The world is full of ups and downs.

"Since I am the son of this world, if I want to own this world, I just need to make the world grow.

This world of trinity.

The first side is the detective world represented by Conan, pursuing the truth.

The second side is the remnant of a micro-magic world. As long as magicians are allowed to run rampant in this world again

The third side is the world of technology, and Haibara Ai can easily bring transformation to this world."

Hinata Shinichi had a mysterious smile on his face, thinking constantly in his mind.

What should he do next.

He divided this world into three sides. As long as he completed the mission of the world, he, the son of this world, could transform into the master of the world.

In fact, it can take a more violent way to ascend to the position of the master of the world, but this will cause certain harm to the world.

It goes against the style of his identity as the son of the world.

This world played a big role in his early days.

Deep in his heart, he was unwilling to go against his own style of doing things.

"What do you want to do?"

Conan, a primary school student, was a little scared when he saw Hyuga Shinichi who had been silent for a long time, and couldn't help asking.

Hyuga Shinichi's current state, and his inner desire to win.

He could feel that Hyuga Shinichi knew everything about him, but he knew nothing about Hyuga Shinichi.

This made him very panic, even more scared than when he faced the man in black.

Hyuga Shinichi was full of unknowns, and he was very curious about this unknown. He believed that if he could get the truth, he would get an unimaginable sense of accomplishment.

"I call you Conan now, okay? After all, you are called this name now, and your original name is very interesting.

I will fulfill your three wishes, and I need you to do something for me.


Hyuga Shinichi came to his senses and solved the first side of this world first, so that Conan could find the truth in his eyes.

Directly offer Conan the chips, hoping that he can accept it.

After completing three wishes, he can abandon the identity of the child of this world at any time.

Just think of it as repaying the cause and effect of borrowing the name Kudo Shinichi.

Hyuga Shinichi's words were very natural, because he had this ability.

With this method, he can complete the growth of the first side of the world.

It is beneficial for him to become the master of the world.

But he seemed to have forgotten the character of the person in front of him. He was always so arrogant and had been imprisoned in one of his own rules.

"Ah?" Conan's eyes turned into acne eyes, and his heart was full of doubts. The person in front of him was so arrogant.

He knew that he was not a child, but he imitated Aladdin's magic lamp and said that he would fulfill his three wishes.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Hyuga Shinichi asked back, and he also understood a little.

Recalling what happened in this world, his tone was indeed a bit big.

Especially for a scientific purist like Conan.

His eyes fell on the dining table of several children, which was a graffiti map.

Thinking of the reason why Conan and the elementary school students of the detective agency appeared here.


Pointing at the table, a puff of smoke rose, and a gold coin appeared on the table.

"What is this? Are you the thief who robbed the gold coins?"

Conan stared at Hyuga Shinichi with wide eyes in horror.

He suddenly discovered that the gold coins on the table were the maple leaf gold coins they were looking for this time.

Now that they appeared on the table, there was only one possibility, that is, Hyuga Shinichi was the thief who stole these gold coins.

"Sure enough, I can't communicate with people like you."

Hyuga Shinichi was very speechless.

The world of detectives is always full of suspicion, and everything runs according to the will of the detective.

Even if people become smaller, the habit of arrogance has not changed.

Although he is still a child, he still thinks that he can control the rules of all events.

"Look at that man, he is a member of the robber group, and he stole the maple leaf gold coins.

Next time we meet, just call my name and I will appear.

That time is when we end the transaction."

Hyuga Shinichi put down the tableware in his hand, wiped his mouth, and said slowly.

He didn't want to continue to tangle with Conan, and needed something to break Conan's cognition.

Pointing to the three men in black who were watching from the side, they were the three members of the robber group.

They had been following Conan and his detective agency, playing the game of treasure hunting.

They were almost at their destination.

In the original plot,

Plot killer, knocked unconscious by maple leaf gold coins.


The sound of heavy objects falling rang out in the restaurant.

A large golden light flashed above the heads of the three robbers and hit them.

