Water Country, Mist Hidden Village, Water Shadow Building.

A pitch-black figure emerged from the ground, followed by a twisted vortex in the air, and a man with a spiral mask walked out of it.

"Hei Jue, did you come to me for something?" The masked man asked with the soil.

The pitch-black figure was naturally black, and I saw him open his mouth and reply: "Not long ago, Lei Luo went to Yuyin Village. When

Obito heard this, his face under the mask frowned, and he asked, "Relo?" What did he go to Yuyin Village for?

Hei Ruo replied: "He wants to cooperate with the Xiao Organization, I sent Bai Jue to lurk and overhear their conversation, and Leiluo's purpose is also to capture the Nine Tailed Beasts, I don't know why."

"And there is another problem, Relo's strength is very strong, and Nagato is probably not his opponent."

Obito heard this and replied in a deep voice: "Since he has the same purpose as us, then leave him alone for the time being."

"As long as it accomplishes the purpose, nothing else matters."

Hei Jue nodded and spoke, "I think the time is ripe now, and we can start to act."

Obito replied: "For the time being, it's not time for me to make a move, first let the people of Xiao Organization go and catch Ichio and Erwei, and Three-tail is in this guy's body, and he can't run."

Obito pointed at Yakura, but Yakura acted as if he hadn't heard anything, and now he was just a puppet controlled by Obito.

Kuro Jue nodded and said, "Then I'll leave first, I'll let Nagato start with them." After

saying that, Hei Je dived underground, cast the magic of mayflies and left.

Obito turned his head and looked at Yakura and snorted coldly, and then his figure distorted into a vortex and disappeared.


Now that he had already negotiated cooperation with Nagato, there was no need to stay in Yuyin Village any longer, so Relo left Yuyin Village and returned to Konoha.

The first thing Relo did when he returned to Konoha was to contact the Wave Feng Shui Gate, and since he had obtained the body of Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, it was time to resurrect her.

The black shadow that Bofeng Shui Gate saw when he first cast the ghoul seal should be Heijue, and the body of Uzumaki Jiu Shinai should be handed over to Nagato by Heijiu.

After receiving the news from Leiluo, Bofeng Shuimen immediately rushed back from outside the village.

Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Lei Luo and asked excitedly: "Lei Luojun, is the news you gave me true?" Lei

Luo smiled and nodded back: "That's right, I have already obtained Jiu Xinnai's body, but I can't tell you how I got it for the time being." Bofeng

Shuimen nodded and didn't care, everyone had their own secrets, he just needed to make sure that Jiu Xinnai's body had been found, and it was enough for Lei Luo to help him resurrect Jiu Xinnai.

Lei Luo looked at the wave feng shui gate and said: "Now if you want to resurrect Jiu Xinnai, you are only one step away, that is, you need the body of a ninja.

Bofeng Shuimen asked suspiciously, "The corpse of the ninja?" Relo

replied, "That's right, if you want to resurrect Jiu Xinnai, you must use the Dirt Rebirth Technique to retrieve her soul from the underworld, and using Dirt Rebirth requires a ninja's corpse as a sacrifice." Bofeng

Shuimen nodded when he heard Lei Luo's explanation, he had not learned the forbidden technique of soil rebirth before, so he did not know the conditions required to perform this forbidden technique.

So Bo Feng Shuimen opened his mouth and said: "Lei Luojun, give me one day, I will go and find a rebel corpse to bring back, and in a day, we will resurrect Jiu Xinnai."

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "No problem, Watergate-kun, you go!"

As soon as the words fell, the figure of Watergate had disappeared, and he was already a little impatient.


Land of Fire, Konoha Village, Orochimaru abandoned base.

The location chosen by the experimental base of the Great Snake Pill is very hidden in the village, and since the defection of the Great Snake Pill, the valuable materials and experimental products here have been cleaned up by the village, and this place has been abandoned.

There will be no one else here at all, and it is just right to resurrect Jiu Xinnai here.

After Bofeng Shuimen successfully obtained a rebellious corpse, Relo came here with him to prepare to resurrect Jiu Xinnai.

Bofeng Shuimen looked at Lei Luo, and said with a solemn expression: "Lei Luojun, please you!"

Lei Luo nodded and replied, "Watergate-kun, you don't have to be so nervous.

"But just in case, please arrange the enchantment here."

Bofeng Shuimen nodded and replied, "No problem, leave this to me!" Then

Bofeng Shuimen directly took out more than a dozen swords of ninja from the ninja bag and threw them out casually, and the swords of ninja fell accurately in all corners of the abandoned base.

Then the wave feng shui gate made a seal in his hand, and with the landing point of the sword of forbearance as the node, an enchantment suddenly opened, isolating all external perceptions and avoiding the possibility of being discovered by others.

"Very good!" Lei Luo looked at the open enchantment of the wave feng shui gate and nodded, the sealing technique of the wave feng shui gate is also very good, this enchantment also contains his own space-time attributes, which should be improved.

Now that the preliminary preparations have been made, it is time to resurrect Jiu Xinnai!

Relo took a small piece of flesh and blood from Jiu Xinnai's corpse, and then stood in front of the corpse of the rebel ninja, and began to seal in his hand.

"Yin! Whoops! Dog! Early morning!

Then Lei Luo clasped his hands together, and suddenly the rebel corpse in front of him changed, and a mysterious aura pervaded. The corpse of the rebel changed into the appearance of Jiu Xinnai, and then opened his eyes.

"I'm this..." Jiu Xinnai's soul had just been recalled from the underworld, obviously a little confused.

Then he sat up and looked around, and suddenly saw the wave feng shui gate, ignoring Lei Luo, who was standing on the side.

"Watergate!" Jiu Xinnai directly got up and ran towards the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

Bofeng Shuimen did not dodge, and directly held Jiu Xinnai in his arms.

"Watergate, I'm not dreaming, am I back in this world?" Jiu Xinnai buried his head in Bofeng Shuimen's arms and muttered.

Bo Feng Shuimen's face was full of tenderness, stroking Jiu Xinnai's long red hair, and said: "You are not dreaming, all this is true."

"Watergate, how did you come back to life?" I remember you didn't use a ghoul ban in the first place? Jiu Xinnai raised her head from Bofeng Shuimen's arms and looked at him and asked.

Bo Feng Shuimen replied: "This is thanks to Lei Luojun, it was he who liberated me from the space in the belly of the god of death, and it was he who resurrected me. "

Relo-kun?" Jiu Shinai said, "Is that the disciple of Tsunade-sama, Reilo-kun, who has the boundary of light and blood succession that has never appeared in the ninja world for hundreds of years? Bofeng

Shuimen nodded and replied, "That's right, it's him, and Naruto was also adopted by Lei Luojun, and he can be regarded as Naruto's adoptive father."

"Naruto? How old has Naruto grown now, how is he doing now, has he started school? Jiu Shinna suddenly became excited when she heard Naruto's name, and she couldn't wait to know the news of her son.


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