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Control, monocular state, no interval attack 5 minutes can be cracked.

So “water escapes and waves!”

“Thunder escape thousands of birds!”

Leng Shuai formed a seal on his hands, a water wave directly covered the position of Obito, and then a Chidori flow directly combined into a new type of ninjutsu.

Thunder Pond! Immediately, the place where Obito was located turned into a pond that flashed countless electric currents.

That burst of electricity was not short, but it was attacking Obito all the time.

Not good! Seeing this scene, Obitu secretly thought that it was not good.

He knows the shortcomings of his own divine power, and if he is attacked like this all the time, he may really not be able to resist.

Once the time limit of Shenwei’s blurring is reached, what awaits him will be this endless current attack.

At this moment, Obito was also extremely terrified.

Because he felt that the lightning pool he was alone in had extremely powerful lightning power.

To maintain such a thunder pool, the amount of Chakra needed is simply enormous.

But looking at the cool and handsome appearance, it seems to be very relaxed.

But it’s not difficult to rewind Obito, because he just needs to move away from this thunder pool.

But at the next moment, when he left the place through Shenwei, his expression changed.

Because he discovered that there was a special power in this thunder pool, which made him unable to leave through divine might.

How could Obito be really shocked, with a look of disbelief.

Although he didn’t see Obito’s face, Leng Shuai obviously knew the expression on the other’s face.

If you want to leave through Shenwei, tsk tsk, you think that my + Flying Thunder God technique is a fake Flying Thunder God technique reaching the + level, for Leng Shuai, it is not purely the ability to instantly transfer various positions.

This gave him a very profound understanding of space.

At least compared to Obito, his understanding of space far exceeds that of Obito.

With a little movement of his hands and feet, Leng Shuai is able to completely restrain Obito’s divine power.

Leng Shuai really wanted to know what he could do when he waited for Obito now. Could it be that after five minutes, he was electrocuted by his thunder pool and said that sure enough, just as Leng Shuai expected, under such circumstances, Obito chose the last option. One way is to hide directly in a different space.

But Obito was not at ease. When he hid in the magical space, one or two subtle and imperceptible electric currents entered it together.

Tsk, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes so simple and handsome, the one or two subtle currents just now were actually the Flying Thunder God technique he deliberately prepared.

That’s right, all of this was deliberately done by Leng Shuai.

The purpose is to create a flying thunder god technique that belongs to him under the depiction of the different space of Obito.

In this way, Obito, to Leng Shuai, is completely someone who kneads at will.

Because Leng Shuai only needs one thought, which is to enter the divine power space of Obito.

So in Lengshuai’s eyes, Obito is already someone who can be killed by him at any time.

To be honest, at this moment, Leng Shuai really wanted to dare to say a word to Obito.

Obito, stop pretending, you are finished! Update 2, please subscribe automatically! Please subscribe automatically! Please subscribe automatically! If you have a wealthy reader father, please give a full subscription!!

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