The old man was very happy.

Some quick-witted people also noticed the change in the expression of the Fourth Hokage.

Some of the top leaders of Konoha also noticed Hyuga Shinichi in the corner, and their information about Hyuga Shinichi emerged in their minds.

The skin on the face of the Third Hokage was not as wrinkled as the old bark at this time. It seemed that because of his good mood, he looked a little younger.

He subconsciously touched the pipe on his waist and wanted to suck a few puffs, but gave up in an instant.

"Hyuga Shinichi is two years older than Namikaze Minato.

He participated in the Second and Third Ninja World Wars. Like most Hyuga ninjas, his ninjutsu skills are average, but his taijutsu skills are exceptionally good.

When he was at his strongest, he was even not inferior to the Fourth Raikage Ai.

He was once the partner of the Fourth Hokage.

It's just a pity that when I wanted to recruit him, his eyes and arms were destroyed in the battle.

He is no longer qualified to join his camp."

The information of Hyuga Shinichi appeared in the mind of the Third Hokage.

At the same time, he recalled why he cared so much about a jonin of the Hyuga family.

A few days ago, Namikaze Minato had asked him about the arrangements of the Hyuga family.

At that time, he had already selected the lineage of the Great Elder to become the hidden lineage of the Hyuga family, so he indirectly prevented Namikaze Minato from intervening, on the grounds that the village would not interfere in the affairs of the Hyuga family.

The entire Konoha Village seemed to welcome the new Hokage.

But as long as he is alive, his right to speak will play an absolute role in some important matters.

Why would he choose such a young Hokage?

A ninja like Minato Namikaze, who was born in a civilian family, is easier to control, and it is just a transition.

In the future, this position will still be his son's position, but it is a pity that his eldest son Sarutobi Shinnosuke did not contribute enough in the war.

The third generation Hokage couldn't help but feel a little displeased with Hyuga Shinichi who wanted to interfere with his arrangements.

Danzo standing next to the third generation Hokage.

At this time, one of his eyes has been surrounded by a bandage. I don't know if it is because of the similar appearance of Hyuga Shinichi and the lack of an eye.

On the contrary, he has a good impression of Hyuga Shinichi.

"Is it him?" In Danzo's mind, the scene of Orochimaru talking to him suddenly appeared.

"Hyuga Shinichi of the Hyuga family is really a genius. At least he can keep up with my thinking, you should like it!" Orochimaru had just replaced Shimura Danzo with Uchiha Kagami's Sharingan at that time.

Standing in the laboratory, looking at the information in his hand.

Is the photo in that document the Hyuga Shinichi who lost an eye?

At that time, he thought Orochimaru was mocking him.

"Is this the genius that Orochimaru said? I wonder if I can use him?"

He needs enough support now. In any case, this is also an existence that once competed with Namikaze Minato!

He had some calculations in his heart.

He also paid attention to the family meeting of the Hyuga family one month later for a long time.

Because, he also wanted to get involved!


The patriarchs of some large families looked at the familiar figure with regret.

This is war. Even if you are powerful, you may lose your life if you are not careful. Hyuga Shinichi is still a lucky existence, but he has become disabled.

They had heard about Hyuga Shinichi's achievements on the battlefield.

Hyuga Shinichi's non-killing physical skills benefited ninjas from other families.

The ninjas injured by Hyuga Shinichi brought them a lot of merits. It was precisely because of this weakness that Hyuga Shinichi had such an end today.

I just don't know how much strength he has left now?

In their cognition, Hyuga Shinichi is a physical skills ninja. He lost an arm and a white eye, so his strength should have dropped a lot!


Among the three ninjas of Konoha.

Today, only Jiraiya came to the scene.

He was the one who knew Hyuga Shinichi's strength better. The two had a brief fight in the Hidden Rain Village.

Because of a white eye.

Jiraiya thought he was Qing from the Hidden Mist Village.

At that time, Hyuga Shinichi's physical skills were still better than his.

Jiraiya then stopped paying attention. He himself had no talent for power struggles and did not want to participate in such struggles. He only paid some attention to Hinata Shinichi because of Minato Namikaze.

The Fourth Hokage

Still the protagonist of this wedding, Hyuga Shinichi is just a small episode.

The process of the wedding continues.

There are also rare jugglers who come to the wedding to perform.

The pain of war seems to be completely gone at this moment.

At the place where Hyuga Shinichi is, there are constantly some ninjas coming to greet him, including Namikaze Minato's former teammates Akimichi Doto and Inuzuka Jaw.

Both of them were helped by Hyuga Shinichi in the battle, so they have a good relationship.

