The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.


Minato Namikaze nodded firmly.

In his heart, there was a thought that he didn't believe.

Based on his understanding of Hyuga Shinichi, his strongest skill should be the physical skill of hitting the flesh, just like the fourth generation Raikage, and Hyuga Shinichi likes that feeling.

When fighting with him, Hyuga Shinichi now uses a kicking skill similar to the Eight Diagrams Palm, which makes Minato Namikaze feel extremely confused.

If it weren't for the change in fighting style, then the hidden Hyuga Shinichi would be the most terrifying.

Minato Namikaze's two words of affirmation.

Like a heavy hammer, it hit the heart of the third generation Hokage.

At this point, military sanctions are no longer feasible. There is no one in the Anbu and the Root who can compare to Hyuga Shinichi, and Hyuga Shinichi has become the ruler of the Hyuga clan.

This is another person like Hatake Sakumo, even more dangerous.

Full of hostility towards himself.

He had to give up many of his original plans.

He fell into thinking again.

He felt a little regretful in his heart, why did he intervene in the affairs of the Hyuga clan in the first place, and wanted to reconcile with Hyuga Shinichi.

He couldn't get over it, so he wanted Hyuga Shinichi to admit his mistakes to him.

A light flashed in his eyes.

"Minato, restrict the Hyuga clan from accepting commissions." The third Hokage put down the pipe in his hand and stared at Minato Namikaze.

Everyone was a little surprised. They were old and smart and quickly understood the third Hokage's strategy.

Most of the ninja's economic sources are commissions.

A large source of income for the Hyuga clan is the mission commissions from Konoha Village.

But this kind of mission entrustment is mutually beneficial. If the Third Hokage does this, it will also hurt the interests of Konoha itself.

"Isn't this... not good?"

Minato Namikaze hesitated. He couldn't convince himself.

The Hyuga clan is also part of Konoha. As a Hokage, instead of protecting the interests of the ninjas in this village, should he restrict their development?

He couldn't refuse. Although he took over as Hokage, many important departments in Konoha were still the confidants of the Third Hokage.

For example, the Konoha Anbu, the Konoha Ninja School, and the Konoha Mission Dispatch Office.

From the meaning of the Third Hokage, it seems that he is not asking for his opinion, but notifying him.

"Our Shimura clan has suffered heavy losses and urgently needs a batch of funds to recover, so we hope to approve a large number of tasks."

Shimura Danzo covered well at this time, giving Minato Namikaze a way out.

With the Shimura clan or the Shimura group hiding behind the Root, Konoha Village did not suffer any loss, but the people doing the task were replaced by the Root and the Shimura clan.

Then the only ones who lost in the end were the ninjas of the Hyuga clan.

Namikaze Minato wanted to say something, but was suppressed by the eyes of the Konoha elders.

This made him feel powerless.

"Minato, you are too soft-hearted. For the long-term development of Konoha, the Hyuga clan must be sacrificed.

Imagine Hyuga Hiashi, he is the orthodox head of the Hyuga family.

Now Hyuga Shinichi is too dangerous! Always be vigilant. I will let Shisui keep an eye on him."

The third Hokage saw Namikaze Minato's dissatisfaction and simply comforted him.

Now that he has power in his hands, of course he must strive for enough benefits for himself.

Otherwise, it will be invalid.

In the end, Namikaze Minato compromised!

Now he has only one belief, everything for Konoha!

Seeing Namikaze Minato like this, several elders were very satisfied.

A Hokage who is easy to control is the Hokage that these elders like.

What they hate is people like Hyuga Shinichi who are uncontrollable.

Among the other Konoha families, they are more concerned about what impact Hyuga Shinichi will have on them when he becomes the patriarch of the Hyuga clan.

Thanks to Hyuga Shinichi's performance on the battlefield.

These people have a good impression of Hyuga Shinichi.

The big families in Konoha have decided to wait and see.

But the strategy of the Third Hokage has always been to engulf the entire Konoha.

The next day, the sun just emerged from the horizon.

The Hyuga clan's martial arts field.

Usually at this time, only a few clansmen would get up early to train.

Now it has become very lively and full of energy.

When these Hyuga branches learned that they would no longer be controlled by the caged bird, the emotions in their hearts for a long time needed to be released.

