The world is in chaos, and the authority we hold is invalid at this moment.

We can only fight with low-level things like chakra."

The first to react was Tiandao, and he was even more shocked. The experienced Six Paths clone was also at a loss at this time.

This was something he had never experienced before. The opponent's ability was even more bizarre than that of the Hungry Ghost Path.

Is it because of the thumb-sized thing that fell just now?

What kind of weapon could make the authority ineffective? Then what was the use of the Six Paths Sage's hard work?

Before he could think about it, several clones behind Hyuga Shinichi began to act.


Before he finished speaking, a blood mark appeared on his neck.

At that moment, he saw the solemn expressions on the faces of the other six clones through his crotch.

"My head and body, separated unconsciously?"

With doubts in his heart, the body and strength are attracting each other. Although they have lost the power of authority, life at their level will not die easily because of this.


A gust of wind blew, and Baiji Kro elegantly supported his glasses with his palm.

After getting more information from the outside world, Kro enhanced his signature ability a lot.

"Nonsense, so much!"

Squinting his eyes and looking at the other six clones.

"How could it be so fast?"

The other three six clones were confused and had already thought of retreating.

Obviously, they did not use the power of space, but the sudden burst of physical strength and the effect of crossing space were basically the same?



The others around Hinata Shinichi did not give them any chance at all.

Baiji Kro, Kyogoku Makoto, Zefa, several clones who are good at physical skills, left an afterimage on the spot and rushed to the other three Six Paths clones.

The physical skills of several people have reached the pinnacle, and they can leave afterimages on the spot and appear in a new place.

Use the strong physique to directly crush these Six Paths clones.

The Samsara Eye in the eyes of the Six Paths clones can clearly see the movement trajectory of these physical skills masters, but the quality of their bodies does not support them to have other movements.

Wanting to dodge, it is impossible, and they can only watch the other party abuse them.

The bodies of the four Six Paths clones were deformed and piled together like a pile of garbage.

Tiandao's head and body were separated.

Shuradao was beaten by Zefa with an extremely powerful iron tree, and turned into a very twisted piece, like a rag that has been exposed to the sun for several years in a garbage dump.

The Human Path was attacked by Kyogoku Shin using the three-stage kicking technique that Hinata Shinichi had used before, causing his head, chest, and lower genitals to collapse, and he also lost the ability to resist.

The Hungry Ghost Path was even more miserable, and was cut into more than a dozen pieces by Clo with his own weapon, the Cat Claw Knife.

But even with such serious injuries, they did not die and still retained their breath.

"Too brutal! Don't destroy these crystals of Yin and Yang escape too much.

I have the confidence to create a monster in this world."

Dr. Kinos showed an ugly smile on his face, which made people see his distress. These are all extremely precious experimental materials, but they were treated like this, and they didn't know how to take care of them at all.

The other few people acted indifferent, and the other party's recovery ability was very strong.

Although these six clones were destroyed to this extent, as long as they were given time, they could still return to their heyday with their powerful recovery ability.

Especially here in the dragon veins with rich energy of heaven and earth.


There was a loud noise from the ground, and the seal of the dragon vein was unlocked.


The four six clones began to tremble unconsciously.

After a clear sound, the four disappeared from the spot.

"You want to use the abnormal movement of the dragon vein to cover up your whereabouts. What you didn't expect is that the dragon vein is now under the control of Sarah, and he is submissive to me."

In Shinichi Hyuga's mind, he connected to Sarah's soul and checked the current state of the dragon vein, and found that there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Sarah was completing the task assigned by Shinichi Hyuga, collecting the power of the dragon vein to help the growth of the space authority seed.

Looking in the direction of the six clones, there was no one.

"What a clown.

I locked you not by vision, but by breath.

The corrupt breath on you can never be buried."

Shinichi Hyuga looked at them firmly

The direction of disappearance is a node of the dragon vein, and there are black lines on the ground.

