The two sides of the bridge were separated by a huge hole.

In the aftermath of the explosion filled with high temperature, Takahashi Yong's fist and Sandai Lei's Ipponkuan hand officially came into contact.

Adding a new fire to the exploding Tailed Beast Ball!

The surrounding dust and smoke retracted to the contact point at a very fast speed, and then suddenly erupted outward!


Snap! Sandai Lei tried hard to pull back his twisted index finger, but his entire left palm could no longer use any strength. The black thunder on his body kept eroding his internal tissues, and his flesh had long been broken from the inside.


He felt the warmth on his fingers, and he finally injured Takahashi Yong!

If he could injure Takahashi Yong, he could defeat him! Kill him!

Gao Qiaoyong landed without braking, staggered on the ground for a few times, his eyes were particularly solemn.

Starting from the second knuckle that touched the hand of Ipponguan, a huge wound spread to the elbow, and an open wound was spurting blood outward, which was evaporated by the high temperature of the explosion in the air and merged into the red murderous aura.

The wound surface was waving tiny granulations, and it healed quickly, leaving only a narrow scar, because now the body thinks that repairing scars can only be a waste of physical strength!

The vigilance in my heart has been pulled to the maximum.

How many years have passed?

How many years ago was the last time I bled?

It seems that when I was a child, I was scratched by thorns in the woods on my ankle.

Gao Qiaoyong's eyes were sluggish, a big crack appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he smiled silently.

I thought I would never feel my own blood in this life.

A huge force came from his body, and his brain was extremely active, so active that Gao Qiaoyong no longer wanted to think about other problems, but only wanted to...

Kill everything he could see!

The beast sleeping in the body suddenly awakened!


Takahashi Yong's body seemed to be stressed because of the injury!



The heart beat more violently than Takahashi Yong mobilized his body.

With each beat, Takahashi Yong's body burst out with dark red killing intent.

It quickly deepened the light red killing intent that originally lingered in the deep pit. The vision in the deep pit was shrouded by this dark red killing intent.

Bang~! Bang~!

Takahashi Yong's heartbeat was so loud that the third generation of Lei could hear it, and a primitive and barbaric breath emanated from Takahashi Yong's body.

"It seems that I have created something troublesome..."

The third generation of Lei muttered to himself, because he found that Takahashi Yong's killing intent was not only darker in color, but also more aggressive than before.

The light red murderous aura was like a brush washing his body. Now that it has turned dark red, it is like countless earthworms wanting to drill into his body! And it also carries substances that can slowly wear down Lei Kai.

The third generation Lei silently strengthened the stimulation of the black thunder, and the black lightning was stimulated outward to resist the murderous aura strengthened by Gao Qiaoyong.

Neither side took the eight-tailed beast that was rushing towards them seriously, and their pupils were locked on each other.


Gao Qiaoyong let out a strange cry, like the roar of a beast!

Like a cannonball, a circle of air waves was shaken behind him, and his hands were empty, like an unknown beast!

The dark pupils of the third generation Lei could not see any emotion. He took a bow step, and his intact right hand with black electric light stabbed forward!

Gao Qiaoyong ignored the blow that pierced his chest, and even kicked the ground hard, speeding up his speed, and his right hand became a claw, tearing towards the throat of the third generation Lei!


The fingertips of the third generation of Lei had sunk into Gaoqiao Yong's chest, and hot blood flowed on the palm of the third generation of Lei.

Before the third generation of Lei could be happy, he was blown away. His dark pupils narrowed slightly, and even his consciousness blurred for a moment.

Hiss~ Hiss~

White smoke rose from Gaoqiao Yong's chest, making a sound like tender meat being thrown on a red-hot iron pan. After just a few breaths, the wound on his chest had turned into an old scar.

Gaoqiao Yong became even more crazy and chased the third generation of Lei who was rolling in the air!

The third generation of Lei was firm in his mind, stabilized his "shaking" consciousness, adjusted his posture in the air, found the right time, supported himself with his hands, and quickly did a few backflips, unloading Gaoqiao Yong's huge force.

His eyes were locked on Gaoqiao Yong who was running towards him, and his legs, which had just stood firm, were bulging with veins, and he also sprinted towards Gaoqiao Yong!

The black lightning hit the fist, and the concentration of chakra produced high-temperature electric sparks. The speed of the third generation of lightning increased further. With his right hand raised, like a bull's horn, he rushed towards Takahashi Yong.

Seeing this, Takahashi Yong also quickly changed his moves and made the same posture as the third generation of lightning!

"Thunder Plow Hot Knife!!"

"Flying Shoulder

! ! "

With endless murderous intent on one side and violent thunder on the other, it was like a collision of thunder and fire from the sky and the earth!


The ground of the deep pit was shattered again and again by the force of the two people, and the gravel was lifted high and fell like a rainstorm.

Both sides' arms hit each other's clavicle area, and the shoulders collided!

The third generation Lei only lasted until the gravel fell to the ground, and was severely lifted up by Gaoqiao Yong!

Sorry, [Perseverance]! !

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The third generation Lei worked hard to clean up the uneven geology in the deep pit, and all the protruding stones along the way were shattered by his back!

With a bang, the outer wall of the deep pit was smashed Smashed a big hole!

The eyes of the third generation Lei were a little dazed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. The skin of the entire clavicle area was bloody!

Reaching out to pull back the dislocated jaw, the third generation Lei's heart was shocked. The Lei Kai in the chest area was completely consumed when he collided with Takahashi Yong!

Takahashi Yong's body consumed chakra at a faster speed, which was more than his murderous aura!

And just now, because there was no Lei Kai's protection, the upper side of the chest was not only hit by Takahashi Yong, but also a high concentration of murderous aura entered the body. The mind of the third generation Lei Ying was filled with a violent breath.

Affecting judgment!

The third generation Lei patted his head. bag, forcing himself to think calmly. The black lightning on his body flowed, electrifying the wound on his chest and stabilizing the injury. Holding onto the rock wall, he walked out of the big hole he had knocked out.

‘Can’t make large-scale contact… No matter how strong the attack is, I won’t step back…’

‘It really feels like facing the second generation Raikage when I was a child… Takahashi Yong! ’

Takahashi Yong stood in place, with a black electric mark that could penetrate his entire body, spreading from his right hand where he performed the ‘Flying Shoulder’ to his left foot.

His body continued to repair the wound on Takahashi Yong’s body, and the black electric mark soon fell off, leaving only an old scar that was one-to-one with the lightning mark. .

But Takahashi Yong has already felt hungry, and every cell in his body is protesting to him, they want energy!!

Takahashi Yong was awakened by this feeling of hunger, and when he regained consciousness, he felt the power in his body and the dark red killing intention fluctuations.

So that's it!

How much killing aura can he have in a battle that does not involve getting hurt or bleeding? How much physical potential can he activate?

His body has never fought desperately!

The dark red killing aura is as powerful as an arm! It's like an extension of Takahashi Yong's body!

It even includes the effect of [Energy Break]!

"Hahaha, Third Generation Lei, this is a fight!"

Takahashi Yong controlled the killing aura around his body, forming one crimson fist after another behind him.

War of attrition? My fists are full of [Energy Break]!

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