"After a long time, Hei Jue finally found a way to resurrect Datuki Kaguya."

"That is to summon the outer path golem in the moon through the legendary eye of reincarnation, and then absorb the nine tailed beasts, resurrect the ten tails, and release the infinite moon reading again with the power of the ten tails, and release the big tube wood Kaguya."

Relo's words sounded like a story made up, but his cautious look made people can't help but believe that what he said was true.

Lei Luo continued: "Although Hei Jue is not strong, he has a strong ability to escape, and basically can't kill him, so I decided to let him resurrect Kaguya. "

With my current strength, it is enough to deal with Kaguya Otsuki, and I want to lift this scourge for the ninja world once and for all."

"You should also understand by now that the reason why the Xiao Organization is collecting tailed beasts now is because Hei Jue is behind the ghost."

"The leader of the Xiao Organization is just a pitiful ghost who has been blinded by the black, speaking of which, he is still your junior disciple, and he is all a disciple of Master Zilaiye."

Bofeng Shuimen was shocked again, "What? The leader of the Xiao organization turned out to be a disciple of Teacher Zilaiye?!

Lei Luo nodded and replied: "That's right, his name is Uzumaki Nagato, he is a clan member of the Uzumaki clan, and his eyes are the legendary eye of reincarnation."

"I called you back this time to extract the Nine Tails in your body, Naruto is still young and doesn't know much about this, and we, as fathers, shouldn't let the child bear all this."

"So keeping the half of Naruto's body and pulling out this half of yours is the most suitable choice."

Bofeng Shuimen pondered for a moment, calmed his mood, and said: "Lei Luojun, you are right, since I am still alive, this kind of thing should not be borne by the child.

"I agreed! Originally, this life of mine was saved by you, and you can take away the nine tails in my body at any time. "

Watergate, you..." Jiu Xinnai listened to Watergate's words and wanted to persuade, but was stopped by Watergate and did not continue.

"Jiu Xinnai, you don't need to persuade me, I was able to die for the village back then, and now I can die again for the ninja world, you understand me." Bofeng Shuimen looked at Jiu Xinnai and said.

Jiu Xinnai nodded and did not speak, but tears flowed uncontrollably from the corners of her eyes.

Lei Luo looked at this scene but said with a smile: "Oh, there is no need to be so heavy, have you forgotten that I can also be resurrected, and after I extract the Nine Tails from the body of the Water Gate, I can also resurrect him again."

"Besides, I'm not going to draw the Nine Tails now, it's still a while before that time."

Listening to Leiluo's words, the two of Bofeng Shuimen were stunned, and they both forgot that Leiluo could also be resurrected.

Coming back to her senses, Jiu Xinnai wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and stopped crying.

Bofeng Shuimen looked at Lei Luo and said: "Lei Luo-kun, just come according to your plan, you can draw out the nine tails in my body at any time, only by eliminating the hidden danger of the ninja world can we leave a peaceful and stable future for the children." Lei

Luo looked at Bo Feng Shuimen's gentle smile and firm eyes, and also nodded firmly.


Land of Rain, Rain Hidden Village, Central Tower.

Deidara rushed all the way back to the center tower to report to Payne on the mission.

"I'm sorry, Chief, I failed this mission!"

Deidara looked a little dejected.

Payne looked at Deidara and asked, "What happened, with your strength, how could the mission fail?"

Deidara said, "We underestimate the strength of the six-tailed human pillar force, and the strong acid contained in the six-tailed chakra can corrode my clay and make it unable to explode." Payne

nodded when he heard this, and said: "I know, since the mission failed, then you should stay in the base first, and I will personally deal with the six-tailed human pillar force."

Deidara nodded, then turned and walked out of the central tower, the mission failure was really a bit humiliating, making him a little uncomfortable.

"I must develop a bomb that is not afraid of this strong acid!" Deidara made up her mind and prepared to study it during this time.

After watching Deidara leave, Payne sent a message to Kuroje and summoned him back.

Not long after, Hei Jue came to the central tower.

Payne looked at the black jue that emerged from the ground, and asked lightly: "Jue, you go to investigate the latest location of some six-tailed human pillar forces, Deidara's mission has failed, I will personally strike."

"Also, what happened to the eight-tailed man Pillar Force over there, and has there been any changes?"

Hei was still wondering why Payne called him back, but he didn't expect that it was Deidara's mission failure.

"Waste guy!" Kuro couldn't help but scold Deidara, slowing down the progress of the mission.

Then Hei absolutely said to Payne: "The eight-tailed man Pillar Li Qirabi's side is still in the Cloud Thunder Gorge, it should be that the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai learned the news of the disappearance of the two-tailed Pillar Force, and restricted Kirabi's actions.

Payne nodded and said, "Then you first go and investigate the latest location of the six-tailed human pillar force, and after discovering it, pass the location information to me."

Hei Jue nodded and said, "Yes!" Then

he dived underground and left.

A day later, Payne received the position of Yutaka from the black peerless legend, and together with Xiaonan, set off to leave Yuyin Village.


The land of tea, dense forests in the south.

Yutaka walked through the dense forest to find himself a place to stay, far from the earth spider tribe, sparsely populated, and no one should find him again.

After a while, Hataka found a suitable cave, dry and wide, just suitable for living.

But what Hataka didn't know was that his every move was watched by Bai Jue underground, and then Bai Jue passed the information to Hei Jue, and Payne and Xiaonan had also come to the country of tea.

But Konam does not act with Payne, but is protecting Payne's own body, Nagato.

Payne stopped looking at the forest ahead, and the black one came out of the ground.

"Chief, the six-tailed man Pillar Li Yutakao is hiding in this forest now." Hei Jue looked at Payne and spoke.

Payne nodded, took a step and walked into the forest, not hiding his figure.

Soon, Hataka, who was resting in the cave, sensed Payne's presence.

"Damn it! How did you come to the door so quickly! Hataka gritted his teeth and prepared to leave directly.

But Payne came quickly, directly blocking Yutaka at the entrance of the cave.

Looking at Payne's black robe with the same black background red cloud and black robe as Deidara, Yutaka took the lead and directly attacked Payne.

"Shui Duan. The art of water dragon bullets! "

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