There are also many leaves that should not appear in the Great Rift Valley, falling there.

In the perception of the crowd, several six clones did not disappear, they still stayed in the same place, but the crowd could not see them.

"Did he find us? Or is he deceiving us?"

The six clones hiding under the leaves looked at each other and looked at Tiandao.

"Impossible? This is a pupil technique of a genius of the Uchiha clan, which can shrink a person's body to avoid the enemy.

We are now only the size of an ant, and we are still hiding in these fallen leaves.

These fallen leaves have some characteristics of the sacred tree, which can block the detection of chakra, and some characteristics of the sealing technique.

How could they find us?"

On Tiandao's head, black thin lines radiated, connecting his body, and soon gathered together, and his body began to repair.

His words were very certain, but his expression seemed very hesitant.

As the longest-lived clone of the Six Paths, he still maintains a certain degree of self-awareness. He found that the enemy has a power system that has never appeared before.

The few people who attacked them just now used physical skills, but this kind of physical skills has nothing to do with the physical skills of the ninja world.

He can only use himself to harvest many eye skills of the Uchiha clan to avoid.

As the most powerful clone among the Six Paths, he not only controls various powers.

He also controls some special eye skills, which are the eye skills solidified in the Mangekyo after the dead Uchiha clan opened the Mangekyo.

As the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, he devoured the blood of those who have the Mangekyo Sharingan, integrated it into his body, and took these special eye skills for himself.

This is also a way for most ninja clan ancestors to enhance their own strength. Coincidentally, there have been many geniuses in their Uchiha clan.


Kyogoku Zhen exudes a strong domineering aura.

A strong but controlled domineering aura began to clear the field.

The entire space fell into stillness, and the leaves on the ground were blown away, revealing several six-path clones that had become the size of ants.

They were suppressed in place by this domineering aura, forcibly controlling their bodies and trying to break free from control.

The worst was Shurado, who was not a combatant but a researcher, and his soul strength was just barely at the level of the six paths.

The best performer was Renjiandao, who had the ability to control souls and absorb other people's memories.

After thousands of years of development, his soul strength far exceeded that of other six-path clones.

Tiandao and other six-path clones looked at the enemy in disbelief, and Hinata Shinichi and others also focused their eyes on them.

They knew they were exposed, but they didn't know why they were exposed.

And they used an unknown method to control their shapes.

Kyogoku Makoto initially mastered the method of practicing domineering aura, and he could control it freely.

Zefa's eyes were full of love for talent.

If he could pass on his philosophy, he would definitely be better than the disciples who sent him away, Kizaru and Aokiji.

Although Kyogoku Makoto's current strength is not outstanding among all the clones, his room for growth is one of the best, and his greatest characteristic is that he can transcend the limitations of the world.

Perhaps only the bald devil in the One Punch Man world can surpass Kyogoku Makoto's characteristics.


Tiandao's body had just been repaired, and it was suppressed and extremely stiff at this time. His movements were very slow. He looked at Renjiandao unwillingly and gave an order.


Renjiandao roared with difficulty. His mouth kept opening wide with his body just recovered.

From the inside of the body, a light blue dragon formed by soul power broke free, roaring towards Tiandao and others, trying to swallow them.

Tiandao and Hungry Ghost Dao still retained consciousness and wanted to enter the mouth of the light blue dragon.

Once they entered, they could escape.

In this long dragon, there is a passage leading to the Pure Land, which is the ability of the Human Path to eat, which is not affected.

The suppressed Shura Path, who has no ability to react, has been abandoned by them.

"Usopp, it's time for you to do your part."

Hinata Shinichi looked at Usopp who was playing badly on the side.

Usopp, it turned out that he was concentrating with his eyes closed.

Hearing what Hinata Shinichi said, his eyes shone with light, and a wave of air spread to the Six Paths clones wherever his eyes went.

