The world is full of ups and downs.

"This world is very interesting, you can go around and have a look.

Legend has it that it will be drowned by the sea soon.

A group of self-righteous fools called Celestial Dragons live in the highest place, trying to avoid this disaster.

This should be an attempt by some people to create a place for people to continue to survive.

This means includes floating islands in the air.

Suppose there is a cross-sea bridge on the sea.


Hinata Shinichi likes this atmosphere very much and joins the discussion unconsciously.

In his heart, he is actually a researcher.

Some other talents in the world are curious and look around. This place does not look like a world that is about to be destroyed.

"Celestial Dragons? Are they weirdos?"

Dr. Kinos heard a familiar word, which was somewhat similar to the name of the weirdos in their world.

Like crab people, toad people, centipede people, vaccine people, they are all ordinary people with diseases, and he asked unconsciously.

"Haha, almost."

Hinata Shinichi was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"If it is as the adults said? This world should not be so backward?

Even the commonly used means of transportation are so primitive."

Haihara Ai was puzzled. The technology they saw along the way was not as advanced as they imagined. She pointed to the bubble car on the side and said.

"After a war, the upper rulers restricted the continued development of technology.

I don't know the details, but you can find remaining traces in some historical relics."

Hinata Shinichi recalled the development of this world, which was also full of contradictions, and could only try to explain.

"This world is somewhat similar to my world. In some aspects, biotechnology has been developed to the extreme.

For example, this thing."

Dr. Genos had a Den Den Mushi in his hand, and he also marked different areas on the Den Den Mushi.

Hinata Shinichi suspected that if there were no tools now, Dr. Genos might have already started dissection.

It is indeed as Dr. Genos said, there are many biological weapons in the world of pirates.

Like the Den Den Mushi in front of him, it replaces the functions of some electrical appliances and is very harmonious with the background of this world.

There are also various shells on Sky Island, Morgan's News Bird Group and a series of other things.

Hinata Shinichi guessed that those are probably the result of bioengineering.

Let some organisms become tools to avoid the war and become the biological tools that seem to grow naturally now.

For example, Sanji's family can also perform genetic programming, but it is not stable enough.

On the other side, Dr. Genos and Haibara Ai have begun to discuss how to conduct the next experiment and obtain the knowledge of this world.


Their nonchalant discussion attracted some people to watch.

"Sir, we seem to be targeted.

This is a lawless area, full of pirates and spies from the World Government.

You didn't block it just now, especially when you mentioned the name of Celestial Dragons, which scared away many people and attracted many people."

Usopp came to Hyuga Shinichi and explained everything in front of him.

After experiencing the battle in the spiritual space, he already knew most of the intelligence in this world.

Hyuga Shinichi looked around and found that many people were targeting them.

It was only then that he remembered that in this world, the Celestial Dragons' arrogant nature made them praise themselves very highly.

"Doctor, Xiao Ai, don't worry.

If you want to gain knowledge, there will be a good opportunity in the future. Find a place to settle down first."

Hyuga Shinichi stopped the two researchers who were still discussing.

The group no longer discussed the natural environment around them, but observed the human environment around them.

They are now in Area 7, which is an illegal area. It is full of slave shops and arrogant pirates who roam the streets without reservation.

As soon as they walked to the junction of Area 7 and Area 8, they found that there were fewer and fewer people around, and the shops on the street closed early.

They all noticed the abnormality around them, but they didn't care too much.

"Sir, I feel a sense of malice."

Uchiha Sasuke approached Hyuga Shinichi and warned him.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone started to act.


A bubble car came in front of them and exploded.

"Be careful, one of them

, there is a big pirate with a bounty of 30 million Baileys, and he is the sniper king who just showed off his skills on Judiciary Island...

First, catch a few of the pretty boys. They dare to openly insult the Creator. "

A large number of people poured out around them. The leader waved a long knife in his hand and warned the people behind him.

Uchiha Sasuke was the first to make a move. Out of his own fighting instinct, he put a protective shield on his surrounding companions.

The power of the explosion did not cause any harm to Hinata Shinichi and others.

They looked at each other with inexplicable joy on their faces.

He actually attacked them because of one word.

It is extremely ridiculous to think that Usopp is the strongest among them and treat them all as weak persimmons.

"Sir! I'll come..."

Uchiha Sasuke had a look of shame and anger on his face. It had been a long time since anyone had called him a pretty boy, this insulting title.

Chirp Chirp…

There was a piercing cry, and light blue light spurted out, falling on dozens of thugs around.


All of a sudden, they all collapsed to the ground.

Just as Uchiha Sasuke wanted to end the fight, another group of people rushed out with various weapons.

Seeing the scene in front of them, they were stunned for a moment. A few of them were smart and stepped back, trying to escape from the battlefield.

How could Uchiha Sasuke do as they wished.

There was another burst of lightning under their feet. This group of people were also hit by the powerful electric current and collapsed to the ground, losing the ability to move.

"Who are you?

Why are you targeting us at this time? "

Uchiha Sasuke stepped forward, his eyes turned blood red, peeking into their memories.

Soon Uchiha Sasuke figured out the whole story and came to report to Hinata Shinichi.

“Sir, they should be in three groups.

The first batch was a spy organization called cp. Because of your remarks, they also found traces of Usopp and came to arrest him.

The second batch is the slave catching team that captures slaves. It seems that Dr. Genos and Miss Haibara Ai are more valuable.

The third group of people are fishermen in troubled waters and want to take advantage.

They are all very afraid of your remarks. "

Uchiha Sasuke looked at his group of people and found that they were indeed a bit out of place.

“It’s really ironic that the pirates who should appear in the lawless zone did not attack us.

CP? They are really a good group of dogs. We just need a station, so let them contribute their own station."

