The silence in the tent was deafening!

Takahashi Yong's red coat seemed to be blown away by the momentum of this group of jonin!

Who wouldn't want to?

Why has Konoha's eastern front always been on the defensive?

It's because the mobility of Kumogakure is too fast, especially the third generation of thunder.

Kumogakure ninjas are good at lightning escape, and they fight and retreat quickly in blitzkrieg!

Every time the whereabouts of Kumogakure are discovered, there will be losses in the camp!

The losses are the lives of Konoha ninjas!

They are the lives of their relatives and friends!

The war is about to end soon, and the soldiers are happy, but they just buried the seeds of hatred deep in their hearts.


A fat Akimichi clan member, with tears in his eyes, was the first to shout out this word that turned grief and anger into strength among a group of jonin.

"My partner! My teammates! All died in the hands of Kumogakure!"

"If Kumogakure surrenders, their sacrifice will not be in vain, I admit it!"

"But, Master Danzo, if revenge is possible..."

"Count me in!!!"

The chubby Akimichi Nobita raised his hand high and gestured to his commander, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and the tears in his eyes finally flowed down.

"You are talking about your mother! Fatty!"

"What do you mean by one?!"

"Fuck him!"

The people in the tent heard Akimichi Nobita's roar, and their eyes were red, like little 'evil ghosts'.

As the battlefield with the highest sacrifice rate and disability rate in Konoha during the Second Ninja World War.

Whose teammates or friends did not sacrifice on this front?

Chaotic discussions or angry scolding filled the entire tent, and Danzo did not stop them, allowing these jonins to explode their emotions.

The voices of all mouths finally gathered into one word in the tent.



Damn, these roars made the gentle man Sakumo's blood boil, and his right hand unconsciously wanted to touch the short knife behind him.

Not to mention Hibashi Isamu! The murderous wave of this reckless man can no longer be suppressed!

As the only three Uchiha members in this camp, the Uchiha trio was stimulated by the fighting spirit of these jonin, and the three magatama in their eyes turned like a windmill!

Only Yamanaka Ayano and Nara Yuma were relatively calm. They squeezed next to Akimichi Nobita and silently patted this round ninja.

They were all the same. The two of them lost the "butterfly", but Nobita lost the "pig" and "deer" that he should have protected.


Danzo waved his hand, and the voice in the tent stopped with his signal.

"Arashi! This time the situation is special, we can't force it! Go count the people who are willing to return to the village!"

"And emphasize to everyone! This time it's voluntary participation! I, Danzo, will not blame anyone, all the soldiers on the eastern front are great! I, Danzo, recognize them!"

Danzo picked up the pencil again, wanting to make a detailed arrangement on the map to reduce Konoha's losses.

Arashi: "Danzo-sama..."


Danzo raised his head and looked at Yamanaka Arashi.

"It seems that there is no need to count anymore..."

Arashi pushed aside the curtain of the tent.

I saw a huge crowd outside, and the ninjas in the camp surrounded the command tent, with revengeful blood on their faces!

Good, good, good! The joy of the end of the war a few days ago was all faked by you, right!

Danzo couldn't help but put down the things in his hands, and walked out of the tent surrounded by the senior ninjas, looking at the crowds outside.


Danzo looked at some disabled people and his face turned black.

"Danzo! Let us die on the battlefield!"

"I can't stand me like this! Danzo, let me fight for Konoha one last time, even if it's to block kunai for my companions!"

The disabled ninjas also saw Danzo's dissatisfaction and shouted impatiently.

Danzo's hands hidden under the wide robe were shaking.

"Didn't I promise you? Go back to the village! I will make you healthy ninjas!"

Rebirth of broken limbs, what an advanced term. Konoha, which is at the forefront of medical ninjas, has only started under Tsunade's leadership.

"Danzo! Let us go!"


The disabled ninjas looked like they would die here if they didn't let him go.

Okay, okay! You dare to threaten Danzo? How many lives do you have?

"You guys!"

"Okay... Go to the logistics!"

"Group..." The disabled ninja wanted to say something, but was

The other ninjas blocked their mouths.

Danzo looked at the other ninjas and said loudly:

"Do you know!? What a serious crime it is to eavesdrop on the headquarters meeting!?"

The ninjas surrounding the tent were crowded, and they were a little agitated when they heard Danzo's words.


"I am very proud of Danzo!"

"My subordinates! They didn't let me down!"

Danzo's turn made them calm down.

"The truth is simple and cruel! We have been losing here for a year!"

"It's me, Danzo, who's sorry for you!"

The ninjas in front of him seemed to want to say something, but Danzo stretched out his hand to stop them. Facing the crowd of thousands, Danzo used chakra to amplify his voice and continued:

"Many of my subordinates, Danzo, can no longer see peace and can no longer reunite with their loved ones!"

"But Konoha will remember them, I, Danzo, will remember them, and the civilians of Konoha will be grateful to them!

"It's us who made Konoha peaceful! It's us who let the enemy know that Konoha is extremely powerful! ”

“Don’t allow bullying! !”

Danzo’s tone became more and more passionate, and the ninjas in the entire camp raised their heads and shed tears because of Danzo’s words.

Danzo was extremely excited, and his saliva sprayed on the face of the ninjas in the front row.

“Now! At this moment when peace is about to come!”

“Not only did the Cloud Ninjas not surrender, they even dared to fight back against us!”

“The barbarians of Cloud Hidden Village want to delay time with us and negotiate with us!”

“How can we face our sacrificed family members! Comrades! Friends!”

“Everyone! I, Danzo, make the greatest determination here!”

“In the name of not letting the dead sacrifice in vain!”

“Fight Cloud Hidden Village to the end!!!”

Before the ninjas in the camp began to roar, Danzo directly issued his commander’s order.

“The whole army is on the move! Push the camp into the territory of the Land of Thunder for me!!!” "

Whether it was the jonin, the chunin, or even a very small number of genin, they all widened their eyes when Danzo's words just fell.

"Roar! !"

"Revenge! !"

The roar came like a howling wind, and the unstoppable anger made the Konoha ninjas look extremely powerful and unchallengeable.

The army's morale is available! The destiny is with me!

The roar behind him spread like wildfire, and Danzo waved his sleeves into the tent and continued to sit firmly at the command table. He held the pencil again and continued the map deployment that he had not completed.

Takahashi Yong was already stunned. Is this Danzo?

You can have such skills in the later period, why are you just a 5.5 generation.

The most excited people were not the soldiers outside, but the three Uchiha around him. Hanako's eyes had already turned out afterimages.

Takahashi Yong wanted to give Shunji a knife, and let Hanako open this Mangekyo. It was quite scary to turn it like this.

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