Jiraiya said, "I know you don't have the idea of serving as Hokage right now, but you also know the situation in the village.

"Although the old man is Hokage, there are many things he can't decide at all."

"If at that time, Tuan Zang's advisers, as well as the pressure of other families in the village, can you really keep this child?"

"Just by the name of your Konoha Sanshinobi Tsunadehime? Or with the Senju clan who now only has you and Rope Tree left?

"And you haven't forgotten to break yet, have you?"

"Isn't Broken and Rope Tree's dreams all to be Hokage?"

"For the will of the dead, for the future of the living, this position of Hokage you should assume no matter what."

Tsunade listened to Jiraiya's words and fell silent.

After pondering for a long time, Tsunade looked up at Jiraiya and spoke, "You go back and tell the old man about the succession of the fifth Hokage, and I agreed."

"However, if those old things of the Elder Order want to interfere with me when I am the Hokage, I will not be polite, I hope he will not stop me at that time."

Zi Lai also nodded, "Don't worry, the old man is not such an unreasonable person." Seeing

that Tsunade agreed, Jiraiya didn't say anything more.

Entering the back room, he looked at Naruto who was sleeping, and a smile appeared on his face.

Now that everything was done, it didn't take long for him to leave.

A day later, news spread that Tsunade-hime, one of Konoha's Three Shinobi, had inherited the fifth Hokage.

This is also to appease the villagers after the Nine-Tails Rebellion and reassure them of Konoha's future.

It is also a warning to other countries not to think that if the fourth generation of Hokage dies, Konoha will be left in decline.


Half a month later, the fifth generation Hokage succession ceremony was held.

When Tsunade, who was standing on the Hokage building, said the words, "Today, I am the fifth generation Hokage!" At that time, the people of Konoha who came to watch the ceremony cheered, and the haze shrouded in Konoha Village was swept away.

Lei Luo, Rin, Hong and others also came to watch the ceremony, of course, they did not forget to bring Naruto, the little guy.

While everyone was cheering, Naruto seemed to be infected by this atmosphere, struggling and babbling in Rin's arms.


Time passed quickly, and half a year passed almost in the blink of an eye.

Lei Luo did not go on another mission in the past half a year, but has been studying the sealing technique of the Vortex clan.

After all, the five-year plan he set for himself is not just talk.

In addition, he also went to visit Iruka, as the orphan of Iru Buka, the head teacher of Relo, and Naruto's homeroom teacher in the original book, Relo still has a good impression of him.

So he also accepted Iruka as a disciple, so that he would not move to an orphanage because of the death of his parents.

However, with Leiluo's current identity, the small room that Leiluo lived in back then was no longer suitable.

And the Senju clan has a lot of empty land, and Tsunade also wants to add some popularity to the Senju clan, and agrees to allow Relo to move in.

As a result, in addition to the two siblings Tsunade and Ropeki, there are now several more people in the Senju clan, Shizune, Rin, Naruto, Relo, and Iruka.

Of course, after Tsunade became Hokage, there were a lot of things to deal with every day, and Rin also had to go to work at Konoha Hospital, while Relo was relatively free, so now Naruto was often brought by Relo.

On this day, Relo let a few of his disciples go to the training ground to train as usual, while he was playing with Naruto at home.

Watching Naruto crawl around and fall from time to time, Relo laughed.

At this moment, Shizune suddenly walked in from outside the house.

"Reilo-kun, Tsunade-sama has something to find you!"

Relo nodded and picked Naruto up and followed Shizune to Hokage's office.

"Tsunade-sama, what are you looking for me for?"

Looking at Relo who walked in, Tsunade picked up a scroll from the table and handed it to Relo.

"Lei Luojun, look at this, this is the intelligence that the dark ministry has just received.

"A UFO was found at the border, and the border guard stronghold was attacked, with more than eighty percent killed and wounded, and now this UFO is heading towards Konoha Village."

"This is..."

Lei Luo opened the intelligence scroll, first briefly scanned the content of the intelligence, and then carefully looked at the photos in the intelligence, and finally recognized what it was.

A huge fortress-like building floats in the sky, surrounded by a large number of small black dots, but it is a small or large flying machine when you look closely.

"Isn't this the ultimate weapon of the Sora Ninja, Angkor Fortress?"

Thinking of this, Lei Luo tried hard to recall the plot about empty ninja.

Relo has been in the Hokage World for almost 20 years, and the plot of the Empty Ninja Village is still a theatrical version, and there are some places where Relo doesn't really remember it.

It's just that the general information about the empty ninja is still clear to Leilo.

Kushin Village is a village that was destroyed by Konoha during the Second Shinobi War.

In order to revive the empty ninja, a guy named Shennong created an artificial tailed beast and a flying fortress, wanting to dominate the world.

The first battle of the Kushin Fortress was to take revenge on Konoha, but it was lost at the hands of Naruto, the child of fate.

It stands to reason that the current time is a little wrong, and the attack on Konoha by Kushin should be the plot after the official start of Shippuden, and there are still more than ten years from now.

However, the artificial tailed beast of the empty ninja is made of Chakra caused by dark emotions, and the previous ninja world war must have spawned countless pains, and it is not incomprehensible that this guy absorbs enough energy in advance.

But the current Konoha is much stronger than when the original Nakaku Shinobu attacked.

I don't know how Kushin had the courage to attack Konoha, could it be because he heard the information of the Nine Tails Rebellion in Konoha and the death of the fourth generation of Hokage, and thought that Konoha's strength was nothing more than that.

However, the strength of Kong Ninja should not be underestimated, and the hole cards of this guy Shennong are endless.

In the original work, they were fighting inside the Empty Fortress, which caused Shennong to be unable to let go of his hands and feet, and could not exert the true power of the Empty Fortress, which had a Chakra energy cannon that could destroy the Ninja Village with one blow, really let this guy drive to the vicinity of Konoha, and Konoha Yasei was finished playing.

And the strength of his subordinates is also good, the ninja is extremely powerful, even a lower ninja can exert the destructive power of the upper ninja with the help of a flying machine, which is also not a small trouble.

At this moment, Relo triggered the system task again.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission, one person enemy country.

"One person enemy country, the real strong never care about the number of enemies, they all have the strength to destroy a country by one person, please the host alone to eliminate the empty patience."

"Mission Reward: God-level Draw Points*1."

Looking at this task, Lei Luo was speechless for a while.

"I lean! Isn't it, system you play me?! "

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