The twig was presented to the owner, and the owner's name was changed.

"Master, the villager from Takigakure who presented this branch did not pass the selection because he trusted the reputation of my Hyuga clan and gave it to me in advance.

According to normal procedures, there are two Konoha jonin who guarantee it, and they should all become villagers of Konoha Village.

In addition, a large number of bounties for the Hyuga clan appeared in the bounty office, and some clan members have been injured."

The third elder's complexion returned to normal and began to report.

They didn't want to cause trouble to Hyuga Shinichi for such a small matter.

However, after investigation, they found that there was a shadow of conspiracy behind it.

"Some people really don't know how to live or die!

You did a good job. Reputation and fairness can bring you unimaginable benefits at critical moments.

Since they are looking for death, let's solve it as soon as possible.

The disgusting guys should have been destroyed long ago!"

Hinata Shinichi stood up and looked into the distance.

The aura on his body did not change much, but the third elder felt a sense of oppression from this bland attitude.

Some people are just too unsatisfied!

Especially the Sarutobi clan!

Why was their prestige among civilians so high before the thunderbolt?

Not only because Sarutobi Hiruzen is the third generation Hokage, but also because these civilians have a close relationship with the Sarutobi clan.

Every time, Konoha Village needs to supplement civilians, in addition to those who have lived in Konoha for generations.

It is to immigrate from orphans and civilians with clean backgrounds from the outside world.

This all needs to be reviewed!

And the review work is presided over by the people of the Sarutobi clan!

More and more civilians who have been recognized and [brainwashed] by the Sarutobi clan have become villagers of Konoha. Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation will increase day by day!

"This is not like Sarutobi Hiruzen's style at all. It seems that he can no longer control the Sarutobi clan."

Hinata Shinichi thought about the real intention behind it. If it was Sarutobi Hiruzen, he would not dare to target the Hyuga clan so obviously. He would only wait for the time to kill them with one blow.

These small actions now should be made by people in the Sarutobi clan who are hostile to the Hyuga clan.

"Put the people who offered branches in the place newly allocated to the Hyuga clan in Konoha, and say that this is my order!

Find Hiashi here, there are some things that need to be arranged for him to do! Some situations in the Land of Fire should also be reshuffled."

Hinata Shinichi looked at the third elder. He was so old, but he was still fighting for the Hyuga clan. It was really hard.

Some things should be left to Hiashi.


The third elder agreed without hesitation.

More than ten minutes later.

Hyuga Hiashi arrived at the laboratory with a slightly disordered breathing.

He was originally teaching the Hyuga clan members new physical skills, but was suddenly summoned and rushed over.

"Master, what do you want?"

Hyuga Hiashi was a little confused, and his face was absolutely respectful.

"You have been a little slack recently! The bounty agency has taken action against our Hyuga clan! Do you know anything about them?"

Although Hyuga Shinichi felt the flow of blood and qi in Hyuga Hiashi's body, he was practicing the physical skills he taught, but there were no patches of sweat on his body, which was obviously just warming up.

He seemed to want to show that he had no intention of fighting for power and profit, but he would appear wherever he was needed.

This attitude would be fine for other people.

But Hyuga Shinichi needed him to solve some troublesome things, and he couldn't let him get depressed.

He was not an intolerant master.

He needed more help.

The most important thing now was to solve the troubles of the Hyuga clan.

"Bounty exchange? Some people also call it a gold exchange, which is equivalent to an intermediary platform.

Usually wandering ninjas, rebel ninjas, samurai, and ninjas in the village will participate in it. Exchange various intelligence and various tasks.

Rarely participate in wars between countries!

Existing in various places in the ninja world, they can be found in the five major countries.

There are two points that can be confirmed. The first point is that they are very rich. They once took out 200 million cash in a stronghold, which is also the highest one.

Even Konoha can't take out 200 million cash in a hurry.

The second point is that they have enough military force. Each small stronghold has one or two elite jonins, and the largest stronghold has nearly a dozen elite jonins, and these are all the combat power shown!

Strangely, these ninjas rarely have blood

Continue the limit.

Therefore, it is speculated that the daimyo and nobles of the five major countries may be behind this. "

Hinata Hiashi was surprised at first, and began to recall his memories of the gold exchange, revealing the information he knew one by one.

"Money? It's just a number! You can print as much as you want!

What is the bounty of Sarutobi Shinnosuke? What about the bounty of Hatake Kakashi? "

Hinata Shinichi fell into deep thought. The behind-the-scenes of this organization was a little too obvious!

Money is a kind of paper, and it is also recognized by the entire ninja world? This is very abrupt.

Even in the previous life, each country had its own currency.

Now, the countries in the ninja world are fighting each other, and the currency can be unified?

What a miracle!

Combined with the other name of the bounty office, the gold exchange office, one thing can be confirmed.

That is, the five major ninja countries seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, and the gold exchange office may be one of the important institutions.

Control the world through the gold exchange office!

Combined with an event in the memory, the destruction of the empty ninja village.

More convinced of this matter.

Once there is a threat to the rule of the five major countries, the five major ninja countries will unite and attack the existence that threatens them.

What he needs to confirm is the ruler of the ninja village - the shadow!

Did he participate in this matter?

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