I saw Relo, who was in Godzilla's coat, opened his mouth, and the dark blue chakra condensed in his mouth, and then Relo spit out this chakra ball towards Uchiha.

"Atomic Jade!"

Uchiha looked at the atomic jade flying towards him and sensed the terrifying aura contained in it, but he was very confident in his reincarnation eye.

"Seal the seal!"

I saw that Uchiha's reincarnation eye was constantly spinning, absorbing atomic jade, but the atomic jade only shrank twice, and the reincarnation eye could no longer absorb it.


Atomic jade exploded!

After the smoke cleared, only a large pit was left in place.

Just now, when Uchiha felt that he could no longer absorb the atomic jade, he immediately made a decision and his figure retreated, but he did not escape the range of the atomic jade explosion after all.

However, the damage of the absorbed part of the atomic jade is also much less, and Uchiha still blocked this move with Susanoo, but it was also not lightly injured.


Uchiha got up from the ground and couldn't help but cough a few times, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"It's me underestimating you, your strength is no worse than that of the pillars."

Then Uchiha stood up straight, reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up straight and said.

"But that's not all I have."

"Let you see my true strength!"


Uchiha rolled his eyes and directly summoned the Ten Tails.

Now he has successfully fused the ten tails of the nine tailed beasts, exuding a terrifying momentum.

As soon as the Ten Tails appeared, they attacked Relo under the control of Uchiha.

Ten tails slammed towards Relo.

But seeing this, Lei Luo did not dodge, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I'd rather see which one is stronger than your Ten Tails, Godzilla, who absorbed the Dragon Vein and Zero Tails?!"

Thinking in his heart, Relo directly entered the full body tail beast mode and transformed into Godzilla.

The complete Godzilla is no less imposing than the Ten Tails, and there is even a tyrannical aura on his body.

Uchiha looked at Relo's transformed Godzilla, and his pupils shrank sharply.

"What the hell is this?!"


Relogothilla swung his claws at the tail of the Ten Tails, and under the exchange of blows between the two, a wave of qi burst out.


Lei Luo felt the feeling of this collision and couldn't help laughing, he hadn't fought so hard for a long time, and this hearty sense of power was really intoxicating.

"However, this is not my strongest mode, the vitality of the Ten Tails should be tenacious enough for me to add another force!"

Thinking of this, Relo once again induced the power of the Great Buddha form of the Shining Fruit, and the power of the Great Buddha form was integrated into the power of Godzilla, making Relo's body rise and grow larger again.

Now Relo's body size has exceeded ten tails!

And Godzilla, who has fused all his power, does not have that tyrannical feeling on his body, but makes people feel a majesty and sacredness.

The fierce and hideous appearance, but a sense of majesty and sacredness, is really very strange.

"Let's try this trick!"


With a terrifying might, Godzilla swung his claws towards the Ten Tails.

The Ten Tails waved their tails to resist, but they were directly slapped out by this move.


Tentails' body smashed to the ground, smashing out a huge deep pit.


Ten Tails got up from the deep pit, and he was not injured, but being slapped by Lei Luo made him fall into a rage.

After a roar, violent Chakra surged out from the body of the Ten Tails, and the Ten Tails entered another form.

From the state of the outer golem to a monster with thin arms and legs, and a crooked mouth, this monster is not the slightest domineering no matter how you look at it, but it has an inexplicable sense of fierceness.

At the same time, Uchiha's face became even more ugly, and there was a fierce sense of resistance in his consciousness, and the ten tails were constantly breaking free from his control.

But he snorted coldly, and the power of operation once again suppressed the consciousness of the ten tails.

Then he attacked Relo again.

I saw that the Ten Tails opened their huge mouths, as if they had transformed into an artillery battery, constantly spitting energy bombs at Relo, but they were easily extinguished by Relo with a wave of their claws.

Occasionally, there are a few fish that have broken through the blockade of Relo, and hitting Lei Luo is not painful or itchy, and there is no effect.

Seeing this, the Ten Tails roared again and rushed directly towards Leiluo.

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble! "

The two terrifying behemoths you came and went and attacked each other dozens of times, the ground was shaken, and the battlefield was in chaos.

In the fierce fight, the two giant beasts were not lightly injured.

But the Godzilla outside Relo's body is only formed by Chakra condensation, while the Ten Tails are entities.


The Ten Tails were once again blasted out by Lei Luo, and large and small wounds appeared on his body, and blood continued to drip to the ground.

A feeling of pain filled Tenao's mind, making it even more frantic.

Then, the Ten Tails changed again!

Chakra continued to gush out from the body of the Ten Tails, and the body of the Ten Tails with thin arms and legs began to gradually become normal, then strong, and finally became a muscular monster, and also spit out a flower from its mouth.

Looking at the current state of the ten tails, it has become more and more like a tree.

"Sure enough, the Ten Tails is the Divine Tree!"

Relo looked at the current state of the Ten Tails, which gave him a feeling of more horror, but Relo still didn't care.

Because the current Great Buddha Godzilla is still not his strongest state!

But Relo can withstand it, but Uchiha can't stand it.

The resistance of the ten-tailed consciousness has reached its limit, and it can no longer be suppressed.

"Abominable! It seems that the Ten Tails must be fused now, and I originally thought of using the soil again, and then absorbing the Ten Tails after taking back the reincarnation eye on his body, but now there is no time!

Uchiha knew that now he had to make a decision to integrate the Ten Tails into his body and become the Ten Tails' human pillar force.

Otherwise, once the Ten Tails get out of control, everything that has been done in the past will be in vain!

"Leiluo, I have now admitted that your strength is stronger than that of the pillars!"

"However, the final victory in this war will still be me Uchiha!"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo saw that Uchiha Madara formed a series of complex handprints, and the ten tails suddenly seemed to be melted, and finally were continuously sucked into the body by Uchiha Mama.

"Six ways. Ten tails coffin! "

As the absorption of the power of the Ten Tails was completed, a white cloak appeared behind Uchiha, and on top of the cloak was a mysterious pattern inscribed with six gouge jade.

There were also several small black balls swirling around him, which were the indestructible Dao Seeking Jade.

Uchiha stretched out his hand, and one of the Dao Seeking Jades was transformed into a tin staff weapon.

Ten-tailed Man Pillar Force - Uchiha Madara , see it!

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