Hinata Shinichi was also very curious in his heart. He once asked Usopp what his impression of Crow was?

But in Usopp's memory

In the film, Kuro is a responsible butler, not Kuro, the leader of the Black Cat Pirates who is hiding.

In Usopp's world, he did not follow King Luffy to the sea, but became a navy.

Became the sniper king of the navy.

During the war at the top, he saw his father, then retired from the navy and returned to his hometown, but until he died, he was practicing his sniping ability and developed incredible abilities.

In Kuro's memory, his life was what Hyuga Shinichi remembered in his mind, and he was killed by King Luffy unreasonably.

Kuro and Zefa have the same life trajectory.

After Hyuga Shinichi learned that Usopp and Kuro's memories were different, he had a guess in his mind.

At first, he thought it was a template in his mind that modified Usopp's memory, but later he thought that this Usopp came from another world.

Hyuga Shinichi wanted to see what kind of strength Usopp had before becoming a pirate.

Usopp reached behind him and pulled out a long-handled old-fashioned flintlock.

This gun actually needs to be fired by the oldest way of lighting the fuse.

"Wait a minute!"

Usopp met the surprised eyes of everyone and took out a small cube from the bag on his right leg. It was already filled with gunpowder.

Then 12 small steel balls were filled into the barrel.

A set of movements flowed smoothly, like dancing.

He took out a small metal stick longer than the barrel from the bag and poked it into the barrel a few times.

"Can such a thing kill people?" Clo suppressed his dissatisfaction and recalled his own death.

Knowing that the Usopp in front of him was not the Usopp he knew, he still had a little opinion about him.

Even in his world with underdeveloped technology, such guns had long been eliminated. He couldn't understand why?

This Usopp always gave him a sense of oppression, but he used such primitive guns.

"Oh? Such a primitive weapon? But I feel a breath of life in this weapon."

On the contrary, Dr. Kinos, who had the most experience, looked at the gun with a desire to explore.

This gun gave him a very unusual feeling, like a living object.

"Good vision, let the bullet fly for a while."

Usopp shook his head at Cloe first, and then nodded to Dr. Kinos.

In his gun, there is a gun spirit that he has nurtured for a long time, accompanying him from the first battle to his death, accompanying him throughout his life.

He exuded a kingly aura, one hand dragged the wooden handle under the barrel, the other hand gently stroked the trigger, the butt of the gun naturally rested on the right shoulder, and began to aim.


The tongue collided with the upper palate, making a light sound, like a signal.

Sparks sprayed out of his mouth, igniting the fuse of the flintlock.


The gunpowder in the barrel ignited, the barrel shook slightly, and twelve small marbles ejected, drawing an incredible trajectory.


Usopp put away the barrel in a casual manner, and blew at the muzzle of the gun that was still emitting fireworks.

He began to take out another small metal stick with a piece of cloth on it to clean and maintain the barrel.

From taking out the gun, filling the ammunition, igniting and shooting, to completing the maintenance, a series of actions were like a performance, full of rhythm, like a conductor?

Pop pop pop pop...

A series of foam breaking sounds sounded.

Everyone looked at the place where the sound sounded.


Kro was so surprised that he couldn't speak, his eyes widened, and his eyes were almost all white, leaving only a small eye.

The scene in front of him broke his understanding of firearms.

"If I met such an Usopp in my world, what would be my fate?"

Kuro secretly rejoiced in his heart that in his world, Usopp was an idiot.

Unconsciously, his right hand protected his crotch.

[I like Usopp the most in the Straw Hat Pirates, and I didn't scold him. He will be the protagonist in the next novel. ]

"Your bird hunting skills are so strong?"

Some physical masters had fearful looks in their eyes. That vulnerable spot was also fatal to them.

For example, the eyes of Haibara Ai and Dr. Genos were full of curiosity. How did Usopp cause such a consequence?


Haibara Ai couldn't help but curse.

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