The place where the head of the Uchiha family lived.

The family was eating dinner warmly, just like when they were young, waiting for Uchiha Sasuke to come home for dinner.

This dinner that spanned decades finally arrived.

With every bite, the blood-red Uchiha Sasuke's color faded a little, and finally returned to normal.

Finally, he turned into the appearance of Uchiha Sasuke at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

The sufferings he experienced made him become an ugly demon. Now with the company of his family, he will also return to normal.

He never wanted power, but a warm home.

"Thank you, sir."

Uchiha Sasuke raised his head, crossed the space, and saw Hyuga Shinichi saying goodbye to him.

Just now.

Ai Huihara asked: "Sir, was Uchiha Itachi really hypnotized by Kotoamatsukami?"

Hinata Shinichi replied: "How could I know about the past, but now I hope so."

The others nodded.

The eyes of the demi-human Tanaka were full of reluctance. The two of them fighting together in the pirate world made him feel the meaning of companions.

At this moment.

The blood in Uchiha Sasuke's body shot out.

Half of it merged into Hinata Shinichi's body, and half merged into the demi-human Tanaka's body.

Uchiha Sasuke's face was covered with a beautiful smile that had never been seen before.

At this moment, he had already got what he wanted.

Hinata Shinichi also smiled. Uchiha Sasuke had suffered enough, and I didn't want him to still be immersed in hatred.

Now that there is this opportunity, it is exactly what they expect to happen for Uchiha Sasuke to return to normal life.

They hope that all of their partners can fulfill their dreams.


"Sir, I think I have found my goal. With my current strength, I can fully realize my ideal, so you don't need to intervene any more.

I want to transform my world myself."

Dr. Kinos opened his closed eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

He came from the world of monsters, and once wanted to change that world with his knowledge.

But he found that the world had been eroded by evil thoughts, those so-called monsters.

A large part of them were originally human, but because of the persecution of others, they had various characteristics different from ordinary people.

Because of this, there is an endless supply of monsters.

Now a new order appears in Dr. Kinos's mind, and with his current strength, he can formulate a brand new order.

Just like Uchiha Sasuke, a sentence can change the rules of the world.

And now, he can change the world without the help of Hyuga Shinichi, and he wants to experience the pleasure of changing the world by himself.

Just like Uchiha Sasuke changed the ninja world.

He wants to change his own world of monsters.

This will make your life more meaningful.

"Of course, we'll say goodbye here." Hinata Shinichi had a smile on his face.

He felt a little reluctant.

It was almost time to say goodbye.

But these template characters had their own pursuits, and he supported them very much.

He shouldn't erase the characteristics of these people, just like Dr. Kinos liked to explore.

He hoped that this spirit of exploration would always be there.

"Teacher, are you really not going to my world? I want you to meet my sister."

There was pain of parting on Huiyuan Ai's face. Dr. Kinos was like her elder to her. During this time of getting along, he did his best to help her and made her grow a lot.

"Ai, each of us has our own way to go. The teacher has seen the way, and your way has also been cleared for you. We all have a bright future, so there's no need to be so sad."

Dr. Kinos comforted, and then nodded to Hinata Shinichi.

"I'll send you back to your world, but I'll leave a thought, you can contact me at any time."

Hinata Shinichi nodded in response, emitting a colorful light.

The light of fantasy is activated.

Search the information in the template and find the monster world corresponding to Dr. Genos.

The colorful light shoots out and falls on Dr. Genos.

Dr. Genos also turns into another light, enters the light of fantasy, and shoots towards the sky.

Crossing the space, crossing the world, and returning to the monster world.

"Sir, in this case, I will also go to fulfill my ideal myself.

Sasuke has set a good example for us. We can fulfill our ideals with our own hands, and there is a little excitement."

A-human Tanaka, with a look on his face

With an evil smile, he said respectfully to Hinata Shinichi.

He and Uchiha Sasuke have been together for the longest time, and the two have a close relationship in the world of pirates.

One absorbs the rules of the devil fruit ability user, and the other absorbs flesh and blood.

The power systems of each other are completely integrated.

Just like the infection used by Uchiha Sasuke to make the Uchiha clan immortal, some rules of the sub-humans were used.

And the sub-human Tanaka also has the rules that Uchiha Sasuke transcribed to him.

Just now, Uchiha Sasuke even transcribed half of the rules of the ninja world to the sub-human Tanaka.

Let him fully have the ability to transform the human body, turn people into creatures similar to sub-humans, and help him realize his ideal.

"Alas... are you leaving too?"

Hinata Shinichi sighed and looked at the sub-human Tanaka, his heart full of complexity.

The sub-human Tanaka was the most useful template for him. At the beginning, he was immune to the damage of the caged bird and was able to carry out the initial capital accumulation.

These people have accompanied him in his growth, and now they have found what they want to change.

He should be happy, but there is always a trace of sadness of parting.

"My Lord, I have found my emotions in my heart because I can meet you.

As a demi-human, I was tortured.

After being rescued, I just killed blindly and couldn't find my goal.

After experiencing so much, I finally know what I want.

I just want to live an ordinary life. Now with the power given by Sasuke, I can experience all kinds of life.

Seeing Sasuke's current appearance, I believe that this world is not only about imprisonment and harm.

There is also warmth and love, and I want to experience it."

The face of the demi-human Tanaka has an awkward smile. Originally, he would only smile when killing people.



I am very happy that you can find what you want to do.

I should also thank you. You were redemption to me at the time."

Hinata Shinichi had tears in his eyes that he couldn't hide, and his face was also moved.

He seemed to have forgotten his original feelings.

As his power increased, he actually forgot his parents in his previous life and his parents in this life.

Even if he searched the ninja world and his own memories, he could not find the answer.

All this must be asked to the high-dimensional creature that created him.

Before that, he wants to send the demi-human Tanaka back to his world.


Hinata Shinichi said goodbye with some melancholy.

"My lord, goodbye."

The demi-human Tanaka, with some reluctance in his eyes, raised his arm and waved gently as a farewell.

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