Kuroje, who was waiting at the entrance, watched Payne walk out with Yugito with a smile on his face.

Now it's one step closer to saving my mother.

After Payne walked out of the ruins, he directly threw the unconscious Yugito to Kurojue.

"No, send her back to the base first!" Payne spoke.

"Yes!" Hei Jue replied seemingly respectfully, and the seal summoned a Bai Jue, which was directly wrapped in the wooden man, and then Bai Jue sneaked into the ground and disappeared.

After Bai Jue disappeared, Hei Jue looked at Payne and asked, "So what should we do next?" Hearing

this, Payne lowered his head and pondered, and then opened his mouth and replied: "You go and explore the location of the eight-tailed pillar force again to see if there is a chance."

Hei Jue nodded, and then directly dived underground and disappeared.


However, after diving underground, Kuro did not investigate the whereabouts of the eight-tailed man Zhuliki Rabi, but quickly rushed towards the Land of Water with the help of the art of mayflies.

Because he had already sent Bai Jue to stare at Chirabi in the Cloud Thunder Gorge, knowing that he had never left.

Now that the two tails have been successfully captured by Payne, according to the plan, it is time for Obito to move from behind the scenes to the present, and now it happens that the strength of the organization is somewhat weak, and if Obito joins in, it will be more convenient to capture the tailed beast.

With the art of mayflies, Hei Jue soon came to the Land of Water, and then easily sneaked into Mist Hidden Village and entered the Water Shadow Office.

When Hei Jue came out of the ground, the space in the Water Shadow Office was distorted for a while, and the figure with soil appeared at the same time.

"Hei Jue, did you come here for something this time?" Obito looked at Hei Jue and asked in a deep voice.

Hei Jue replied softly when he heard this: "Payne personally shot and successfully captured the two-tailed man Zhuli, now it's time for you to strike."

Obito nodded and said, "Yes, but how to do this, have you thought about it?"

Hei Jue smiled and replied, "Don't worry, as long as you carry the three-tailed human pillar power, Payne will definitely agree."

Obito turned his head to look at the fourth generation of Mizukage Citrus Yakura, and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth under the mask.


The Land of Thunder, among the underground ruins.

The black figure came out of the ground again.

Payne looked at the black jue that appeared in front of him and said coldly: "Jue, your speed is a little too slow!"

Hei Jue replied, "I'm sorry, Payne, because something happened to be delayed." "

Oh?" Payne's expression became even more indifferent, "At this time, what is it that has delayed you for so long?!"

Hei refused to reply: "I have found a new person for the organization, and the strength is very strong, which is just enough to supplement the combat strength of the organization."

Payne snorted coldly, "Just because of a new person? What's going on over there with the eight-tailed man pillar force?

Hei Rang replied, "The eight-tailed human pillar force is still in the Cloud Thunder Gorge, and the reason why he values this newcomer is because he successfully captured the three-tailed human pillar force alone. Hearing

what Hei Jue said, Payne's expression fluctuated slightly.

But Payne didn't quite believe it, looked at the opening and said: "I remember that the three-tailed human pillar force should be the current fourth generation of Water Shadow in Wuyin Village, how did the newcomer take the water shadow from Wuyin Village, and the people of Wuyin Village are too wasteful!"

Hei Jue smiled and said, "I don't know exactly what the situation is, but these three-tailed human pillar forces were indeed captured by him."

"Where is that new man now?" Payne asked.

Hei refused to reply, "Now that he is waiting in the Land of Rain, it is up to you to decide whether or not to let him join the Xiao Organization."

Payne nodded and said, "Since there is no chance to capture Yao now, let's go back first, I want to see how strong this newcomer is." "


Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village.

Obito was wandering around Yunyin Village with a whirlpool mask, but he didn't have the gloomy aura of his usual life, but it made people feel a little frivolous and hanging.

"I didn't expect Payne to have some skills, and this Yuyin Village is developing well." Obito thought to himself.

I have to say that under the protection of the Xiao Organization, the civilian life of the Land of Rain is much safer than before, no wonder many people call Payne a god and Xiaonan an angel.

At this moment, Hei Jue suddenly appeared in front of Obito.

Hei Jue looked at Obito and said, "Payne has returned, tell you to meet him, come with me!"

Obito nodded and followed Hei Jue to the center tower.

Payne sat on the main throne, looked at Obito who walked in with Hei Jue, and asked, "Is that why you want to join our Xiao Organization?"

Obito nodded and replied with a smile: "That's right, are you the leader?"

"My name is Ah Fei, I want to join the Xiao Organization, my strength is very strong!"

"Oh? Is it? Payne looked Obito squarely in the eyes and said, "I heard that you captured the three-tailed man Zhuli by yourself?"

Obito nodded, a proud look, I have to say that Obito can be called the right actor level based on acting skills alone, and play a sand sculpture brainless A Fei vividly.

However, it is possible that Fei is Obito's most authentic character, just like when he was still in Konoha Shinobi School, and now he is completely cruel because he thought that Rin's death was blackened.

Payne then asked, "How did you capture the three-tailed man Zhu Li?" He is a fourth-generation water shadow, he has always been in the Misty Hidden Village, you can actually resist the entire Misty Hidden Village alone?

"No, no, no!" Obito listened to Payne's question and waved his hand repeatedly, "I can't deal with the entire Mist Hidden Village alone, I can capture the three tails, all relying on it."

Obito pointed to his eyes, and immediately changed from pitch-black eyes to three gouyu writing wheel eyes, and then froze into kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

"It's actually a chakra? I didn't expect you to be from the Uchiha clan? Payne looked into Obito's eyes, his pupils shrunk, and he spoke.

"Well, that's all in the past, don't worry about these little problems." Obito said nonchalantly, "How about it, Chief, can I join the Xiao Organization now?"

Payne nodded and said: "Although you have a chakra eye, but still have to test your strength, I will arrange for you to fight with him, as long as you can beat him, I will agree to you joining."

Obito replied with a smile: "No problem, who wants to fight me, is it the leader who wants to personally attack?"

Payne didn't reply to Obito's words, but turned to Hei Jue and said, "Jue, go and call Nandou!" "

Nandou is the dry persimmon ghost mackerel, after all, in addition to writing wheel eyes, the Uchiha clan is most famous for their fire ninjutsu, and it is just right for the dry persimmon oni mackerel to shoot.

Hei Jue listened to Payne's words and nodded and replied, "Yes!" Then

he walked out.

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