The Great Immortal of the Fire Nation listened to Relo's words, and the smile on his face froze at once.

"Lei Luojun, are you kidding?!"

Lei Luo shook his head lightly and spoke, "Your Highness, I don't have any idea of joking with you.

"Now the existence of the daimyo is no longer suitable for the development of the Fire Nation."

"The Shinobi Village and the Daimyo House should be integrated, not separated."

The face of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation changed instantly.

"Leiluo, what the hell do you want to do?!"

Relo said with an elusive smile on his face: "Didn't I say it all, I want the entire Fire Nation."

"If you are obedient, you can still be your puppet daimyo."

"If you don't accept it, I think some of your sons will be willing too."

The Great Emperor of the Fire Nation listened to Relo's words and wanted to shout loudly, but unfortunately, Relo had quietly arranged the enchantment when he entered the room, isolating the sound inside, and the people outside could not hear any movement.

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation shouted a few times, but found that no one responded, and even though he wanted to get up immediately and run outside, he found that he could not move.

I saw a rope condensed by light appear on the body of the daimyo of the Fire Country, which was the binding path used by Relo.

The binding can be released without chanting, but the power is three percent lower than when chanting, but facing the power of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation is enough to prevent him from struggling.

"Relo, you fucking fellow, let me go!"

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation constantly struggled and roared, but unfortunately all this was in vain after all.

"Your Highness, don't be so excited, consider my proposal."

Lei Luo looked indifferent, looking at the Great Name of the Fire Nation and said lightly.

"Impossible! I definitely wouldn't be a puppet!

The Great Emperor of the Fire Nation said angrily, but suddenly stopped talking and stopped talking.

Because just when the Great Demon of the Fire Country spoke, Lei Luo seemed to be playing with his fingers, and flashing points of light appeared on the fingertips, but they kept extinguishing, looking very beautiful, but the Great Names of the Fire Nation felt cold.

However, he knew that the Hokage in front of him had a light and blood boundary that had never appeared in the ninja world for hundreds of years, and the points of light flashing in his fingertips were not just beautiful.

Perhaps for a ninja, the power of these points of light at Relo's fingertips is at best a small wound, but for the Daimyo of the Fire Nation, who has no ability to resist, it is all fatal.

"Your Highness Daimyo, think about it, is there any discrepancy in what you said just now?" Lei Luo had a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were indeed cold.

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation knew that Relo was definitely not scaring him now, and if he didn't agree, Relo would really do it!

The room fell silent for a moment, and after a long time, the daimyo of the Fire Nation seemed to have finally figured it out.


The daimyo of the Fire Nation coughed twice, feeling a little thirsty in his throat, and wanted to reach for the teacup on the case, but found that he still couldn't move.

Only then did he react, and he was still tied up by Relo.

"Naruto-sama," the Daimyo of the Fire Nation voice was a little hoarse, "I agree with what you said, from now on the Fire Country will be dominated by Konoha Village, and I will issue orders after that."

"Hahaha, that's right." A smile suddenly appeared on Leiluo's face, and with a slight movement of his fingers, the rope of light on the Daimyo of the Fire Nation was untied.

"Your Highness Daimyo rest assured, you are still a daimyo, this will not change."

"I'm doing all this for your own good, you work every day for things in the Land of Fire, why bother?!"

"From now on, leave all these things to me, and you can enjoy the blessings."

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation trembled his hands, took a sip of the tea that had long been cold on the book, and moistened his throat.

Listening to these words of Relo, the heart of the Great Emperor of the Fire Country was full of sorrow and indignation, but he did not dare to refute it, so he could only hold it in his heart.

"Oh, by the way, one more thing!" Relo said suddenly.

"What's going on?!" The Daimyo of the Fire Nation asked, staring at Relo.

Lei Luo replied with a smile: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I just placed a seal on your body.

"You can't say everything about it today in front of anyone but me."

"Otherwise, this seal will be triggered, and then it will be centered on your body and pull everyone around you into the broken space."

The Great Emperor of the Fire Nation heard this, but immediately returned to normal, and said: "Your Excellency Hokage, rest assured, I have written down all you said, and I will not regret it."

"That's good, that's good!" Lei Luo stood up with a smile, "Your Highness, then I will retreat first, looking forward to the order you will issue later."

Then Lei Luo turned and walked out of the study of the Great Imyo of the Fire Nation, and the moment he walked out of the door, he also lifted the enchantment that had been arranged before, leaving no trace.

In the study, only the daimyo of the Fire Nation was left, with a gloomy face, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Naruto-sama!" The Hokage Guard outside the door saw Relo come out and greeted respectfully.

Lei Luo said with a smile: "Hard work for you, I was discussing some things with His Royal Highness the Great Emperor just now, it may be a little long, but fortunately, everything is going well."

"It's not hard, these are what we should do!" The Hokage Guard hurriedly replied.

The daimyo of the Fire Nation in the book heard the movement outside the door, but he snorted coldly, but did not say anything.

"Okay, let's go, after discussing for so long, His Royal Highness the Daimyo is also tired, and we should leave too."

"We will stay in the capital these days, if you want to go out, you can go shopping."

Relo said and walked towards the outside of the daimyo mansion.

"Yes! Naruto-sama! The

people of the Hokage Guardian quickly followed behind Relo.

And the Fire Nation daimyo in the study knew that Relo's last words were actually addressed to himself, and Relo meant that he hoped to hear his orders before he left the capital.


the Great Immortal of the Fire Nation sighed, feeling that he was a little older again, and now this situation could only be done according to what Relo said.

So after a few days of wrangling above the court of the Fire Nation, the Daimyo of the Fire Nation carried out his new order with a strong attitude.

From now on, the daimyo of the Land of Fire will become the symbol of the Nation of Fire, and all military and political affairs in the country will be handled by the Hokage of Konoha Village.

This policy is like the policy of an English state that Relo saw in his previous life, in which the royal family retained status and preferential treatment, but lost power.

At the moment when the order of the Great Imyo of the Fire Nation was officially signed and issued, Relo received a system prompt.

"Ding... Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, serving as the Hokage and successfully taking control of the Fire Nation. "

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mission reward: god-level lottery points*1."

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