The three members of the robber group fainted on the table, their faces smashed on the plates.

Drowned in the sea of ​​maple leaf gold coins.

"You treat them..."

The elementary school student Conan turned his eyes to the three robbers for a while.

He turned back again and wanted to ask questions, but he couldn't find Hinata Shinichi.


Muttered in his mouth.

He didn't know how Hinata Shinichi disappeared across from him. He just thought it was a trick.

He jumped off the stool in the restaurant to check the current situation of the three robbers.

The three robbers were buried in gold coins. Even if they were thieves, they shouldn't die like this.

Other guests dining around also looked at the gold coins with greedy eyes.

Some people picked up the gold coins, put them in their pockets, and left the restaurant.

The whole restaurant fell into chaos and lost its original order.

Elementary school student Conan wanted to stop it, but he was powerless.

Fortunately, at this time, a group of people rushed in from outside. They were the eye-catching police officer of the search department and his men.

This controlled the chaotic situation a little bit.

But seeing such a chaotic scene, in addition to being spectacular, there were questions.

What exactly happened here?

They wanted to know urgently.

Their eyes fell on Conan and recognized that this was a child who was boarding at Maori Kogoro's house.

He was still playing in a pile of gold coins.

"Conan, right? What are you doing?"

Officer Sato ran over and asked.

"Officer Sato, there are three people buried inside, maybe they are still alive?"

Conan turned around and said anxiously.

At this time, he realized that he needed help. The strength of his current body was too weak to move a large number of gold coins.

Ask the police for help.

"Ah! Takagi, come and help."

For some reason, Sato chose to believe Conan's words.

He shouted to Takagi behind him.

He also joined the ranks of cleaning up the gold coins.

In less than half a minute, the three figures buried inside appeared.

"Are they the robbers who stole these gold coins? Why did they die here?"

Sato saw the body and face of the three people clearly and couldn't help asking.

"Are they really robbers?"

Conan collapsed on the ground full of gold coins and grabbed a gold coin and put it in front of his eyes for careful observation.

This is indeed a maple leaf gold coin.

The figure of Hinata Shinichi appeared in his mind.

How did he do it, bringing so many gold coins into the restaurant, and setting up this mechanism, at a specific time, opening the mechanism to kill these three people.

Why did he say so many inexplicable things to himself again?

Three more wishes?

Is he a child? Is he Aladdin's magic lamp?

Conan sighed. This man was different from many murderers he had met before, so he could not guess what Shinichi Hyuga was really thinking.

The whole restaurant was taken over by the police.

In the end, all the gold coins were miraculously recovered.

Most of them were asked to go to the police station to record their statements.

When Conan was recording his statement, he concealed the fact that he had become smaller and began to roughly describe the whole process.

He took out the treasure map he found and began to tell the process of their treasure hunt until they met Shinichi Hyuga in the restaurant.

His statement did not match that of the others.

In the memories of others, even in Genta's statement.

There was no Shinichi Hyuga.

For a time, Conan felt that Genta was playing tricks on him.

Obviously, there were so many interactions in the restaurant, telling him that this person did not exist?

Just when Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran came to take Conan home.

Something unusual happened again.

The gold coins that were originally saved disappeared again.

Inside the Maori Detective Agency, the gold coins were pieced together into a few words.

"Call my name!"

Maori Kogoro chose to call the police without hesitation.

Elementary school student Conan looked at the pile of gold coins in front of him. Is this a challenge to him? A challenge to a detective.

Maori Kogoro also accepted a series of inquiries for this. This matter was too incredible.

After several days of pulling, Maori Kogoro was released.

One day after the chaotic timeline.

Rainy night.

In a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant in Tokyo.

A flash of lightning streaked across the dark sky and landed on the lightning rod.

The lightning wandered as if it had life, entered a laboratory, and entered the body of Miyano Shiho.

Miyano Shiho, wearing a white research suit,

Bao, activated the power in his body by this wave of lightning.

At this time, he received the power of Huiyuan Ai in other worlds.

