When Bai Jue heard the sound, he looked back at Chiyo with a weird smile on his face.

But he didn't say anything, and fled directly underground.

"This is Tudun?!" Chiyo frowned tightly, even if it was a Tsuchi ninjutsu, she could sense the Chakra fluctuations coming from underground.

But after this ninja retreated underground, it seemed to have completely disappeared, without the slightest aura fluctuation, which was very strange.

Then Chiyo looked at the other two medical ninjas in the camp and asked, "Who was that person just now?" How did he get in?

One of the medical ninjas replied, "We don't know who that is."

"After the man entered the tent just now, he said that he wanted to come and get some medicine because of his stomach discomfort."

"Seeing that he was dressed like a ninja of the coalition army, we didn't think much about it."

"Then when Mizu was making a record question, he said that he was a ninja from Iwahide Village, but when he asked which unit he was, he went straight to it!"

Mizu is the name of the medical ninja who died at the hands of Haku.

Chiyo's brows furrowed even more when she heard this, she understood that the ninja was definitely not from Iwahide Village, and in the current situation, even if there was a grudge, she had to let go for the time being.

What's more, according to their descriptions, they should not know this ninja, but as soon as he asked his identity, he killed the killer, which is definitely an enemy lurking in.

So Chiyo said to the medical ninja: "You guys be careful, temporarily close the camp, and I'll report to the staff."

Then Chiyo turned and walked out of the tent.


Rain Country border camp, in the general staff camp of Relo.

A ninja walked in and respectfully said, "Lord Relo, an enemy from the village has sneaked in and killed a medical ninja. Lei

Luo raised his head when he heard this, and asked casually: "Has the enemy been caught?"

But Relo's eyes were cold when he saw the ninja, but he immediately regained his composure.

The ninja in front of him lowered his head and did not notice the change in Leiluo's expression.

The ninja bowed his head and replied, "Lord Relo, the enemy fled and did not capture him.

Lei Luo spoke, "Oh? Is it?

"How did I see this enemy standing right in front of me?"

The ninja looked up at Relo and said, "Lord Relo, you're laughing, I'm a member of the coalition."

Lei Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Bai Jue, your transformation is indeed impossible for ordinary people to find, but you dare to come to me, are you a little too underestimated me." When

the ninja heard this, his face changed instantly, and he instantly wanted to escape underground.

But Relo raised his hand and pierced his chest directly with a laser.

This ninja fell to the ground and turned into a white monster, it was Bai Jue!

Bai Jue itself is composed of wooden cells, which is impossible to escape under Leiluo's light sense.

At this time, another ninja walked into the tent and looked at the corpse of the white monster on the ground, very shocked.

"Lord Relo, what is this?!"

Lei Luo smiled and replied, "This is the enemy who infiltrated the camp, and you came to me for this matter." "

The ninja who entered the tent this time is the ninja of the allied staff.

Listening to Leiluo's words, the staff ninja nodded and replied, "That's right! "

Lord Relo, just now there was news from Chiyo-sama of the medical unit that an enemy dressed as a Iwain ninja infiltrated the camp and killed a medical ninja."

Lei Luo nodded and said, "I already know about this matter. "

The enemy who infiltrated the tent this time is an artificial human created by Hei Jue, a member of the Xiao Organization, who can change into the appearance of any ninja, and ordinary perception ninjutsu cannot be perceived."

"There is definitely more than one enemy infiltrated this time, you go and let the communication force directly notify the troops to gather in their camps and maintain order, I have a way to find all these enemies."

The staff ninja bowed his head when he heard this: "Yes!" Then

he turned and walked out.


At the request of the order sent by Relo, the troops began to assemble as a whole.

Many Bai Jue were worried about their exposure, and directly attacked the ninjas around them, setting off chaos.

However, Bai Jue's own strength is not strong, and it is easily solved after being exposed.

Then there was also a part of Bai Jue who felt that he would not be exposed, so he followed the team to assemble.

However, because of the chaos caused by the previous part of the white abdo, many allied ninjas were worried and guarded the ninjas around them.

"Lord Leiluo, now all the troops have been reorganized!" The staff ninja came to Relo's tent again and said respectfully to Relo.

Lei Luo nodded when he heard this, and stood up.

"Let's go, we should go fix these guys!"

Then he walked straight out of the tent.

After walking out of the tent, Lei Luo happened to run into the Five Shadows who came over.

Tsunade looked at Relo-kun and asked, "Leilo-kun, have you already found a solution to the enemy by letting everyone gather?"

Relo nodded and said, "That's right, Tsunade-sama, although this enemy's general perception ninjutsu is indeed indistinguishable, I can restrain them. Saying

that, Lei Luo directly smashed the ice wheel pill and flew into the air with himself.

Tsunade watched Relo's movements and didn't speak again, she wanted to see how Relo could solve this problem.

After the ice wheel pill was solved, the frost wings that appeared behind Lei Luo gently flapped and took him suspended in the air, and then Lei Luo

used the light attribute Chakra on his body, and strong light waves were released from Relo's hands, making it difficult to see directly, and Tsunade and other five shadows immediately lowered their heads.

"Guangdu. Light fluctuations! "

Under the control of Relo, the light spread out like a wave of water and fell on all the ninja alliances below.

Suddenly, there was a change in the field.

Under the illumination of Lei Luo's light waves, the white absolute people could not maintain their transformation, and they all changed back to their white bodies.

The surrounding normal allied ninjas instantly attacked, directly killing the exposed Bai Jue.

An invisible crisis lurking in the camp was easily solved by Relo.

Then Lei Luo opened his mouth and said: "Don't worry about the coalition forces, my light fluctuations can last on you all day, as long as there is a white absolute around you, it will send out an early warning and bloom with light." With

Chakra's blessing, Relo's words reached the ears of every allied ninja.

The allied ninjas breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted excitedly.

"Thank you, Lord Relo!"

Hei Jue, who was lurking underground, naturally discovered this scene, and no longer sent Bai Jue to die, but just let them continue to stare at the actions of the coalition forces, and then sneaked directly back to Yuyin Village themselves.

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