The next day, Takahashi Yong did not stay in bed, and he went out before Uzumaki Mitsuki got up to pack up.

After leaving the door, he went straight to Konoha Hospital, which was just behind the hot spring street and very close to Takahashi Yong's home. The ninjas or ordinary people who came in and out of the hospital along the way all walked around Takahashi Yong.

It seems that Tsunade's remarks yesterday have begun to ferment, and Takahashi Yong does not care, because the third generation has paid the price for Tsunade, and the "strongest Hokage" promoted by Konoha in the original work is no longer feasible. There is only another Kage-level defeated general under Takahashi Yong.

The greening of Konoha Hospital is unique in the current Konoha Village. There are dense flowers everywhere, and tall but not towering trees. It may also be for the mood of the wounded on the front line, so that they can quickly leave the battlefield environment.

Walking into the gate of the hospital, the smell of disinfectant penetrated into Takahashi Yong's nose.

Why is there disinfectant in the ninja world?

Takahashi Yong thought so, and casually stopped a little nurse who was trembling with fear.

"Ew... Lord Takahashi Yong, do you have anything to do?"

The little nurse didn't know whether she was frightened by the rumors or Takahashi Yong's momentum, and she hugged the clipboard with the patient's information tightly to her chest.

"What room is Hyuga Ryuhei in?"

Takahashi Yong didn't care about the little nurse's attitude and asked her.


"Thank you."

Looking at the back of Takahashi Yong going upstairs, the young nurse had an incredible look on her face. She reached out and scratched her ears. She couldn't believe that the evil ghost that the head nurse gossiped about her last night actually said "thank you" to her. Isn't it said that he is cruel by nature and loves to torture others?

Takahashi Yong turned a blind eye to the people who started to avoid him from a distance on the stairs. He was still a little surprised that these remarks spread so quickly, but when he thought that basically all the ninjas in the village were present yesterday, he was relieved. It was a matter of time.

That is, Takahashi Yong didn't pay attention to what was happening outside. The Grass Country had already started to spread that Takahashi Yong loved to eat people. Takahashi Yong's reputation in the Grass Country could stop children from crying at night! It would soon spread to Konoha.

Looking at the man with his back to the stairs and facing the wall, with one calf in plaster and a crutch in his hand, Takahashi Yong was speechless. Is it so exaggerated?

"Ah!" Takahashi Yong screamed at the one-legged man.

"Ah~Ah~Ah." The one-legged man heard Takahashi Yong's "roar" at him, and he didn't even need his crutches. He ran towards the corridor of the floor, and in a hurry, he landed on his injured leg, screaming and crying out in pain.

"Hahaha." Takahashi Yong was amused by this funny scene, but he was distressed when he thought about his reputation and the impact on the business of his neighbors.

"Mr. Takahashi Yong still has such a bad taste." A female doctor wearing glasses said standing on the staircase platform of the upper floor.

While speaking, she also reached out to adjust her own round-frame glasses, and it seemed that she had seen the whole process.

Takahashi Yong, who was caught by others, was a little embarrassed. He scratched his hair and straightened his face.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Zhipin, and I am the attending physician of Hyuga Ryuhei." Zhipin reached out and lifted his glasses again, buckled the splint around his waist.

"I am called the attending physician, but I can't actually help much at the moment." Zhipin said to himself.

Takahashi Yong raised his hand several times on the stairs, wanting to say something.

"We still have to wait until the new eyeball arrives before we can proceed to the next step. Hmm~ We still have to study whether it is suitable." Zhipin supported his chin with his fingers, looking up at the ceiling, completely forgetting Takahashi Yong below.

Takahashi Yong gave up talking to her and walked around her carefully. These doctors were not to be trifled with.

Climbing up to the fifth floor, looking for room 503 in the corridor, through the windows of other room doors, Takahashi Yong also saw other ninjas who were affected yesterday.

Takahashi Yong stopped at the door of room 503, knocked on the door gently, pressed the door handle, and pushed the door open.

Yamanaka Ayano was sitting in front of the ward peeling an apple. Ryuhei on the bed took off the forehead protector he never took off, revealing the green caged bird mark. Three or two IV bottles were dripping medicine slowly beside the bed.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Long Ping subconsciously turned his head to look towards the door, but his eyes were a sickly gray. Gao Qiaoyong clenched his fists.

"It's so early, Captain."

"I'm fine, how is Long Ping?"

"My spiritual world is barely stable, but I'm not conscious yet."

Takahashi Yong pulled a stool over and sat on it.

On the other side of the bed, there were flowers that Ayano brought.

Looking at the stupid look of Hyuga Ryuhei, Takahashi Yong's heart was clenched. Can the ninja world that can't even guarantee the safety of children really be considered civilized?

