The original plan was to create firearms, but he changed his mind in the end.

With chakra, bows and arrows are the most convenient to use, with good power, and can also train chakra.

After a few decades, some people in the country of craftsmen develop scientific ninja tools, and he can surpass them. There is no need to waste time.

Chakra is the mainstream in this world.

"The archery of the head of the family is really amazing!"

The third elder came over, and the shock in his eyes had not dissipated.

He was the closest and saw the clearest.

The first three arrows of Hyuga Shinichi were all physical strength, which means that any member of the Hyuga family can learn it.

Combined with their white eyes, they can completely strike from a distance and carry out harassment tactics.

The advantage of bows and arrows is that they have a much longer range than hidden weapons such as kunai and shuriken that are fired only by the body.

Moreover, Hyuga Shinichi's archery just now, combined with the Byakugan, is unique and already has the aura of a master.

This is also thanks to Usopp's template. In a short period of time, he combined the characteristics of the Hyuga clan and created a set of archery suitable for the Hyuga clan.

This is the basis for the formation of the fighting method.

In the future, the archery of the Hyuga clan will become a signature like the throwing technique of the Uchiha clan, instead of stupidly going up to fight.

The clan members on the training ground below opened their Byakugan one after another, trying to find the arrow that Hyuga Shinichi had sunk into the ground.

How deep did it shoot!

In the end, they were disappointed. Even if their perception ability sunk into the ground for dozens of meters, they still couldn't find it.

Deeper, it is no longer the range that their Byakugan can detect.

"Such attack power and range are really unfathomable. I want to learn!" Male clan members of the Hyuga clan.

"On the contrary, I think that the master's archery posture is very beautiful." Some female members of the Hyuga family.

"Although it's a bit sneaky, it can protect yourself."

"Next time in the survival drill, there's no need to throw shurikens stupidly! Bows and arrows are the romance of men!"


The eyes of these people radiate light, and they are all burning with interest in learning archery.

Hyuga Shinichi, show the advantages of bows and arrows.

Waiting for the next step of Hyuga Shinichi's teaching.


Hyuga Shinichi frowned and hummed, and Zefa's observation Haki was activated, and an invisible wave emanated from his body.

All people have a feeling of being peeped, and the dust on the ground forms a wave and spreads outward at this moment.

Until covering the entire Hyuga clan!

Opening his Byakugan, the meridians around his eyes suddenly surged.

The sight passed through the heavy buildings and figures and came to the door of the Hyuga family.

He raised the bow and arrow in his hand high, took out seven arrows from his back, and put them on the bow.

The chakra in his body was injected into the arrows at the same time, and under the traction of the bowstring, they flew into the sky and turned into meteors.

Seven flames flew to the door of the Hyuga family!

Under the drill platform, everyone was watching Hyuga Shinichi's movements, not understanding why he would shoot arrows in this posture.

"The little devil is here!"

Hyuga Shinichi frowned, a little unhappy. At this time, someone came to trouble the Hyuga family.

"Head of the family? Your arrow?"

The third elder was about to ask, where did the arrow go?

Only a shadow was left at the original position of Hyuga Shinichi, which slowly dissipated.


Hyuga Shinichi used his unique instant body technique to move towards the door.

Almost at the same time.


A huge explosion sounded in everyone's ears, and the direction was exactly the direction where Hyuga Shinichi was rushing to.

The third elder's eyes narrowed, and he had some guesses in his mind, and he also rushed to the door of the Hyuga family.

Below the stage, the younger generations of the Hyuga clan looked at each other.

Also followed the footsteps of the elders.

At the door of the Hyuga family.

There was still mist in Hyuga Haruko's eyes, she had just cried.

Hyuga Hiashi was a little flustered.

He met the little girl Hyuga Haruko on the street, who was surrounded by three children from the Sanada family, calling her a white-eyed monster.

He just drove these children away.

Then he brought Hyuga Haruko back.

Unexpectedly, the ninjas of the Sanada family had already been waiting at the door of the Hyuga family.

Their adults surrounded Hyuga Hiashi and insulted him in various ways.

Gradually, a group of people gathered at the door of the remote Hyuga clan.

The people of the Sanada family began to spread rumors.

"Hyuga Shinichi, for his own selfish desires, let the daimyo of the Land of Fire intervene in Konoha's

Internal incident, the loss reached 500 million. "

Although I don't know how he got this number, it sounds fake.

Someone even agreed, saying that this news was confirmed by the Hokage.

Hinata Hiashi, then realized that these people in front of him were the ones who came to disgust them.

In the midst of the shoving, Hinata Haruko was pushed to the ground and cried.

It was also this cry that made Hinata Shinichi aware of the abnormality.

Just when Hinata Hiashi didn't know how to deal with it.

Seven arrows fell from the sky.

Falling into the crowd.

An explosion occurred.

Followed by a series of desperate screams.

Hinata Hiashi looked carefully again, and all the adults had turned into corpses.

Three children fell to the ground, their eyes were dull, and there was only blood on their bodies.


"Hiashi, you are really a fool, I said, once it involves the tribe members, they will be killed without mercy! "

Hinata Shinichi scolded Hinata Hiashi with a cold look on his face.

These people are bullying Hinata Hiashi's weakness, so they dare to be so blatant.

"Master, it's too radical to kill them." Hinata Hiashi hesitated for a long time and actually refuted Hinata Shinichi.

Hinata Shinichi ignored Hinata Hiashi, but walked to Hinata Haruko, picked her up and sent her to the gate.

"Excessive? It's ridiculous. When your child is killed by their words and actions one day, you won't think it's excessive.

Children? When I was their age, I was already on the battlefield!

Go to the ancestral hall and kneel down! "

Hinata Shinichi narrowed his eyes, and the chill on his body became heavier. Hinata Hiashi was still affected by the twisted will of fire.

During the Second Shinobi World War, the study period of the Ninja School was shortened to two and a half years.

At that time, Hinata Shinichi went to the battlefield at the age of eight.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, overturned the original intention of the first and second Hokage.

The two Hokage originally established the Ninja Village to protect young seedlings and prevent children from going to the battlefield.

Now the Third Hokage, in order to protect the Ninja Village, lets children learn simple Ninjutsu, and even Taijutsu, and become consumables on the battlefield.

The will of the Hokage has long been distorted.

How can such a leader be great!

Little Children killing people may seem innocent, but their guardians, who are supposed to restrain them, can never be innocent.

Hyuga Hiashi, this idiot, actually sympathized with these people.

Killing people without a knife is the most terrible thing.

Hyuga Hiashi realized his mistake, but he was still struggling deep in his heart.

The third elder and Hyuga Hiashi came to the door.

He pressed Hyuga Hiashi down without saying anything.

It was obviously Hyuga Hiashi who did not carry out the order to protect the clan members, but he dared to argue.

After a while, another group of people came to the door of the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Shinichi's action just now was a bit big, and the explosion sounded throughout Konoha.

The Uchiha clan's guard team!

The Anbu, the Hokage's direct unit!

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