With the imprint of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, a rapid and turbulent waterfall suddenly appeared, and the Kirabi, who rushed up again, was directly rushed out.

Seeing this, the dry persimmon ghost mackerel was unforgiving, and once again sealed the ninjutsu to attack Kirabi.

"Shui Duan. The art of water dragon bullets! A

water dragon spiraled out of the waterfall and attacked Chirabi, but was directly killed by Chirabi.

"That was... Injected Lei Dun Chakra into the knife, thereby increasing the sharpness of the knife and getting stronger penetration than Feng Duan?

"What a good ability!" The dried persimmon ghost mackerel looked at the thunder light flashing on the Kirabi knife and thought to himself.

Kirabi used the Thunder Chakra, and his speed suddenly increased again, and he rushed towards the dried persimmon ghost mackerel again.

"Super Sonic Thunder Escape Saber!"

Kirabi's speed was too fast, and it was too late for the dried persimmon oni mackerel to release ninjutsu, but he still blocked Kirabi's knife with the body of the mackerel in time.

"There was no penetration?! This knife is not simple! Kirabi looked at the muscles that blocked his knife but did not suffer the slightest damage, and sighed in his heart.

"Then try this!"

"Yao Tunaga!"

The crimson Chakra instantly spread, covering Kirabi's body, and the eight octopus tentacle-like Chakra tails behind him kept wagging.

"Head eight cuts!"

Under the stalemate, Kirabi directly slammed into the head of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel.

"Break it!"

But in the next second, the head of the dry persimmon ghost mackerel was directly hit by him as Kirabi imagined, but the dry persimmon ghost mackerel easily blocked it, and the eight-tailed coat on Kirabi's body disappeared.


The dried persimmon ghost mackerel and Kirabi met head-to-head and stared into Kirabi's eyes and sneered.

Kirabi was shocked and said, "You... Absorbed my Chakra?!

"Nope! Wrong!

Kirabi felt his chakra flowing into his muscles.

"It's this knife! This knife absorbed my Chakra! The

dried persimmon ghost mackerel sneered and replied: "Hehe, you answered correctly, but unfortunately there is no reward, just obediently tie up and capture!" "

Your octopus-flavored chakra is very popular with the muscles~"

At this moment, a thunder light struck towards the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, but the hungry ghost road instantly blocked in front of the dry persimmon ghost mackerel, absorbing this thunder light.

It turned out that the Yunyin Dark Department team finally rushed over.

"Lord Kirabi, we have come to support you!"

"We have already sent back news to the village, and soon there will be a large army to support!"

Kirabi looked at the visitor and laughed, "It's good, you guys came in time!"

When Payne heard this, he directly spoke to the other Xiao organization members and said: "Don't watch from the sidelines anymore, hurry up and solve them, and be sure to end this battle before the big army of Yunyin Village arrives!" "



The Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village, in the office of Thunder Shadow.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Lei Ying's office, half kneeling on the ground, looking at Lei Ying and saying: "Lord Lei Ying, we have found Lord Kirabi, but he is now fighting with others, there are many enemies, and he needs village support!" "

This ninja is the Cloud Shadow Shadow Thunderbird who came back to report the message.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai slapped the table and stood up when he heard this, and said angrily: "What?!"

"Someone dares to make a move against Kirabi in the territory of our Thunder Country, this is clearly not putting us Yunyin in the eyes, it is estimated that it is the person of that mysterious organization!"

"Where is their location?!"

The thunderbird bowed his head and replied, "They are in the dense forest about twenty kilometers away southwest of the village. The

fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai said in a deep voice:

"You go and inform the upper Shinobi assembly in the village to support Kirabi!"

"I'll go first!"

As soon as the words of the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai fell, the thunder light on his body flashed and rushed out directly towards the outside of Yunyin Village.


The land of thunder, in the midst of nameless dense forests.

The battle between Kirabi and the Cloud Dark Division Squad and Xiao organized everyone entered a white-hot state.

But in the end, the strength of the members of the Xiao organization is stronger, and many people in the Yunyin Dark Division team have already sacrificed, leaving only a few people such as the Yunyin Dark Captain and others who are still struggling to support.


"Detonating clay. Gemini Snake!

Deidara's hand made a seal, and two clay giant pythons pierced out and directly bound a cloud hidden shadow, and then exploded, leaving its bones destroyed.

"Lei Duan. Thunder Dragon! The

captain of the cloud faint darkness looked at the tragically dead team members, his eyes were red, and he directly froze, and a swift mine dragon rushed towards Deidara.

However, it only hit Deidara's clay doppelganger, and did not have any effect on Deidara's body, but he himself was directly stabbed into the chest by Obito's hand.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, my hand slipped, I didn't want to kill you."

When Captain Yunyin Dark heard Obito's words, his eyes turned black and he lost consciousness forever.

After forcing back the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, Kirabi once again managed to enter the Yaoi cloak mode.

Looking at the dark part of the cloud that was constantly dying beside him, a sense of sadness and indignation filled his heart.

"You all give me death!"

"Tailed Beast Jade!"

The eight-tailed chakra shrouded in Kirabi's body soared again, and then directly entered the half-tailed beast mode, opening his mouth to condense the tailed beast jade.

Yin Yang Chakra condensed into a Chakra energy ball in Kirabi's mouth at a ratio of 2:8, and then Chirabi opened his mouth and vomited, and the tailed beast jade directly rushed towards everyone in the Xiao Organization.


After a loud bang, the mountain forest was like a nuclear bomb washing the ground, and the storm swept through the forest, and a huge mushroom cloud rose.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai, who was arriving in the distance, looked at this scene and his face changed.

"Not good! Than he was forced to use the tailed beast jade!

Then the thunder light on his body flickered even more violently, and the speed of the fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai increased again, rushing towards Kirabi.

In the original dense forest, after the smoke and dust dispersed, only a large pit remained, which can no longer be called a dense forest.

But Xiao organized everyone to be under Kirabi's tailed beast jade, only Suzaku could not dodge and died directly, Beidou suffered more serious injuries in the attack he received, and the rest of the people dodged in time and only suffered some minor injuries.

Chirabi gasped and looked at the figure of everyone in the Xiao Organization, and a trace of despair arose in his heart.

"I'm sorry, big brother, it seems that I can't accompany you to go down with you anymore, I hope you can find a stronger partner than me in the future!"

Payne looked at Chirabi and said coldly: "It is worthy of being the strongest eight-tails besides the Nine Tails, with some strength, but you will stop here!" Then

Payne threw several black rods towards Chirabi, and as long as Chirabi was stabbed by the black rod, he had no chance of resisting.

But at this moment, a roar came from behind Chirabi.

"Thunder abuse level!"

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