Hyuga Shinichi feels the kindness of the two people, which is to increase his prestige and let the ninjas of the Hyuga family know his network of relationships.

Time passed quickly, and the fourth generation Hokage also came to where Hyuga Shinichi was.

Just like facing other people, there is no special treatment for Hyuga Shinichi.

Now Hyuga Shinichi has completely determined Namikaze Minato's position.

He used to be Hyuga Shinichi's teammate, but now he is the fourth generation Hokage of Konoha Village!

Hinata Shinichi had expected such a result. He had never expected that a man who could sacrifice his son for the village would do anything for him!

The Fourth Hokage's behavior was more to let these big families know his position.

He was no longer the genius of Konoha, but the Hokage of Konoha. Everything he did was for the good of Konoha and would not break the rules of Konoha.

The so-called rules were impartiality!

The eyes of the Third Hokage were full of admiration. This was the successor he chose.

The other big families all settled down. They were afraid that the Fourth Hokage would interfere in their family affairs. Now it seems that he is still very sensible.

However, the former teammates of the Fourth Hokage had changed their minds.

Now it is Hinata Shinichi, so they will not get any support from Minato Namikaze in the family struggle.

At the beginning, they supported Minato Namikaze with all their lives, but now Minato Namikaze abandoned them in a blink of an eye. This person is really too noble!

This kind of nobility makes some people not understand and recognize it.

Among them is Hyuga Shinichi, and the friendship between the two has ended.

Hyuga Hiashi and the elder of the Hyuga family are even more satisfied with the choice of the fourth generation Hokage.

Hyuga Hiashi is now much more famous than before, and a large part of this reputation comes from Hyuga Shinichi's record in the Third Ninja World War.

The Hyuga clan has a genius who can tie with the fourth generation Raikage in physical skills.

This makes him want to erase the stain on his merit book.

The elder admires the third generation Hokage even more, and he is very fortunate that he chose to join the third generation Hokage.

Otherwise, with Hyuga Shinichi's influence, the position of this hidden vein family is likely to change hands.

"Hyuga Shinichi, put away your little thoughts! You have been abandoned by the fourth generation Hokage!"

The elder walked directly into the crowd of branch families and made things clear.

He wanted to expand his influence so that there would be no accidents at this family meeting.

"Abandon? He is now the Kage of Konoha Village? Is it appropriate to say that?" There was no urgency in Hyuga Shinichi's voice. The behavior of the Fourth Hokage just now did not affect him at all.

From the beginning to the end, the choice of Namikaze Minato had no effect on him.

This choice will only determine Hyuga Shinichi's attitude in the future Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Let him put aside the plot of helping others and fulfill the "noble" Namikaze Minato.

Hyuga Shinichi's rhetorical question made the elder speechless.

"I wonder how long you can be arrogant. Like your useless father, how can you become the head of the Hyuga family."

The elder's voice paused slightly, and he understood the mistakes in his words just now.

He quickly found Hyuga Shinichi's biggest weakness, which was the pain in Hyuga Shinichi's heart.

This sentence touched Hinata Shinichi's back. His father, the second elder, was executed because he did not protect the Byakugan.

The one being protected was the eldest elder's son.

It was obviously that useless waste who was overconfident, swaggering on the battlefield, and finally implicated his father.

"You are not worthy of mentioning my father, old dog!"

Hinata Shinichi was stimulated by the words of the eldest elder, and his voice gradually became louder, and the murderous intent on his body could not be concealed.

The aura spread directly to the entire wedding scene, and some alert Anbu appeared one after another.

All eyes on the entire scene were focused on Hinata Shinichi, but Hinata Shinichi did not restrain himself at all, but increased the output of murderous intent.

The eldest elder faced this terrifying aura, and his body was shocked and still, unable to move.

The sub-human innate shock can only shock ordinary people, but this eldest elder is so disappointing, and his useless son

Same, mentally, he is not as good as a Genin.

A cold breath invaded his mind, like glass shards falling into his brain.

His body fell to the ground, and for a moment, he collapsed on the ground like a clown.

Fortunately, the wedding was almost over, and Minato Namikaze was explaining something to the Anbu, and soon the Anbu ninjas dispersed.

"What a shame!" Hyuga Shinichi put away his killing intent.

Killing him now would be too easy for him.

He wanted to make atonement in front of the Great Elder, his father.

Restraining his own breath, the template of the demi-human Tanaka Koji merged more closely with him.

"Master Shinichi, please restrain yourself." Hatake Kakashi came in front of Hyuga Shinichi and bowed to remind him.

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