The old man was very happy.

Shimura Danzo glanced at Hyuga Shinichi and his voice became sincere.

He knew that the real breakthrough was Tsunade.

As he expected, Tsunade was a little shaken when she heard this.

But thinking back to what he had seen in Konoha, he finally decided to get rid of this cancer.

"Roots like you have long been rotten and maggots, and you are constantly absorbing nutrients from Konoha, which will only erode this big tree. Now is the best time to get rid of you."

Tsunade snorted coldly and said what she thought in her heart.

Shimura Danzo sighed heavily. He didn't expect the world to misunderstand him so much.

Even the granddaughter of Tsunade's own teacher couldn't understand his philosophy. He missed his old friend Sarutobi Hiruzen very much.

He gave the ninja behind him a command with a veiled look, and his chakra began to circulate.


Hyuga Shinichi burst out with the domineering aura, suppressing everything around him.

A cloud of dust rose on the ground, rushing straight to Shimura Danzo's side.

The ninja following Shimura Danzo fell to the ground, unconscious!


Shimura Danzo also spit out blood from his mouth. The target of the domineering aura was him.

"You old bastard, as Orochimaru said, you still have some tricks up your sleeve. You actually tried to confuse me with the illusion of the Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Hyuga Shinichi squinted at Shimura Danzo who was struggling to hold on.

Just now, the eye of Shimura Danzo hidden behind the bandage actually exuded the power of the Mangekyō pupil.

He used a power similar to that of Kotoamatsukami to change his will.

However, this kind of pupil power was too weak compared to Hyuga Shinichi's own soul power, and was noticed by Hyuga Shinichi.

Shimura Danzo knelt on the ground, with one eye full of disbelief, and blood flowed from the other bandaged eye.

His left eye was now equipped with a Mangekyō Sharingan of Uchiha Kagami, and the pupil technique of the Sharingan was also to change a person's will.

Unexpectedly, it was backfired by Hyuga Shinichi's powerful mental power.

"Hyuga Shinichi, why can't you always understand the will of fire?

This world needs people to sacrifice in order to bring a bright future to others!"

Shimura Danzo sighed, his eyes full of desolation. Why don't these people understand the true meaning of the will of fire?

When Hyuga Shinichi heard this, there was a breath in his chest that couldn't go down. Shimura Danzo was still promoting his twisted will of fire, and he despised him even more in his heart.

"Whose will is your Will of Fire? Haven't you discovered that your will has been changed by others?

You live in a world deceived by others!

And you want others to live in a deceived world!"

Hinata Shinichi shook his head, took a few steps forward, and looked at the fluctuations on Shimura Danzo's body with his eyes.

There is an illusion that is exactly the same as the chakra of the Mangekyō Sharingan in his left eye.

But the chakra on Shimura Danzo's body has been integrated with this chakra.

Rather than saying that Shimura Danzo's will was rewritten by others, it is better to say that he also agrees with Uchiha Kagami's illusion concept and keeps hypnotizing himself!

This concept abandons everything to protect Konoha, but this cognition is gradually distorted under the influence of the Mangekyō Sharingan.


Everyone lives in an illusion constructed by others, and you too?

I have the truth of this village in my hands, do you want to see it?"

Shimura Danzo's eyes flashed with a hint of complexity. He should have known the situation mentioned by Hinata Shinichi.

He chuckled and took out a scroll.

In the depths of his eyes, a sense of determination emerged.

"Yes, this world is true and false, and what is certain?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Hyuga Shinichi's eyes. Shimura Danzo was still alive and sober.

He was also curious about the thing in his hand, whether it was the illusion that Orochimaru said.

Prepared to step forward.

"Master, let me do it!"

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Shimura Danzo with a trace of vigilance in his eyes and blocked Hyuga Shinichi in front of him.

"Do you want to die together?" Hyuga Shinichi saw through Shimura Danzo's thoughts. Just like Sarutobi Hiruzen, he wanted to use the sealing technique on him to seek death with himself.

After signaling Hyuga Hiashi to retreat, he came in front of Shimura Danzo and took the scroll in his hand.

Open it directly, and a few big words "The Cultivation of the King" appeared on it. Hyuga Shinichi was

The content attracted him.

Just as Hyuga Shinichi took the scroll.

Shimura Danzo breathed a sigh of relief, a hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he began to take off his clothes.

Everyone in the distance was shocked by Shimura Danzo's behavior. What's wrong with this?

Selling meat?

"Hyuga Shinichi, die with me! Just as Hiruzen said, only when you die can Konoha get back on track!"

Shimura Danzo, with a righteous look, a fierce Bagua pattern was engraved on his dry chest skin.

He had already started to seal with his hands, and the chakra in his body flowed into the seal pattern.

"The Four Symbols Seal!"

He uttered a few words.

"Too slow! I already knew your trump card."

Hyuga Shinichi shook his head, not only did he not retreat, but he moved forward.


He came to Shimura Danzo in an instant.

"You want to die but you still drag others with you, what a fool!"

Hinata Shinichi hates this kind of people the most in his heart. It is your right to choose, but you cannot interfere with other people's choices.

Hinata Shinichi's right leg was like a long whip, slamming hard on Shimura Danzo's face.

The force-bearing part began to twist, and several old teeth that were already loose were stained with black blood and fell out. The place where the bite bone was directly broken, and the face was distorted beyond human appearance.

His head was like a ball, driving his body like a broken sack to fly backwards.

He fell hard into a huge pit more than ten meters behind him.

This huge pit was originally a fake stone gate dug by Shimura Danzo to confuse the enemy.

Now it has become his burial place!

"How could it be so fast? Is he not interested in Sarutobi Hiruzen's illusion?

Why does he know my trump card?"

Shimura Danzo had many doubts in his heart, and he never had the chance to get the answer again.

Crack, crack…

A series of cracking sounds were heard.

The pit, which was already more than ten meters deep, was corroded again by Shimura Danzo.

Everything around him, with Shimura Danzo as the center, formed a circular seal, which was sealed in his body. This was the inner four-symbol seal.

The original record of this sealing technique was to seal a broken bridge.

Now, just like the original timeline, this time Shimura Danzo only sealed a fake stone door, and also did not cause any harm to anyone.

Tsunade was still shocked by what had just happened.

Originally, he was puzzled by Hyuga Shinichi's behavior. He also saw Shimura Danzo's plan and planned to save Hyuga Shinichi at the critical moment.

But Hyuga Shinichi cracked it so easily.

He had only seen that kind of calm feeling in his grandfather, Senju Tobirama.

When Hyuga Hiashi saw that Shimura Danzo was making a seal, he was ready to rush forward. He couldn't let Hyuga Shinichi get into trouble at this time.

But his speed was far inferior to that of Hinata Shinichi, and he ran to the original position of Shimura Danzo with an awkward smile on his face.

Hinata Shinichi ignored everyone and picked up the scroll that Shimura Danzo had just given him and started reading it.

The information in it was very interesting.

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