The daimyo said, "In addition!" The daimyo stressed loudly, and the applause stopped. "Granted to the deputy commander of the East Front - Hatake Sakumo!" "The 'Hokage Half Sleeves' representing glory!!" As soon as the daimyo finished speaking, the ninjas below were already boiling! "Wow!!!" "Sakumo-sama!" "Fuck! Hokage Half Sleeves! That means..." "What are you talking about, you little bastard!?" "Huh?" "The position of Hokage belongs to Danzo-sama!" "But Sakumo-sama is also very charming..." "Damn!... It's so hard to choose!" The ninjas on the East Front have already climaxed! " Discussing the ownership of the Fourth Hokage unscrupulously in front of Shinnosuke.

As if the Third Hokage can abdicate after returning to the village!

The Hokage half-sleeves are here, what can you do to the Third Hokage!

This is the certification of the Daimyo!

Shinnosuke looked helpless in the crowd, can these people discuss behind his back!

Like the husband's ex-con?


The father's ex-con, right!

Sakumo responded to the ninja's call with a smile and walked up to the platform.

The Daimyo took out a white sleeve from the tray brought by the servant, with a lock on the top, which can be buckled on the clothes on the shoulder.

The whole half-sleeve is white, with red embroidery in the middle, embroidered with the vortex symbol representing Konoha.

There is also red flame embroidery at the bottom, which looks like part of the Hokage robe.

Sakumo bowed slightly, allowing the short and bloated Daimyo to hold the half-sleeve through his arm and buckle it on his shoulder.

Looking at the half-sleeves that looked like the Hokage robe, Sakumo was also very excited. After all, what samurai pursued was ideals and glory!

This should be the highest honor that can be obtained before becoming Hokage.


Sakumo walked down the platform under the cheers of the soldiers and returned to Danzo Takahashi Isamu.

"Not bad! Very energetic!"

Danzo smiled and said that the goal this time had been achieved!

He could have a good fight with Sarutobi Hiruzen when he returned to the village.

Takahashi Isamu saw that the daimyo above had no intention of stepping down, and realized that there might be a surprise waiting for Danzo, so he did not speak.


Seeing the ninjas below making a lot of noise, the daimyo could not help but cough violently.

Many eyes returned to the daimyo, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"In view of the excellent performance of Shimura Danzo on the Eastern Front..."

The ninjas below looked at each other,

No, the Hokage half-sleeves were all given.

There won't be a big one!

Give two half-sleeves! ?

"As the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, I will not forget the ninjas who have made outstanding contributions to the Land of Fire!"

"So, I announce it here!"

"Grant the commander of the East Line - Danzo Shimura!"

"Daimyo Half Sleeves!!"

? ? ?

The scene suddenly became silent.

The Daimyo touched his head in confusion, what? Isn't he shocked?

Danzo also had sweat on his head,

Isn't it?

Yesterday you hesitated about the Hokage Half Sleeves, is that because of this?

You planned to give it to me from the beginning, right?

After I asked you to give it to Sakumo, you gave me a super double! ?

How can I, Danzo, go back to the village and face my best friend like this!

Half a level higher than him?

The eyes of the ninjas on the East Line also became weird.

Daimyo Half Sleeves?

Hokage Half Sleeves represent glory, so that if the holder runs for Hokage, he can get more support from ninjas and the public!

And there is no need to consider the Daimyo's subsequent opinions, because this Hokage half-sleeve is the Daimyo's recognition of the holder.

It can be said to be the best prop for the election of Hokage!

But what is the use of this Daimyo half-sleeve?

"The Hokage half-sleeve is almost the next Hokage, so this Daimyo half-sleeve is the next..."

Junji muttered to himself in the middle of the army, which sounded so harsh in the silent East Front Ninja Army, but he had already felt the familiar feeling of suffocation.

Hanako and Kenichi's hands were stuffed into his mouth again.

Everyone in the Undead Squad began to roll up their sleeves, even Nara Yuma was an exception.

Bang, bang, bang

"You think the situation is not chaotic enough, right!"

"Watch your mouth!"

Junji, who was beaten by the circle, kept making "wu, wu, wu" struggling sounds.

But it was too late...

The surrounding East Front Ninjas had heard it.

The Daimyo also felt that the eyes of the ninjas below seemed to become hotter when they looked at him.

This made him feel a little...

'How enthusiastic, these loyalists of the Land of Fire! Are they starting to worship me? '

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was like

It was a husky that mixed into the wolf pack, feeling uneasy, and tears were already flowing in his heart.

The daimyo couldn't hear it, but as a ninja, he heard it clearly.

Father, accept your fate...

Uncle Danzo's heart is no longer on the position of Hokage, and now he is heading for the daimyo.

We Sarutobi are too far behind...

Seeing that the morale was not right, Danzo hurried to the stage and took the half-sleeve from the daimyo.

"Everyone! I won't bother the daimyo any more! Let's retreat!"

"Go back to the village!"

Don't mess around!

This kind of "treasonous" idea is too advanced!

It's the evil Uchiha again, right? I, Danzo, will remember you!

The daimyo wanted to wave to Danzo to stay behind him, but Danzo left so resolutely!

'I also want to ask Danzo if you can leave some ninjas by my side to protect me...'

'Forget it, there will be a chance in the future. ’

How dare Danzo stay any longer? Didn’t he see that his subordinates looked at the daimyo with strange eyes?

“Go! Go! Hurry up! Go pack up and go back to the village!”

“Don’t dawdle!”

Danzo yelled at the people on the East Front who had never dawdled.

What’s wrong with these people! ?

Still expecting someone to say something or do something heroic! ?


Didn’t you see the evil Uchiha being beaten up by his companions?

Danzo’s heart was also trembling.

It’s also a bad thing for subordinates to be too ‘self-aware’.

It’s better for my two brothers to share my worries!

Thinking of this, Danzo turned his head to look for the traces of his two brothers.

"Brother Sakumo, what do you say!"

"Brother Takahashi, isn't that too extreme..."

"What extreme! Kings, princes, generals, and ministers, are they of different species?! What kind of status can he have? Is my brother Danzo's status too low!"

Takahashi Yong and Sakumo squatted on one side, and Takahashi Yong seemed to be instilling something incredible into Sakumo.

"You have also seen the suffering of the civilians along the way. Brother Sakumo, do you think Brother Danzo will let the civilians be so thin?"

"The meal we are invited to is enough for the people of the Land of Fire to eat for several months!"

"I have always felt that I have no goal in this world!"

"But I saw those civilians who would rather starve than give us Konoha ninjas some food!"

"I think we must do something!"

"This world is sick! But I believe Brother Danzo will definitely find a way!"

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