The time was not the same as the time he had to wait for.

This time point was something he had never experienced.

In his world, he chose to become a navy.

And at this time, he had to become a pirate and had to surrender to King Luffy to return to the ship that originally belonged to him.

He couldn't accept it. The only pity was the ship spirit of the Merry.

"Is it this time point?"

Hinata Shinichi was also full of surprise. He didn't expect to return to this interesting time point.

Only then did he notice that a broken mask had fallen out of the backpack on Usopp's waist.

This was the sniper king mask that Usopp wore when he knocked down the flag of the World Government.

This time point was full of controversy in the previous life.

"What's your decision? Go back?"

Hinata Shinichi asked, he was curious about what Usopp would choose now.

He also wanted to see if Usopp, who had integrated into this world, would interfere with the current Usopp.

"Of course not.

When my consciousness entered this body, you once revealed that some of the information about the future of this world was absorbed by me.

Now I think this is simply a farce.

The ship spirit of the Merry should still be waiting for me.

It's time to settle this matter. There are still a few things to do. I will follow your footsteps in the future."

Usopp bowed 30 degrees. He didn't want to continue to be a clown.

As long as he made up for the regrets in his heart, this world would be dispensable.

He wanted to teach his dog father who abandoned his wife and children a lesson.

He wanted to make up for Kaya and the Merry that Kaya gave him.

"It seems that this world is about to collapse, and it just happens to make up for the rules in the Star of Life." After listening to Usopp's answer, Hinata Shinichi combined his previous exploration and had a preliminary understanding of this world.

"Sasuke, come out!"

Hinata Shinichi communicated with the world in his body and summoned Sasuke.

Now there are many rules in this world that can fill the big framework of the Star of Life. It is up to Uchiha Sasuke, the son of the world who voluntarily abdicated from the position of the Lord of the World, to do it.

Uchiha Sasuke, who just appeared, looked at everything around him blankly.

"Is this the new world?

This world is heading towards another form of collapse.

The Ninja World only has a big framework, but no rules.

And here there are only scattered rules, but no big framework that can govern the rules."

Uchiha Sasuke felt the surroundings and realized the biggest difference between this world and the Ninja World, and they could complement each other to a certain extent.

He admired Hinata Shinichi even more in his heart. If he got the rules of this world, he would also benefit from it.

The weakened power that was originally caused by surrendering to Hinata Shinichi is actually an act of consolidating the foundation.

"Don't worry, the rules here are condensed into something called devil fruit, which can be obtained without training.

We come here not only for power, but also to find your true self."

Hinata Shinichi woke up Uchiha Sasuke who was about to practice, and then said, "Let's go, there is a good show going on over there."

Hinata Shinichi's mouth twitched slightly, and the three people's strong perceptions all noticed that someone was talking in the distance.

Uchiha Sasuke listened to Hinata Shinichi's words and fell into deep thought.

Leaving the original world, the shackles in his body disappeared, and he had a long-lost feeling of rebirth.


Hinata Shinichi and his group walked on this small island, observing the surroundings.

This is a small island near the Seven Water City. After experiencing the battle of Judicial Island, they came to this island for a short rest.

When Usopp in this world was struggling over whether to admit his mistake and rejoin the Straw Hat Pirates, he was assimilated by Usopp from another world summoned by Hyuga Shinichi.

The two isotopes from different worlds merged into a stronger Usopp.

Approaching a small wooden house in the center of the island, the two could already clearly sense every move in the room.

It was the Straw Hat Pirates, and a big show was being staged inside.

"Hehe... I saw Usopp alone at the beach, as if he was rehearsing... As if he was preparing to admit his mistake to Luffy, let's let him come back!"

Chopper jumped and laughed, making a happy sound from his mouth, and came to King Luffy and persuaded him naturally.

His relationship with Usopp was also the most harmonious, and he could always relax at some moments,

Finding common ground, Chopper welcomes Usopp back.

Two [cowards] can play happily together again.

