans, you are so colorful. The negative emotions of the person who came in are the most I have ever seen. Even the madman of Uchiha can't compare to him. I, the Nine-Tails, would like to call him the strongest human in this respect!" The Nine-Tails, who was tied up in Mito's body, said in shock.

A golden chain quickly tied the Nine-Tails' mouth, and the dense and intertwined chains on the Nine-Tails were tightened suddenly.

‘It’s already troublesome enough, don’t add fuel to the fire. Now we should think of ways to prevent Kushina from having a rejection mentality.’ Looking at Uzumaki Kushina being led by Shui Ling, Uzumaki Mito was very troubled. Why didn’t Shui Ling and the others die in the Land of Whirlpools? Mito had a rebellious thought in her mind.

This thought scared her, and she quickly tightened the diamond seal that bound the Nine-Tails. It must be the Nine-Tails’ influence on her! The Nine-Tails, tied up like a dumpling, could only shake. The power of the Tailed Beasts’ Noble Phantasm made it unable to resist, not to mention the diamond seal of Mito, an old woman.

Takahashi Yong walked into the courtyard of the Senju Mansion and saw the silent scene in front of him. Shui Ling held Kushina tightly in her hand. Kushina buried her head and could not see her face clearly.

Uzumaki Mito was lying on a wooden recliner with an embarrassed look on her face, and Tsunade was clenching her fists next to her.

He was looking at Takahashi Yong with an angry face.

"What, did I say something wrong?" Takahashi Yong didn't tolerate Tsunade, and I glared at you.

"Takahashi Yong, you're the one who asked them to embarrass my grandma?" Tsunade raised her hand and pointed at Takahashi Yong, as if she had found an outlet to vent her anger.

"Me? Think about it with your ass.

, you are a woman with a problem in your brain, but if you think it is, then it is, do what you want. "Takahashi Yong crossed his arms, he felt that it was very disappointing to have Tsunade in the middle of this contest.

Isn't it called Shui Ling old woman only in front of Kushina? What's wrong with this Tsunade?

"Enough! Tsunade!" Mito said with her eyes closed while lying on the recliner.

"But, grandma..." Tsunade was still thinking about what to say.

"Okay Tsunade, this is what grandma owes them." Mito's tone suddenly became weak.

"Mito, it's not you who owes it, it's the whole Konoha that owes us!" Uzumaki Shui Ling retorted with a squint.

She stroked Uzumaki Kushina's head and closed her eyes, as if she was thinking about something. When she opened her eyes again, there was only determination in her eyes.

"I used to have the most despicable eyes towards you, Mito! But I still underestimated your meanness. "Uzumaki Mizurei's tone became more intense.

Tsunade's fists were clenched tightly. She knew that Senju did owe Uzumaki, but someone insulted her grandmother in front of her, which still made her furious.

"Ally? This is the biggest joke of Konoha! When Uzumaki helped Konoha fight the war, how many clansmen died, you know best! Mito! Uzumaki was surrounded and trapped in the city, we are all looking forward to Konoha's reinforcements!"

"But, we didn't know that Konoha's reinforcements had already come, but they just watched Uzumaki die! Watching the ally's country destroyed! Just looking for an opportunity, thinking about how to take a little girl away!"

"Little girl! ! Your hearts are really more vicious than the enemies who destroyed the country of Uzumaki!" Uzumaki Mizurei touched Kushina's hair with her wrinkled hands.

"Kushina, you are not young anymore, you are almost 13 years old, you also understand it! Now grandma asks you, do you want your life and your descendants to sacrifice for Konoha? As the vessel of the tailed beast, do you want to sacrifice for this ruthless village! ? "

Uzumaki Mizurei's words not only made Kushina bury her head lower, but also turned into a sharp blade that pierced Mito's heart.

It also made the surrounding Anbu sweat profusely. Is this kind of thing we can listen to? Such a dark thing, is it really done by our Konoha?

Tsunade's heart was also in turmoil. She had never thought that her grandma had this side. Her clenched fists couldn't help but relax. She looked at Mito on the recliner in disbelief, hoping that her grandma could refute it.

Unfortunately, Mito just lay quietly on the chair. On the chair, with eyes closed, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Now the scene has become quiet again, and the silence makes Takahashi Yong uncomfortable. Mito is like a corpse and doesn't say a word, which makes Takahashi Yong feel very boring.

Everyone's eyes are looking at Kushina who is burying her head. Feeling everyone's gaze, her petite body can't stop shaking.

Shui Ling puts her other hand on the hand that was originally holding Kushina, tightly wrapping Kushina's small hand.

"Don't worry, child, if you don't want to, I will not let them do it even if I risk my life."

Not only the people in the yard, but also the Anbu around, as well as the Third Hokage and Orochimaru who just arrived and are outside the wall, are waiting for Kushina's answer.

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