A month passed quickly, and today is the official start of the third session of the Chūnin exam.

The daimyo of each country also sent representatives to watch the battle, but Relo did not find a representative of the daimyo of the Land of Water.

The village of Mist Yin sent people to participate, and it is really strange that the daimyo of the country of water did not send representatives to watch the ceremony.

"What the hell does Obito want to do?" Relo was puzzled.

Just then, Tsunade began her speech.

"Dear audience! Thank you for coming here to watch the Chu Shinobi Exam held by our Konoha Shinobi Village!

"Now, I announce that the third session of the Chūnin Exam has officially begun!"

With Tsunade's announcement, the third exam officially began.

The examiner of the third exam is still Moonlight Blast.

Directly in an instant, the moonlight wind appeared in the field, coughing a few times from time to time, looking like a kidney deficiency.

But since the big snake pill doesn't do things now, then the moonlight wind will definitely not die at the hands of Markey.

In this way, although Lei Luo robbed Xiyan, he saved his life, and the moonlight was bloody.

"Ahem, hello everyone, I am the main examiner of the third exam, Moonlight Blast!" Moonlight Swift said, "Then here is the first group of fighters, Nara Shikamaru vs. Temari. "

Please play on both sides!"

As soon as Shikamaru heard Moonlight Wind announce his name, his whole person suddenly became even more decadent.

"Ah, it's so troublesome, the first game is me, otherwise I will admit defeat!"

"I feel that I should not be the opponent of that violent woman, and it is nothing to admit defeat!"

Shikamaru's leader Shinobu Asma couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eye when he heard Shikamaru's words.

"Other people's students are thinking about how to play their own style, how to win, why do you think of admitting defeat here, just admit defeat like this, I can't let other Shangnin die laughing?"

At this time, Temari was already standing in the field, looking in the direction of Shikamaru and shouting: "Hey, that pineapple head, you can't get down, if you don't come down, even if you admit defeat?!"

Shikamaru heard this and was about to admit defeat, but Asma saw it and kicked him down.


Shikamaru directly plunged into the ground one by one, and many people watching couldn't help but laugh when they saw this scene.

Asma's old face turned red and thought in his heart: "Shikamaru, you smelly boy, you wait for me, I must give you ten times more training!" Although

Asma kicked Shikamaru into the field, Shikamaru was obviously still a head iron.

I saw that he slowly raised his hand, waved it gently, and said: "I admit defeat!" "

Cut!" Temari heard Shikamaru admit defeat, cut in disdain, and then walked towards the outside.

Moonlight Blaster reappeared in the field and opened his mouth to announce the result.

"First group, Temari victory!"

"I have invited the second group of contestants, Akimichi Dingji vs. Shino the oil girl!"

Ding Ji, who was eating potato chips, heard that his opponent turned out to be Shino, so he directly raised his hand and muttered in his mouth: "I also admit defeat!" "

Asma next to him has a black line, and the two disciples who entered the final by themselves actually admitted defeat, this Nima is an inner ghost, they are all targeting me Asma.

Many spectators in the audience also shouted dissatisfaction, but Moonlight Wind still came on stage to announce the result.

"The second group, Shino the oil girl, wins!"

"Next the third group, Naruto Uzumaki vs. Hinata Ninji!"

Naruto beside Relo heard the moonlight wind call his name, and couldn't wait to jump directly into the room.

Kakashi and Relo are both black lines, "When will Naruto be able to stabilize his focus?!"

Hinata Ninji also followed closely into the field, and the two sides formed a seal of opposition.

Then Naruto raised his hand and shot several kunai at Hinata Ninji, but the corners of Ninji's eyes burst out, directly opened his eyes, and then easily blocked Naruto's attack.

"Konoha Fluid. Rigid whirlwind!

Naruto instantly appeared above Ningji's head, but he was instantly dodged by Ningji, and then the two sides went back and forth to attack dozens of moves, but they couldn't help each other.

Although Naruto's physical skills were taught by Relo, the Hyuga clan that Ninji was in was a family of physical skills.

The two sides retreated violently, and then once again formed a confrontational situation.

"Naruto, your strength is indeed good, but it is still a little worse than me, and I am going to start moving the real thing!" Ning Ci looked at the cold voice and said.

Then in the next second, Ninji rushed directly to Naruto, and his finger directly pointed at Naruto's acupuncture points.

"Not good!" Naruto felt the somewhat slow flow of Chakra in his body, and sighed in his heart.

But Lei Luo had told him how to deal with Ning Ci after all, so he was not very panicked.

I saw the seal in Naruto's hand, and the multiple shadow avatar technique was instantly released.

More than a dozen Naruto surrounded Ninji and blocked Ninji's combo, and Naruto's body took the opportunity to distance himself from Ninji.

"Use ninjutsu to fight him now, it's easy to be spotted by him up close."

Then Naruto's hand was sealed again, and as soon as he opened his mouth, a huge wind blade spit out from Naruto's hand and attacked Ninji.

"Wind escape. Big breakthrough! "

Naruto's ability to use ninjutsu so fluently now has a lot to do with Reiro, not only because he taught Naruto ninjutsu, but also because Reiro strengthened the seal of the Nine Tails.

In this way, the Chakra of the Nine Tails will not interfere with Naruto, and Naruto, who is a member of the Uzumaki clan, now has enough nutrition when he was a child, and his own Chakra amount is also very sufficient.

When Naruto's strength is stronger and he can control the Nine-Tailed Chakra to a certain extent, Relo will help him loosen the seal a little.

This is the best way for Naruto, otherwise with the interference of the Nine Tails, it is too difficult for Naruto to refine the Chakra control, and it may also be because of the Nine Tails' induction to expose the water gate.

Ninji looked at the wind blade that Naruto spit out and easily dodged.

Then Ninji said to Naruto: "It's useless, my strength is above you, you have no chance of victory, accept your fate of failure!"

With a hint of a smile on his lips, Naruto spoke, "Ninji, you may be too confident, my strength is not only this, just some simple temptations."

"Next, let you try my true strength!"

Then he made a crazy seal in his hand, and this basic skill did not fall behind.

"Wind escape. A thousand faces!

Immediately afterwards, he spat out countless tiny wind blades from Naruto and attacked towards Ninji.

Ning Ci looked at the attacking wind blade, and knew in his heart that he definitely couldn't dodge it, so he could only carry it hard.

"Then you can only use this trick!" Ning Ci's eyes widened, and Chakra gushed out from various acupuncture points in his body.

"Baguazhang. Go back to heaven! "

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