The secret of the battle is still unknown.

Hinata Hiashi saw that Hyuga Shinichi paused, and felt a little relieved that the deepest secret had not been discovered.

His expression was seen by Hyuga Shinichi.

This clan leader has a lot of hidden secrets, but his sources of information are more diversified.

The information hidden in his past life memory, the whimsical ideas of several template characters, combined with what he has seen and heard in this world.

The information he has is beyond most people in the ninja world.

The other Hyuga clan ninjas were full of indignation.

The original misunderstanding of their ancestors is now transferred to the main family.

They should not have to bear this.

"Our clan leader, don't you understand yet?

You, the main family, are also poor people who have been deceived!

I got a piece of information about the second generation Hokage's research on the caged bird. The caged bird curse seal at that time was different from the current one.

The difference is that the current seal has an additional curse seal that takes away the pupil power.

The caster will plunder the castee, and even your mentality will change.

The pupil power of the branch family will have some essence, which will be continuously replenished into the eyes of the main family, making their Byakugan purer.

Guess why?

You may still be glad that your Byakugan is getting purer and purer, Getting closer and closer to the legendary Samsara Eye.

Even if you can't awaken it, your next generation and the next generation can awaken the Samsara Eye.

You have fallen into someone else's trap.

Once the purity of your Byakugan reaches a certain level, you will be harvested!

Be devoured by the blood of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, and produce a more powerful Samsara Eye!

Your unborn child has been targeted. "

Hinata Shinichi shouted angrily,

Looking up at the moon, there is a force there that monitors the changes of the Hyuga clan, which is why he has to seal the entire ancestral hall when he uses this eye.

You must also master the Sage Mode. Although it has not been used, you have a bottom line in your heart.

He doesn't know what the situation is on the moon now!

Has the giant Samsara Eye been born?

"Impossible, how do you know about the clan on the moon?


Our real goal is to protect the Byakugan from leaking out, and absorbing the pupil power to purify the blood is just a side effect of being a bird in a cage!

It's different. Our Byakugan's induction is too strong, but the side effects are small, and it will be coveted by the ninja world!"

Hinata Hiashi was not calm now, raised his head, and his face was full of disbelief.

Every branch family could hear the panic in his words,

Still didn't believe what Hinata Shinichi said, and was making excuses for himself.

The news revealed by Hinata Shinichi was too shocking, and there was news that he didn't know.

They did have contact with the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, but they were obviously very friendly?

They also provided so many suggestions and helped me check my blood?

The people of the Hyuga branch families present were immersed in the information revealed by Hinata Shinichi, combined with what happened to them, and they became more and more convinced that this was the fact.

"The main family has changed?" The third elder recalled the changes in the eldest elder. Before he became the main family, he was not so crazy.

Now he hopes that it is the influence of the caged bird curse that makes him so cruel.

"So, the blind spot in the branch family's Byakugan? It's not just a simple sequela of the caged bird? Is it because the main family is absorbing our blood and purifying its own blood?"

Hinata Hiashi was even more suspicious of Hinata Hiashi.

Originally, his talent was better than Hinata Hiashi.

After he became a branch family, he was the one who fell behind?

The branch families in the ancestral hall began to discuss.

A few naive branch families still believed that the caged bird was to protect the Byakugan's bloodline limit from leaking out!

This excuse has been used for thousands of years and has been rooted in their minds.

However, they who were enslaved by the main family would rather their bloodline limit leak out than become slaves again.

The ancestral hall became more and more noisy with the whispers of the crowd.

At first, they only discussed the main family, but gradually it became more and more chaotic, and the belief that supported them for thousands of years was broken.

Hinata Shinichi raised his hand and asked everyone to be quiet.

Now we must give them a new goal to support them.

"The following words involve the secrets of the ninja world. I will leave a spell in your mind so that you cannot reveal these secrets.

When you are in danger, the last memory will be transmitted to me.


This is the caged bird, the original function of protection.

I promise now that the mark of the caged bird will only appear again in the Hyuga clan when you ask for protection. "

Hinata Shinichi glanced around and observed their changes.

Then he said

"Are the side effects of the Byakugan really small?

There are too few reference data, only the Byakugan that is now taken by Qing, but he also needs to be sealed at all times.

Do you know the real secret of the ninja world?

Everyone knows that the three major eye techniques in the ninja world are the Byakugan, the Sharingan, and the Samsara eye! They all originated from the Otsutsuki clan and each has unique abilities.

But this is just a few words passed down by the followers of the Six Paths Sage Ninja Sect.

The real process is that the Six Paths Sage was born with Byakugan. Or a Byakugan that cannot be opened.

After meeting the toad in Myoboku Mountain, he awakened the three-magatama Sharingan.

Later, he mastered the power of yin and yang, and his eyes transformed into Samsara eyes.

This is the origin of the three major eye techniques, or rather the evolution of the eyes of the Six Paths Sage!"

Hinata Shinichi was interrupted by Hinata Hiashi before he finished speaking.

"Impossible, our Byakugan is never weaker than the Sharingan. Everything you said is your excuse!"

Hinata Hiashi found a point to refute Hinata Shinichi's argument and caught his weakness.

Although their Hyuga clan has never produced any super ninjas, they are all at the same level as the Uchiha clan.

Now Hinata Shinichi's words made their bloodline limit become the lower bloodline limit of the Uchiha clan.

Some of them must not accept it in their hearts.

The changes in the expressions on these people's faces fell into his eyes.

Then he said: "All the bloodline limits in the ninja world must be traced back to the goddess of the moon - Otsutsuki Kaguya.

One of his two sons is Otsutsuki Hagoromo, also known as the Six Paths Sage.

Now almost all the bloodline limit ninjas on this planet are inherited from him.

The Otsutsuki clan on the moon inherited the bloodline of her other son, Otsutsuki Hamura.

The Byakugan of our clan has two evolutionary routes.

One is to evolve to the Samsara Eye! Follow the bloodline evolution route of the Six Paths Sage.

The other is to evolve to the Rinnegan! Follow the evolution route of Otsutsuki Hamura.

And now, this eye of mine is on the way to evolve into the Rinnegan. "

Hinata Shinichi still had some reservations. His ambition was not just to get the Samsara Eye, he also wanted the Rinnegan.

That was an important means to resurrect his parents.

Anyway, his sub-human bloodline could be used to plug loopholes.

With the Rinnegan, he could resurrect anyone he wanted.

He used practical actions to prove himself. His body rose high, breaking free from the constraints of gravity. A light blue light flickered in one of his eyes.

The Byakugan of all the Hyuga ninjas present opened uncontrollably, and a trace of pupil power was forcibly absorbed.

When Hyuga Shinichi closed his Byakugan, all the Hyuga family ninjas felt weak.

At this moment, they had completely believed what Hyuga Shinichi said.

They had no resistance to Hyuga Shinichi's Byakugan.

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