"...What? Usopp is not honest at all. He must be rehearsing how to apologize. No matter how effective his apology is, as long as he apologizes, we will allow him to come back..."

Nami was also blowing the wind on the side, pretending to be relaxed, but these words were said to the seemingly stiff Wang Luffy, hoping that he could let Usopp come back.

She said it indirectly, hoping that Wang Luffy could accept her advice.

"...Usopp..." Wang Luffy groaned, his face drooping, his straw hat covering half of his face, his expression full of distress.

"...When he left, he failed in the competition for the captaincy of the Straw Hat Pirates. He left without saying goodbye and didn't care about everyone.

It's not good to do this. As long as he no longer has the idea of ​​competing with me for the captaincy and sincerely admits his mistakes and repents, I will allow him to come back."

Wang Luffy pondered for a long time. He and Usopp were not without feelings, but he didn't allow anyone to compete with him for the position of captain on a ship.

Many times before, Usopp's behavior touched his authority as captain.

There can only be one voice on a ship.

That is, I, Wang Luffy, want to become the Pirate King.

Otherwise, I would not go to sea alone, instead of with my brothers.

As long as Usopp is at ease as a sniper, he also welcomes Usopp to come back, but there must be a prerequisite, sincerely repent and sincerely accept that he is the captain.

"Okay, Usopp is also working hard.

He just feels sorry for the broken Merry, so he contradicts you, Luffy.

Now we have a new ship, I believe Usopp will recognize his position."

Robin saw that Wang Luffy was unhappy. At this time, the more the crew persuaded and the more they stood on Usopp's side, the more Wang Luffy would feel that his captain's majesty was offended.

She could only find the good memories of the two from other aspects to persuade Wang Luffy.

The Merry was a gift from Kaya to the Straw Hat Pirates, but there was no clear gift target.

This is the dispute of everything.

Wang Luffy thought he was the leader and the ship was given to him.

Usopp also thought he was the leader because when Wang Luffy invited Usopp to go to sea, he did not have a clear position.

Unlike Zoro and Sanji, who had clearly instructed the combatants and cooks who traveled with the group.

Moreover, during the voyage, Wang Luffy did not cherish the Merry, and in many cases, he did not care about the damage to the Merry.

For example, when encountering various currents, he would not hesitate to damage the Merry for his own goals. He also used the mast and keel of the Merry many times to activate his fruit ability.

The surging current to Sky Island and the use of the keel of the Beauty as the bow of the slingshot during the battle were one of the main reasons for the damage to the keel of the Merry.

Robin cherishes the current group very much and has the courage to go to the Judicial Island to save her at the risk of being an enemy of the World Government.

Especially Wang Luffy's companion declaration made her sure that this was the companion he wanted to find.

She will also devote her efforts and strength to this group.

At the same time, the image of Usopp's broken World Government flag was also deeply imprinted in her heart, and it was also a companion she did not want to separate.

Now she can only try her best to make this group complete the integration, and everyone explores the world happily together.

Wang Luffy glanced at his companions in the room, and his depressed mood eased a little.

Looking at Chopper's hopeful eyes, he made a decision in his heart.

"These companions will accompany him to become the Pirate King. He can't be too stingy. As long as Usopp admits his mistake, he will allow Usopp to return to his team."

His goal is the entire sea, and the time spent together is also very good.

"Okay! Stop guessing, everything is under the captain's command.

No matter what Luffy's personality is, he is the captain of this ship, and his majesty cannot be challenged by anyone.

Usopp must pay the price for his actions.

Men must keep their words."

Zoro, using a cloth specially used to maintain long swords, carefully wiped his sword, and his green algae head was reflected on the blade.

Half-squinting his eyes, he helped Wang Luffy determine his position in this pirate group and stated his position.

"This time, I agree with Zoro.

Usopp must be taught a profound lesson so that he can recognize his position."

Sanji, who had not spoken a word, wiped the goblet in his hand.

All the members of the pirate group nodded slightly, seeming to agree with what Zoro said.