There was a silence in the ward, with only the sound of Ayano peeling apples and drips. Ayano divided the peeled apples in half and handed them to Takahashi Yong.

"Captain, you asked me to collect the bodies of the sacrificed team members and not bury them. What do you want to do?" Yamanaka Ayano was told by Takahashi Yong since the Kingdom of Wind to try to collect the bodies of the team members.

Most of the team members who died on the battlefield are in Ayano's seal scroll, and each team member's hair and some skin fragments are also collected in case the situation is critical and even the bodies cannot be recovered.

"I won't let the brave souls rest in the ground! Keep them well, don't let their bodies be insulted by some villains."

Takahashi Yong swallowed half of the apple handed by Ayano in one gulp.

"Wait for Longping to wake up, notify me." Gaoqiao Yong stood up and walked out of the ward.

He opened the door of the room and walked in the quiet corridor that belonged to the hospital. Just as he was about to turn the corner and go downstairs, he met an unexpected person.

Tsunade looked haggard and was talking with the doctor Zhipin who had just met on the staircase.

"To see if the eyeball is suitable, it is best to take some human tissue and connect it to the eyeball to see the rejection reaction..."

Tsunade also noticed Takahashi Yong, stopped talking, and looked at Takahashi Yong with a complicated expression.

Hearing that this woman seemed to be very concerned about Longping's eyes, Takahashi Yong also gave up the intention of mocking her, pretended not to see it, and turned his head downstairs. Zhipin next to him seemed to be unable to feel the atmosphere and was still asking Tsunade about the specific matters.

Tsunade used her hand to push away the doctor Zhipin who came up to her, "Let's talk about it when the eyes are in place!"

After saying that, she ignored the somewhat slow doctor behind her and walked straight to the last room on the fifth floor of the hospital.

Without knocking, he opened the wooden door and walked in. This ward was full of incomprehensible instruments, some of which were still flashing. Unlike the imagined situation where all the people were wearing white coats, most of the people in the ward were ninjas, and there were also two middle-aged nurses in nurse uniforms.

This is Kato Dan's ward. After Kato Dan's suicide yesterday, his soul was injured and he has not woken up yet.

The one who put his hand on Kato Dan's head, closed his eyes and frowned was the head of the Yamanaka clan. The people around him who were making seals with one hand and outputting chakra to Kato Dan with the other hand were also members of the Yamanaka clan.

The nurses on both sides also stared at the instrument connected to Kato Dan. When they saw Tsunade coming in, they just nodded and returned to the screen in front of them.

The head of the Yamanaka clan sighed and waved to the surrounding clansmen to stop.

Tsunade couldn't wait to ask: "What's going on! Senior Yamanaka!"

The head of the Yamanaka clan shook his head.

"The soul and spirit are seriously injured. From my perception, Kato Dan's soul is no longer complete."

As a top medical ninja, Tsunade naturally has some research on the spirit. When she heard this, her eyes dimmed a little, but she still asked without giving up.

"Senior, is there any way?"

Chief Yamanaka was also a little hesitant when he heard this. After all, whether it is the secret method of nourishing and strengthening the soul or the secret medicine, it is the foundation of a ninja clan.

And it may not be useful in the face of the loss of soul. Chief Yamanaka finally sighed. Who made her the granddaughter of the first generation? What is the charm of Kato Dan? Let our Princess Tsunade be so concerned.

"Tsunade, our clan specializes in spirit, but there are some secret methods of nourishing the soul that have been passed down..."

"Senior! I, Tsunade, swear in the name of Senju! Never leak it!" Tsunade's dim eyes rekindled the light of hope, and she swore without waiting for Chief Yamanaka to finish.

"Listen to me, the premise is that Kato Dan can wake up, and it may not be useful. After all, this situation has never been encountered in our tribe. Those prisoners who were forcibly searched for memory were not so serious!"

The Yamanaka clan leader must explain it clearly to Tsunade, otherwise the favor of giving the secret method will turn into a hatred of deception. After all, giving hope that does not exist is giving despair.

Tsunade nodded after hearing this. It's good to have hope. If Konoha's most proficient experts in the spiritual field can't do anything, then Kato Dan can only wait to die in the hospital bed.

While Tsunade was talking to the Yamanaka clan leader, Takahashi Yong also returned home under the fearful eyes of the villagers.

He was watching Uzumaki Suirei teaching the three little ones with great interest. Uzumaki Suirei, the old woman, was talking in a confusing way. Takahashi Yong was about to complain, but he saw Mitsuki and others nodding their heads. Maybe the sealing technique is more advanced than the ninjutsu? Takahashi

Yong didn't lose face.

Lying on the sofa, enjoying the sound of others practicing hard, there was a knock on the door.

Mitsuki hurriedly quit her study and opened the door.

Hyuga Hizashi!

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