Chapter XV Class B Tasks

No matter what Nanaba called, the system seemed to be dead, and there was no response.

With such a willful and Buddhist system, Nanaba only felt that his future life would be gray.

For the next two days, Nanaba was not idle for a minute, completing one D-level task after another.

Although the D-level task is only one or two thousand taels, and he still has to be divided by half of the guidance Shangnin, Nanaba is still happy about it.

It was another bright day, and Nanaba arrived at the mission hall of the Hokage Building early.

Although the D-level mission pays less, it is much easier than those tasks to protect the escort, and all D-level tasks are also very sought-after in the lower patience.

“Am I late? It shouldn’t be! Nanaba looked at the empty shelves in the D-class mission area and said incredulously.

A green onion-white jade hand grabbed Qiye’s shoulder, and Qiye, who came back to his senses, subconsciously grabbed the opponent’s wrist and pulled it hard.

Over-the-shoulder fall.

Sunset Hong originally wanted to say hello to Nanaba, but she didn’t expect Nanaba’s vigilance to be so high.

However, how Xi Rihong said it was also very tolerant, and he quickly reacted.

“This punk. The egg dares to do something to me, I want to make him suffer a little! “Sunset is angry.

The left arm slammed an elbow blow towards Nanaba behind him at an extremely fast speed.

“How is it sunset red?” Recognizing that the person he had caught was Sunset Red, Nanaba’s heart clicked.

He released his left hand that was holding Sunset Red, and raised his arm to block Sunset Red’s elbow strike.

Then Naniba hurriedly stepped forward to help Sunset Hong.

“Teacher Hong! Are you okay? ”

In a hurry, Nanaba didn’t realize that his hands were pressed on Sunset Red’s lower abdomen.

Sunset Red’s pretty face was hot, and he slammed into Nanaba’s two large pig’s trotters.

“I’m okay!”

After taking a deep breath, Sunset Red returned to her usual appearance and said to Nanaba, “I’m going to go to the Third Generation Hokage to take a B-class mission, you wait for me here!” ”

In order to ease the embarrassment of the two, so Xi Rihong went to pick up the task alone, Nanaba didn’t know why, but still nodded.

After Sunset Red left, Nanaba was bored and quietly waited for Sunset Hong to return.

After seeing Qiye every day who came to pick up the task, he subconsciously avoided it.

Two days ago, because of that Naraku Technique, this little girl was scared enough, and Nanaba felt a little guilty in his heart.

Walking up to Tiantian’s body, Shichiba said sincerely, “I was really sorry last time!” ”

“Oh yes! It’s okay! I still have business, see you senior! ”

Seeing the seven leaves every day is like seeing a flood beast, and his face is terrified.

It seems that last time did leave a lot of shadows in her heart!

Two minutes after Tiantian left, Sunset Hong walked downstairs with a scroll in her hand.

Although her complexion had returned to normal now, she was a little afraid to look directly at Nanaba.

“This mission is to wipe out the bandits one hundred and thirty miles outside the village, leave early tomorrow morning, you go back and prepare!”

After hearing the content of the task, Nanaba’s face suddenly became serious.

“I know!”

There are constant disputes between large countries, small countries, and even clans in the ninja world, but it is always ordinary civilians who are hurt the most.

Most of the persecuted civilians who cannot survive will run to the mountains to become kings, turning from victims to perpetrators.

This mission to eliminate the mountain thief has reached level B, which means that there are ninjas among the mountain thieves.

Nanaba can still do it for killing ninjas and adults, but it’s not just adults among those thieves!

With a heavy and uneasy heart, Nanaba returned to his home.

After a night of tossing and turning.

Nanaba arrived at the entrance of the village the next day staring at a pair of bloodshot eyes.

At about half past seven in the morning, the sunset red was late.

“You didn’t seem to have a good rest last night?” Sunset Hong asked worriedly.

“Out of the way!”

“Okay then! Let’s go! “Sunset Red Road.

For a ninja with a distance of more than a hundred miles, that is not a matter at all.

Nanaba and Sunset Red did not rest along the way, except for eating some dry food and replenishing some water at noon.

As soon as the sun set, they arrived at the location of their mission target.

“Not bad! You can keep up with my speed! Sunset Hong said approvingly.

“It’s fine!”

Nanaba replied modestly.

After the two chatted a little, they focused on the thief village in the valley.

Only to wait for the dead of night to launch an attack on this cottage.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for collection!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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