They came to the martial arts field early and waited for the ceremony of removing the caged bird.

In the martial arts arena, in order to relieve anxiety, many

The Hyuga branch family practicing with each other.

Today is the time for them to return to their freedom.

"Hyuga Heiji ~ Hyuga Yasui ~..."

Hyuga Hizashi stood on the high platform of the martial arts field, holding a glued scroll in his hand, and called out a name.

On the martial arts field, two teenagers aged 11 or 12, with joy in their eyes, trotted towards the ancestral hall.

At this moment, Hyuga Hizashi was more convinced of Hyuga Shinichi.

What he said yesterday would free the bird in the cage, and it would be implemented today.

He even asked his brother Hyuga Hiashi to participate, so that the people of the Hyuga branch family would not hate Hyuga Hiashi, and there would be no cracks in the Hyuga clan in the future.

With better cohesion, just a new leader.

The glued scroll in his hand was the list of branches torn up by Hyuga Shinichi.

There will be some small mistakes after all, which requires them to check for deficiencies and make up for them.

He was determined in his heart to assist Hyuga Shinichi well.

Ten minutes later, Hyuga Heiji ran back.

The Konoha forehead guard that was originally worn on his forehead changed its wearing position, and the curse seal that should have been the sky-blue caged bird mark had disappeared.

He ran to the crowd in the martial arts field and began to talk excitedly.

Hyuga Hiashi quietly watched the sensation caused by him, and admired Hyuga Shinichi even more in his heart.

The removal of the caged bird not only means the disappearance of the branch family, but also means the transformation of the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Shinichi announced that he would become the clan leader and would definitely give the Hyuga clan a bright future.

A few hours passed.

In the ancestral hall of the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Shinichi sat on the cushion in the center of the ancestral hall, with a few drops of sweat at the corners of his eyes.

Hyuga Hiashi was lying on the ground beside him without any image. Even though his eyes were closed, the meridians at the corners of his eyes were beating.

"Third elder, I can't hold on any longer!"

Hinata Hiashi said weakly with a hoarse voice.

At the entrance of the ancestral hall, the third elder cast an inquiring look at Hinata Shinichi.

"How many people are there?"

Hinata Shinichi responded. He was also exhausted. He underestimated the difficulty of removing the caged bird mark.

This morning, he removed nearly two hundred by himself.

Hinata Hiashi barely reached half of his.

His pupil power and chakra were difficult to support.

Looking at Hinata Hiashi's situation, it was even worse than his.

This made Hinata Zizu look at him with a new eye and realized the gap in their strength.

"Master, only one-third has been completed, and there are still more than 600 people. This is excluding the more than 100 people who don't want to remove the caged bird."

The third elder looked at Hinata Shinichi with respect at this moment. Every time he removed the caged bird curse, a large wave of pupil power would be consumed.

This attitude of Hinata Shinichi made him feel honored.

As for Hyuga Hiashi, isn't this what he should do?

More than half of the curse seals of the clan members were planted by their lineage!

"Let's end here today! Continue tomorrow."

Hyuga Shinichi thought for a while, he was still too impatient about this kind of thing, he could take it slow.

Hyuga Hiashi was even more relieved, he was the one who had the hardest time to stick to it.

There was a burning feeling in the eyes and the surrounding meridians, the pupil power had been drained, if this continued, his white eyes would explode!

The third elder nodded immediately and went to inform the clan members.

Before he could leave, Hyuga Hiashi came to the door of the ancestral hall.

"Master, the clan members brought a bad news, the mission hall refused the Hyuga clan to accept the mission with various excuses."

Hyuga Hiashi's voice was full of anger, which was dissatisfaction with Konoha and the Hokage.

"What! It must be the Third Hokage, I'll go find him!"

Hyuga Hiashi jumped up from the ground, ready to speak up for the clan members.

After a whole night of thinking, I completely agreed with Hinata Shinichi in my heart.

At the same time, I realized my mistake.

Hinata Shinichi also discovered through secret research that the higher the level of the Byakugan, the more it can silently influence the thinking of the lower level Byakugan.

It's like a weakened version of Kotoamatsukami, but the influence is limited.

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