
Ku Wu crossed the branch and landed in a squad camp within the range of the survival exercise.

In the next second, Naruto and Hinata appeared next to Ku Mu.

In the camp, Haruno Sakura, who was originally kneeling on the ground and holding a hot water cup, was stunned.

What's going on?

Ku Wu?

Naruto and Hinata?

And...... The two of them held hands and looked affectionate.


Wait a minute!

Why Sako and Hinata?

Sakura Haruno fell into deep thought.

But Naruto's voice quickly interrupted Haruno Sakura's thoughts.

Naruto said to Hinata, "Hinata, it's already close, and this is the edge of survival drills, you can stay here with Sakura first, and I'll do the rest."

"I want to help too..." Hinata stammered, "but but, it's all at Naruto's arrangement."

Naruto smiled: "Hinata is so good~"

This made Hinata look shy.

Naruto threw out the kunai and disappeared in place after waiting a while.

When Naruto leaves, Sakura Haruno and her two teammates, Ino and another unknown female ninja trainee.

The three looked at Hinata in amazement.

Hinata greets Haruno Sakura and tells what happened.

"What?!" Haruno Sakura said in surprise, "Someone in this forest actually kidnapped our ninja trainees?" Do we want to tell the teacher!

Hinata shook his head slightly: "No, it's too late, so Naruto took me to chase me out first." "

Don't!" Haruno Sakura suddenly held her head and said with a pessimistic expression: "Naruto, although he is very handsome, he should only be ten years old, right? ?" Didn't he send him to death in the past?

Haruno Sakura asked Hinata with some despair, "Hinata, how can you make Naruto so impulsive?" The right thing to do is to tell the adults as soon as possible!

"But... But..." Hinata said hesitantly, "Naruto-kun said he would solve the problem."

Haruno Sakura's eyes twitched, "Where did you come from the confidence that a ninja trainee would solve the experienced ninja and then bring Sako back with her?"

Hinata: "I

don't know, but I just believe Naruto."

Haruno Sakura sighed helplessly: "Alas, let's go, it seems that the survival exercise is over, tell Iruka-sensei about the situation as soon as possible."

After that, Haruno Sakura greeted a few people and rushed directly towards the outside of the forest.

On the other side, Naruto also caught up with each other.

On the branch of a large tree, Naruto sneakily looked towards the clearing.

The two Yunnin were rushing one after the other.

One of them tied Sako's petite body with hemp rope in an unknown number of layers, which looked like a bucket from the outside.

The Kumo Shinobu carried the unconscious Sako on his hand and hurried to her skin, grinding her skin with hemp rope along the way.

After Naruto watched the scene, he calmly observed the analysis of Senju in the live broadcast room.

Senjukuma: Naruto Uzumaki, there are two enemies A and B, before and after A and B, the best solution is to sneak attack B first.

Senju Takama: Judging by the subtle movements of these two, what Naruto needs to do is prepare four Flying Thunder God Kumu, first throw the first one to B's right foot to attract attention, and then throw the second to B's left to kill him.

Thousand Hands: The third step is to collect the Flying Thunder God Ku Wu, then leave the scene, and when A hears the movement and turns back, then throw the fourth Flying Thunder God Ku Wu to his back to sneak attack.

Senjuma: The action must be fast, otherwise it will fail.

Naruto Uzumaki: Thank you Nidaimei-sama for your guidance.

Naruto, who was hiding behind a tree, prepared the kunmu, and then extracted the system points in the live broadcast room to upgrade the flying thunder god kunmu proficiency from beginner to proficient.

The proficiency of the technique affects the exertion and also affects the power.

Naruto carried four kunai in his hand, closed his eyes and eased up, calmed his nervousness, locked the target and followed.

After hanging behind for ten seconds, Naruto finally found the flaw.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened, but it did not affect Naruto's performance in the slightest.


Kumu was thrown out by Naruto, and the sound of breaking the air attracted the attention of Nakumo Shinobu who was walking behind.

He dodged sideways slightly, and was attracted by the Ku Wu on the ground, and did not notice the Ku Wu behind him at all.

Naruto's figure appeared behind this person as if it were a ghost.

Next second.



cut this person's neck, Naruto moved without the slightest pause, and directly teleported away.

"What's going on?"

Yun Ren, who was walking in front, heard the movement behind him and looked back.

But I only saw my companion holding his neck and slowly falling to the ground.

"What the hell? There are enemies!

The Kumo Shinobu threw Sako on the ground and watched his surroundings warily.

Yun Shinobu found that the Flying Thunder God left by Naruto on the ground was bitter, and his face turned pale with fright: "Who are you?!" Stay back! Or I'll kill this little ghost!" But

Naruto was hiding in the dense forest, and the other party couldn't find him at all.

Behind the tree, Naruto frowned.

His combat experience is still too crotch-pulling.

The techniques and strategies mentioned by Tsuma were more than enough, but Naruto couldn't do it that fast.

Senju: The first attempt, to be able to achieve this level is already a genius.

Naruto Uzumaki: Second generation-sama, what to do now, he has begun to hold Sako hostage.

Naruto saw the remaining Kumo Shinobi put the ninja knife across Sako's neck and shouted around, "Don't come!" Or she will surely die! The

surroundings were silent, and no one responded to him at all.

Senjukuma: Move behind him, throw the Flying Thunder God Ku Wu, then teleport next to the Ku Wu in front of him to attract attention, find the opportunity to teleport behind him with the Flying Thunder God Technique, and pierce his wrist.

Naruto Uzumaki: Why wrists?

Senju Kusuma: Because you stabbed him in the heart, he may kill the imps of the Uchiha clan before he dies.

Senju Kuruma: But piercing his wrist, he can't inflict a fatal attack on the imp of the Uchiha clan in the short term.

Naruto Uzumaki: I see.

He threw out the Flying Thunder God Ku Wu and circled around Yun Ren.

This caused Yun Ren to be even more excited, thinking that he had really bumped into a ghost, and his body began to tremble.

As soon as he moved, Sako's delicate neck was cut through a small hole, and a trace of blood flowed out, but fortunately the blood vessels were not cut.

Ninja's cold touch and the threat of death brought Sako back from her coma.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a Yun Shinobu lying to the ground, his hands covering his bleeding throat.

That's because Naruto killed someone for the first time and couldn't find the right position.

So this man did not die directly, but struggled on the ground for a long time.

Sako saw the blood like a small river, as well as the blood vessels on the opponent's neck, and his stomach turned upside down.


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