"What are you laughing at?"

At this moment, Xiangphos walked out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes in his hand.

She was wearing an apron and looked very virtuous.

Seeing that Sako was actually discovered by Kakashi, Sako quickly broke away from Naruto's embrace, and pretended to be calm and said, "It's okay Kakashi, it's okay." "

Oh~" Xiangphos did not ask, but kept bringing out meals from the kitchen.

It didn't take long for lunch for three to be made.

After graduating from ninja school, Koto has not participated in any dangerous missions, and his hobbies seem to have shifted from other aspects to cooking.

And more and more skillful, color and fragrance, even Sako is full of praise.

This is also the reason why Sako allowed Naruto and Kato to live in the Uchiha station.

Of course, whether this reason is her excuse or not, no one knows.

"The fragrant phosphorus meal is getting more and more fragrant." Naruto took a piece of braised pork and chewed it in his mouth, and couldn't help but praise.

Xiangphos smiled confidently: "Of course, don't look at who raised you white and fat." "

Ahem~" Saeko suddenly coughed dryly and said to Naruto, "I see you still ask what the situation is." "

Sakura's thing?" Naruto asked rhetorically, actually he was a little curious in his heart.

What can Sakura Haruno do if she doesn't become a ninja?

And she didn't have anything necessary to stop her from being a ninja.

Sako nodded: "Hmm. She

did hate Haruno Sakura, but it was definitely not disgust, and there was no hatred between the two.

In addition, Haruno Sakura is very tactical, and while she pursues Naruto, she will also stammered Sako from time to time, which makes Sako angry and angry, and loves and hates her in her heart.

Now that Haruno Sakura seems to have something wrong, Sako can't help but think a little too much.

After eating, Naruto set off from home.

Arriving at the specified time and place, Naruto saw a pink-haired girl sitting on a bench from a distance.

She has a slightly wide clean forehead and a small face that is delicate, but her figure is not very good, and she wears a pink dress.

Sakura Haruno sat on the bench, her feet dangling boringly, looking expectantly at the corner of the street from time to time.

I didn't find the figure of the person I wanted to see, and I lowered my head in disappointment.

I don't know how many times this move has been repeated.

People around who were familiar with Haruno Sakura were looking at her with strange eyes.

Because Haruno Sakura waits here almost every Saturday, for as little as ten minutes or as many as a few hours.

It turned out that no one waited for anyone every time.

Strangely, she was more than happy to wait.

When asked about her, she also said she was waiting for Prince Charming.


Girls in love are really brainless.

And so on....

It can't be said that it is a love period, because no one has ever met Haruno Sakura's so-called Prince Charming.

So she doesn't count yet.

The location of the benches is on the street, opposite a barbecue shop on the second floor.

The barbecue restaurant is near the window, and there are several figures.

These three are Ino, Shikamaru, and Dingji.

Ino sipped a drink and ate barbecue while chatting with his two future teammates.

Although she didn't share the shift, she already knew who her teammates were.

After all, the secret ninja clan is a well-known combination of pigs and deer butterflies, and they will naturally be no exception.

Ino looked at Haruno Sakura on the bench outside, and said with a little headache: "That guy is not dead yet."

Shikamaru glanced at Haruno Sakura below, and his wisdom was as good as he could not understand Haruno Sakura's mind: "I don't understand very well."

Ding Ci didn't say anything, but the movement of holding meat in his hand became faster and faster.

Under everyone's gaze, a figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the bench.

That was....


Ino's eyes widened sharply, his pupils shook, and he said in amazement: "Her! Did she really succeed?! The

corners of Shikamaru's mouth twitched slightly, and he said helplessly: "But she can also be regarded as deceiving Naruto... Although Naruto didn't look like he was interested in her, if Naruto knew, she would definitely have little chance. "

On the bench on the street.

Naruto naturally didn't know that Haruno Sakura had been waiting here many times.

He stretched his legs and looked at Haruno Sakura, who was unaware, and suddenly asked, "Sakura, is something wrong?" Hearing

this familiar voice, Haruno Sakura's body shook and looked back incredulously.

The moment she saw Naruto, Haruno Sakura felt that the whole world was left with only his shadow.

"Naruto... Naruto? Haruno Sakura secretly swallowed her saliva and asked in amazement, "Are you really here?" Although

she was expecting Naruto to come, at the same time she was expecting Naruto not coming.

Because if Naruto came, it would prove that she had succeeded in cheating.

If Naruto finds out, it is estimated that he will have no chance at all in the future.

Naruto was curious about Haruno Sakura's reaction, and asked her, "Is it surprising that I can come?"

The owner of the roadside stall waited with big eyes like copper bells and said to Naruto, "Aren't you Naruto Uzumaki?" The son of the fourth Hokage-sama, has this girl been waiting for you all this time?

Naruto frowned after hearing this, and asked casually, "Didn't I come on time?" How can I be considered to have been waiting for me all this time? The

roadside stall owner directly told Haruno Sakura's previous affairs.

Haruno Sakura shut up as she danced behind Naruto's back, but unfortunately it was too late.

Naruto felt an indescribable feeling in his heart after listening to it.

With a straight face, he asked Haruno Sakura, "Sakura, do you have time to talk?" "

Hmm...," Haruno Sakura replied shyly as she lowered her head.

In the live broadcast room, Vortex Jiu Xinnai has sent several barrages in a row, almost supersuperpowering.

Uzumaki Shinnai: Little Naruto, my mother looks at this little girl very well, anyway, you are also a scumbag, quite a few of her... Not as good as....

Uzumaki Shinna: How sad she would be otherwise~

Mikoto Uchiha: Jiu Shinnai, or do you see what you yourself are saying?

Uzumaki Jiu Shinna: I don't think there's anything wrong!

Mikoto Uchiha: ......


Haruno Sakura didn't expect Naruto to pull himself directly to the yakiniku restaurant.

And Naruto happened to meet the Inuga butterfly trio who were partying very 'unexpectedly'.

Naruto went straight up to inquire about the pooling table, only to learn that it was their squad gathering after asking for permission.

Out of courtesy, Naruto sat next door to them.

After ordering a table of grilled meat, Sakura Haruno sat down but felt uncomfortable.

Not because of Naruto, but because she said panic to Naruto, and now I don't know how to round.

Plus the guy in Ino sat behind Haruno Sakura, back to back with Haruno Sakura.

Haruno Sakura didn't need to think about it to know that this guy Inono must be laughing.

"Sakura, you're not a ninja, what's the matter?" Naruto asked Haruno Sakura with concern as soon as he came up.

Haruno Sakura's heart burst out, and she stammered: "Actually~ it's because of my second uncle he..."



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