They recalled the scene when Usopp and Luffy competed for the captaincy. There was always chaos, which had a bad impact on the stability of their group.

This scene.

It fell completely into the eyes of Usopp and Hyuga Shinichi.

"Is Usopp really that bad?

It's because he doesn't like the culture of Wano Country, and he was weakened a lot.

Let's part ways in peace. Who will die without this world? The fate of this world is more suffocating than the fate of the ninja world.

Should we teach them a lesson?"

Hyuga Shinichi frowned slightly and looked at Usopp, his eyes full of inquiry.

Through the mental connection, he asked Usopp directly.

"No, this is no longer my home ground, and there will be no story of mine in the future.

I don't understand their feelings.

In the subsequent adventures, Sanji also left.

But he was extremely persuaded to stay.

In the case of being clearly rejected, he really didn't want to continue to take risks with King Luffy.

However, King Luffy still shouted that sentence, I just want to eat the food you cook, which is still a classic declaration, as the fuse for the battle with the Four Emperors Big Mom.

All this has already been traced."

Usopp's voice responded in Hinata Shinichi's mind, and his words were very calm, without any loss.

Hinata Shinichi felt a sense of alienation and disapproval in his heart. Usopp no ​​longer recognized this world.

This performance of the Straw Hat Pirates is just right.

It can make a perfect cut.

While the two were talking to each other in their hearts, they had already arrived at the door of the cabin.

Because Usopp did not hide his tracks, the people inside the door sensed Usopp outside the door.

Pretending that nothing had happened, they were doing their own things, waiting for Usopp's apology.

As they expected, Usopp would apologize with tears in his eyes, and Luffy would accept it generously. It was another perfect [group], starting a new [adventure].

But Usopp had changed.

He didn't want to join this [group] and go on a path that went against his conscience. He wanted to fulfill his wish in his own way.

The [adventure] they talked about was not [adventure] in Usopp's eyes, but crime.

Usopp was somewhat glad that he didn't leave the criminal group until after the city was pushed forward. No matter what the name was, he released the pirates he once hated the most.

His scumbag father should also be taught a lesson.

For a moment, Usopp thought a lot.

Pushing open the door, with a smile on his face, everything in the house came into his sight.

Luffy sat on a wooden barrel, slightly lowering his straw hat, facing the door.

The shadow of the straw hat covered half of Luffy's face, adding a bit of seriousness to his arrogant and idiotic aura.

Chopper was on the left side of the door, trying hard to wink at Usopp, asking him to relax a little.

Nami and Robin were wiping the ornaments on the side, and they also smiled at Usopp, which was the recognition of their companions as always.

Zoro, with a green seaweed head, wiped his sword and merged with Luffy's shadow.

Sanji seemed to be opposed to Zoro, but at the critical moment, his philosophy was exactly the same as Zoro's. There could only be one voice on this ship, and that was Luffy.

Only Luffy could lead them to fulfill their wishes.

One wanted to become the world's number one swordsman, and the other wanted to see the so-called all blue, both of which required the captain of this ship to become the Pirate King.

And Usopp did not have this qualification.

Although Luffy was a bit nervous, he not only had a background, but also a convincing power.

Usopp glanced around the room and soon understood the attitude of the Straw Hat Pirates towards him.

He sighed in his heart. For an old man like him who had experienced many vicissitudes of life and a passionate young man who had just entered life.

The ultimate dream of the Straw Hat Pirates, to become the Sea Dog King, was like a joke.

The pirate world created by the Sea Dog King also made his bastard father abandon his wife and children for more than ten years, which was also one of the reasons why he went to sea.

After experiencing fusion, the power he possessed was enough to subvert the world. This world was a joke.

It's just that there is always a trace of beautiful persistence in the joke.

The dream of everyone on the ship was more like a far-fetched integration, the torrent of the world's destiny.

The corners of Usopp's mouth unconsciously revealed an arc that ignored everything.

This arc, in the eyes of King Luffy, seemed to be laughing at him.

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