"I haven't become smaller yet?"

He lowered his head and looked at his palms. Countless memories and countless powers gathered in his mind.

He clenched his fists towards the void.

The petri dishes, measuring cups and various experimental equipment around him turned into powder and disappeared.


Miyano Shiho frowned, and just when he was about to look for Hinata Shinichi, he sensed the situation in the factory.

Gin and his men were in the corridor outside the laboratory.

The memory of this scene appeared in his mind.

At this time, he had just discovered the death of his sister, and was still forced by Gin to do experiments. In the end, he could only swallow the pill to shrink and try his last chance.

In the end, he succeeded and turned into a rat hiding in the gutter.

Now all this will change.

On Miyano Shiho's cold face, the corners of her mouth were bent, and she looked very beautiful.

The temperature radiating from her body made the whole laboratory seem like it was in an ice cave.

"How ridiculous? I was actually intimidated by someone like Gin."

Shiho Miyano smiled and shook her head.

His vision, the battles he had experienced, and his current strength have exceeded the limits of the world.

If we look at the combat power of the ninja forces, Gin is just a physical skill ninja, with a little bit of the protagonist's aura at most.

He activated his power and wanted to cross time to see his sister.

But he found that the entire timeline became extremely chaotic, and in an extremely weird and chaotic form, it was centered on one point.


A puzzled voice woke Shiho Miyano.

This person was Gin.

"Gin, long time no see."

Shiho Miyano greeted calmly.

"What happened here, why did it become like this? Shouldn't you be catching up with the progress?"

Gin frowned and questioned the situation in the laboratory.

What caught my eye.

The entire laboratory had no experimental equipment, only a bare experimental table.

The tone of the way Miyano Shiho spoke to him just now also made him very confused.

Based on his understanding of Miyano Shiho, she could already get a glimpse of the truth. She would either vent her inner grievances in anger or threaten him with her talent.

But now, the way Miyano Shiho looked at him made him dislike it.

This look was like the way he looked at his prey. Their lives were under his control, and there was a sense of playfulness.

Miyano Shiho's eyes were a little dazed. Is this Gin?

It was a bit disappointing.

"Shirley, my brother is asking you a question!"

Vodka, who was standing aside, felt a sense of contempt from Miyano Shiho's eyes and shouted sternly.

"Vodka, it's been a long time since we last met."

Miyano Shiho ignored them, feeling as if he had been in another world.

It was like he hadn't seen these people for a long time.

Gin felt a sense of danger, but couldn't find the source of it.

"Gin, what do you think this is?"

Shiho Miyano raised her hand and made a pistol gesture, like a child playing.



The sound of explosions broke their tense heartstrings.

"What? Are you from the superpower world?"

Gin's eyes widened, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

It was clearly a playful gesture, but it shot out white rays.

It fell on their accomplices, and their bodies were pierced, completely losing their breath of life.

Gin screamed out. He had been exposed to things about the superpower world, but those so-called superpowers were not as strong as Shiho Miyano.

After a series of explosions, only Gin and vodka were left.


As Gin screamed, he pulled out a pistol from his waist and fired continuously at Shiho Miyano.

At this time, he no longer cared about the organization's regulations, and he finally knew where the sense of danger came from.




A confident smile appeared on his face. In this situation, even if Miyano Shiho was a superpower, he would die under his gun.

The next scene was unbelievable to him.

The bullet did fall on Miyano Shiho's skin, but it could not break through the skin's defense, and there was not even a trace left.

"Kamen Ultraman?"

Vodka was completely stunned at this time, and blurted out.

Even Kamen Ultraman needs to change his form first. Miyano Shiho in front of them is obviously familiar to them, but so powerful.

Gin gave up completely.

Recalling the boss's teachings, there are some monsters in the superpower world.

He once saw in an ancient castle

I have known a powerful vampire who could transform his body into a bat, and even cannons could not harm him.

I did not expect Shirley to have such power.

Thinking that he had killed his sister, he laughed out loud.

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