The situation was not good, but the situation was not good.

Some people present understood it in their hearts.

This was the daimyo of the Fire Country, testing which prince they supported.

According to past experience, they would not participate in such things.

Most of the time, the nobles of the Fire Country who were close to them came to ask for some protection.

However, the third generation Hokage actually interfered with the candidate for the daimyo in secret, which aroused the vigilance of the daimyo.

His secret interference was directly in the name of the longest-serving Hokage. It seemed to have nothing to do with the families, but the nobles of the Fire Country who had close cooperation with the ninja families would give some face.

"Wama, we will not express our position in public, and we will not interfere in the competition between candidates."

The Third Hokage wanted to interrupt Wama's continued questioning and asked the ninja families present not to participate.

He still made himself look like the Third Hokage who did not participate in the struggle.

But his words were a bit harsh to some people.

You, a Hokage who resigned, carried out activities in our name, and now you want us not to participate?

What do you mean?

Our ninja families are not affiliated families of your Sarutobi clan.

Those families that were once split from the Senju clan were even more angry.

They were close to extinction, and now the Third Hokage wanted to do something that would reverse the Tiangang.

Let the name of the Fire Country return to the hands of the Minamoto clan?

Then the Fujiwara clan, which was once a combination of the Senju clan and the Minamoto clan, will be liquidated.

The open support of the Senju clan will really disappear in history.

"So, the Sandaime Hokage's opinion is that he will not participate in the competition between candidates, right?

Please answer my question positively!"


He Ma hurriedly asked, his eyes like a sharp sword, piercing the Sandaime Hokage, and for the last question, he slammed the Zen stick in his hand to the ground.

As long as there is no intervention from the Sandaime Hokage, the original ruling power of the Fujiwara family will still exist.

What's more, not all ninjas agree with the words of the Sandaime Hokage.

All ninjas looked at the Sandaime Hokage, hoping to get his affirmative answer.

He Ma pressed on step by step, forcing him into a dead end.

"The Sarutobi clan and the ninjas of Konoha will not participate in the struggle for the daimyo candidates!"

The face of the Sandaime Hokage became extremely bad, and gradually became the color of pig liver. Being stared at by everyone for a long time, he finally uttered a word.

The whole person's spirit and energy also dissipated with this sentence.

Once this sentence was spoken, the second son of the Genji lineage lost his help.

To become the new daimyo, he could only rely on his own efforts. What he could do was to prevent these people and this family from participating.

However, among the ninjas present, there were not only people from the ninja family.

There were also some jonins, whose identities were jonins who had lost the surname of the Senju clan.

The plan of their Sarutobi family for more than ten years came to nothing.

The woman who was married off for marriage also lost her meaning.

"Third-generation Hokage, I will tell the daimyo and nobles of the Land of Fire about your words! What about the other ninjas?"

He Ma's face was full of ecstasy. Without the secret intervention of the Third-generation Hokage, the probability of the eldest son of the Fujiwara family becoming the new daimyo reached six points, and the other four points depended on the attitudes of other ninjas.

The Third-generation Hokage should not participate because of his former identity as Hokage.

These ninja families not only represent part of their own families, but also represent part of the nobles of the Land of Fire.

They should have been strong supporters of the Fujiwara family.

The face of the Third Hokage became even more gloomy, and his eyes swept over the people behind him, hoping that they would maintain the same position as himself, as he said, not to interfere in the struggle between the candidates for the daimyo.

"Lord Kazuma, as the Third Hokage said, ninjas will not participate in the competition for the successor to the daimyo of the Land of Fire, let alone support anyone!"

Minato Namikaze stood up. He wanted to give the Third Hokage the last dignity and retain the original purity of the Hokage.

What he said was the same as what he thought. Ninjas were just military institutions. They just had to obey the daimyo and would not participate in their competition.

"Minato has forgotten his former surname and the help of the Senju clan to him." Kazuma began to slander in his heart.

Minato Namikaze, a civilian ninja, became Hokage. There are too many coincidences.

His wife Uzumaki Kushina inherited part of the Senju clan.

The legacy of the Hand Clan is not only a material legacy, but also a political legacy.

Transformed into his supporters.

Is he really selfless?

Or is he selfless?

He didn't know, but not everyone is like Minato Namikaze.

Some people still remember the contributions of the Senju Clan to Konoha and the Land of Fire.

"Hokage, your opinion is very important. I will tell the Daimyo. But not everyone has to agree with you."

There was a tear in Kazuma's eyes. Behind Minato Namikaze, there were more than a dozen senior ninjas standing together and raising their hands.

These more than a dozen ninjas participated in this inspection as civilian ninjas, but their identities were all former members of the Senju Clan.

"We support the Fujiwara lineage to continue to serve as the Daimyo of the Land of Fire!"

The senior ninja who led the group was Haruaki Kuchiki. It was a family that was once separated from the Senju Clan, the Kuchiki Clan, the grave-keeping family of the Senju Clan.

Namikaze Minato frowned, with a seemingly innocent expression on his face. He didn't understand why these people would refute him, the Hokage, in public.

Turning his head and taking a glance, he became even more confused.

Aren't these dozen people the civilian jonin who supported him and became the fourth Hokage?

The third Hokage just glanced at him and sighed in his heart. The influence of the Senju clan is still huge.

The representatives of other major families looked as if they had nothing to do with it. They also understood the choices of these dozen people and secretly supported them in their hearts.

"Sato... Suzuki... Sakuragi... Takagi..."

The names of these people appeared in the mind of the fourth Hokage, and finally the corners of his mouth turned into a bitter smile.

These people are all members of the Senju clan who have integrated into Konoha.

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