Hinata Shinichi felt a little dumbfounded in his heart. This trouble was caused by himself.

But just in time, I can find a place to stay.

“Yes, some of them belong to this organization and are loyal to the World Government.

Because some of your remarks may bring chaos to the world, that's why we were arrested. "

Uchiha Sasuke nodded quickly, he didn't expect it.

The world's power system is obviously not high, but those in power have also set up departments to control public opinion. Isn't this the same as Konoha's ANBU? Do some dirty work.

But now, all this is just a joke in the face of absolute power.

"Lead the way to their base! It just becomes our foothold. Then you all go your own way and relax.

Our other two companions are already on their way, so we are waiting for them here. "

Hinata Shinichi ordered that they needed a new gathering point to wait for the arrival of Black Cat Crow and General Zefa.

The arrival of these two people is unknown in what form, especially the black cat Crow, who is the defeated in this world and has already died.

Uchiha Sasuke nodded and shook his hands slightly. The enemy who was originally unconscious suddenly exploded with the remaining thunder and lightning in his body, completely losing his life breath.

Everyone was aware of Uchiha Sasuke's methods, but they did not persuade him.

Subhuman Tanaka No. 002 felt a little too kind. He liked the aura of the lawless area, which echoed the chaotic aura in his body.

Hinata Shinichi also noticed Tanaka's state. This chaotic aura made the power in Tanaka's body feel like it was beyond its limits.

It made him realize that he seemed to have ignored this person who had brought him a lot of help.

It was just a brief trance, without changing the previous order.

The group passed through the deserted area, set off to the north, and soon arrived at Area 71, which is the hotel and shop area of ​​the Shampoo Islands.

“Sir, this is close to the naval government garrison.

It is the largest station among the group and the safest among them. "

Uchiha Sasuke opened the door, introduced it, and opened the secret room inside, which was a different world.

This is a disguised antique store, inside

The area is large, and there are all kinds of luxurious-looking decorations. Usually, no one visits. It is close to the naval base and is very safe.

"You all go your own way. Tanaka, you stay for a while."

Hinata Shinichi had a trace of fatigue in his eyes and gave orders.

Although these talents are absolutely loyal to him, they always have their own uniqueness.

At the beginning, it was these people who helped Hinata Shinichi.

Now, these people have become a burden to Hinata Shinichi, making Hinata Shinichi want to take responsibility.

Because Hinata Shinichi has always been committed to the belief that sincerity is exchanged for sincerity.

Since these people have helped him, he will seek a bright future for these people.

After traveling through the world, he found a stable place at this time, and the fatigue in his heart surged up.

The others looked at each other, a little confused, and still carried out Hinata Shinichi's orders seriously.

Leaving behind No. 002 sub-human Tanaka, still with that indifferent look.

"Tanaka, thank you for the strength you brought me. It helped me a lot.

I found that I ignored you a little. Is there anything you want to do?"

Hinata Shinichi's expression was very serious, which surprised the demi-human Tanaka.

"I don't know.

If I have the chance, I want to be an ordinary person, without the ability of a demi-human, and live an ordinary life.

But another thought deep in my heart wants to kill and vent my dissatisfaction."

There was a trace of hideousness on the face of the demi-human Tanaka, full of division. He pondered for a long time, and there was panic and confusion in his words.

In the face of Hinata Shinichi's questioning, he did not hold back.

The fragility in his heart was also displayed in front of Hinata Shinichi.

Hinata Shinichi sighed for a long time, and then he understood why the demi-human Tanaka would show excitement when he was in the illegal area.

He himself is a patient!

In his world, demi-humans are abnormal people and will be regarded as monsters.

When he was very young, he was captured by Xiaori and sent to the laboratory. He went through countless cruel experiments, which caused his mental problems.

If it weren't for his abnormal subhuman physique, he would have died countless times.


I can separate your two spirits, send one back to your original world, and let him live an ordinary life.

The other abnormal spirit will continue to fight with me, how about it?"

Hinata Shinichi's fingers kept tapping on the antique counter in front of him, and it took a long time before he proposed a solution.

"My lord, I don't want to change.

I don't understand why it is the world's fault, but I am not at fault, but I want to change?"

Ani Tanaka didn't understand Hinata Shinichi's solution and expressed his doubts.

"Don't you want to?

There is another way, turn all the people in your world into humans similar to demi-humans.

In this way, you will be a normal person, and you can continue to live a normal life without changing yourself.

This requires you to pay more, are you ready?"

Hinata Shinichi peeked into the thoughts of Demi-human Tanaka, and a light bulb suddenly flashed in his mind, proposing the most perfect solution.

The value of demi-humans themselves is their immortality.

If the people in the whole world have similar abilities, then Demi-human Tanaka, hiding among them, is just a normal person.

On the contrary, those who are easy to be killed are the abnormalities in the demi-human world.

Doing so can also change the fate of the demi-human group.

As long as he is recognized by all the demi-humans in the demi-human world, he can directly absorb the demi-human world.

This should be the best solution. The only drawback is that it requires a lot of power to change the demi-human world.

"Luck? Right?"

Demi-human Tanaka raised his head, and an ugly smile hung on his originally stiff face, which was somewhat similar to Hinata Shinichi's usual smile.

Hinata Shinichi nodded. This was the most perfect solution he could think of.

"I will obey your orders and thank you for your gift."

The knot that weighed on the heart of Tanaka was finally untied.

Originally, he had nothing to ask for, but if the world that Shinichi said really appeared, that world would be the world he wanted.

He wanted to live in such a world and fight for it.

"Go! This requires a lot of luck, and you need to complete the harvest yourself."

Hinata Shinichi shook his head. At this time, he was very confused, and his body and mind were abnormal.

His mind was in chaos, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After Tanaka went out, he fell into a deep sleep.

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