Relo was shocked because he felt as if he had lost control of his body.

But he found the clue through the five-sight omnipotence that was still open.

Because everything around fell into a static state, except for the big barrel of wood peach himself.

"Is this space-time standing still!"

But Lei Luo felt that something was wrong, if it was really time and space static, it stands to reason that his thinking soul should also be static.

But my mind is obviously active now.

In fact, Relo overlooked one point, that is, he is a systematic man.

His soul is bound to the system, and although the time-space stillness of the big tube of wood peach is powerful, it is not as powerful as the system.

For others, if the big tube of wood peach opens the stillness of time and space, their thoughts are also static.

And at this moment, the big tube of wood peach took advantage of the fact that Lei Luo's body was uncontrollable, and launched a backhand attack on Lei Luo.

Lei Luo found through the five-sight universal that a familiar black rod appeared in the hands of the big tube of wood peach, and then the big tube of wood peach style gently threw out, and this black rod instantly flew towards him.

Seeing this black rod, Leiluo's spirit instantly tightened, and he already recognized the material of this black rod.

This black rod is a product of yin and yang, attached to the power of the outer path of the eye of reincarnation, if it is stabbed by this black rod in the body, the chakra in the body will inevitably lose control.

Although for Relo, Chakra is not all of his abilities, but it is also the vast majority of his abilities.

"You must not let this black rod pierce your body!"

Lei Luo knew the perverted ability of time and space, and the big tube of wood peach style would definitely not last long, so Lei Luo struggled mentally, but he still couldn't control his body.

"Then you can only try this!"

With the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Relo tried to open the life-saving equipment he had in the system space.

Central Asian hourglass!


This system did not disappoint Lei Luo after all, and the Zhongya hourglass in this system space can still be used normally.

Originally, the big tube of wood peach looked at Lei Luo, who could not move in front of him at all, and his face was already full of victory.

But unexpectedly, in the next second, the big tube of wood peach style was shocked to find that the Godzilla Immortal state in front of him Lei Luo instantly turned into a huge sculpture made of gold.

The black rod with the power of the outer path stabbed fiercely at Lei Luo, but it only emitted the sound of gold and iron clashing, and did not pierce it at all.

"What the hell is this?!" The big tube of wood peach style is very headache.

But just as he was about to continue his attack, the duration of the space-time stillness he used expired!

After 2.5 seconds, as soon as Lei Luo's golden body subsided, Lei Luo instantly disappeared in place using Void Walking, dodging the black rod of the reincarnation eye that stabbed at him again.

Looking at the figure of Lei Luo who disappeared in front of his eyes, the big tube of wood peach-like expression became gloomy.

He spent a lot of reincarnation pupil power and Chakra used space-time stasis, but he didn't expect that the human in front of him could use an invincible ability that he had never seen before in a state of time-space static.

This was really unexpected, originally Momo-style thought that with his ability, there would be absolutely no natives in the ninja world who could stop him.

But I didn't expect that there would be an alien existence like Lei Luo.

Looking at Lei Luo, who appeared in the distance, the eyes of the big tube of wood peach were as deep as water.

"After such a long time of fighting, there should not be much Chakra in the body, and there are still two people on our side, me and Urashi, and the ultimate victor is still me after all!"

Then he directly called the big tube of Mokpo behind him and beckoned him to attack Relo together.

"Ura-shi, strike together, don't keep your hand, fight quickly, and solve that inferior creature!" A cold drink in the big tube of wood peach.

Datu Mokpo-style immediately replied: "No problem, senior!"

But Otokipo said in his heart: "This is the first time that Little Peach has taken the initiative to let me take the shot, it seems that this human has put a lot of pressure on Little Peach." "

Otokipo-style calls Momo-style "senior" on the surface, but behind it is called "Little Peach", which is a ruthless character with a dual personality.

One side looks humorous, but the other side is really scheming, ruthless, and ruthless. Its fighting posture is also casual and good at hiding strength.

Da Tu Mu Tao Shi also has a certain understanding of his attitude, so he will say the words of not leaving his hands and making a quick decision.

Then, the Otsuki Momo, who was still among the lava giants, and the Otsukipo Style, which was hovering behind him, attacked Relo together.

"Tensu Wave Meteor Life!"

I saw that the Chakra on the body of the big tube of Mokpo suddenly erupted, and then directly waved the red light fishing rod in his hand, and the red light fish hook in the sky was directly thrown out, shrouded towards the Godzilla Immortal Relo.

The lava giants of the large barrel of wood peach followed.

Looking at this attack towards him, the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye in the Thunder Luo Divine Court Cave turned his eyes, and he used an ability that had never been used before.

But this ability is a kaleidoscope of writing wheel eyes, and the reincarnation eye has been reincarnated to write wheel eyes.

That's Susano!

"Pretend Susano!"

I saw the pupil power in Leiluo's nine-hook jade reincarnation eyes gushing out wildly, and soon a pair of extremely powerful armed armor condensed outside the Godzilla Immortal.

And Relo's current state is "Pretending to be a Godzilla"!

Although Relo's Susanoo does not have magical equipment such as Uchiha's ten-fist sword, its defense is definitely the strongest among all Susa.

The red light fish hooks released by the Otsuku-style Tensu Wave meteor hit Susa's armor, and they didn't have any effect on Relo.

And the giant fist smashed by the lava giant of the big tube of wood peach was easily parried by Lei Luo, and now Lei Luo not only has a great increase in defense, but even his strength has increased by about three percent compared to before!

The pretended Godzilla Immortal Lelo directly held the fist of the large tube of wood peach lava giant, and then the other hand directly pierced into the lava giant's body and took out the large tube of wood peach type.

And Relo's mouth was chanting at the same time.

"The wall of iron sand, the monk-shaped tower, the scorching iron glow, because of its resoluteness, it is silent in the end!"

"Seventy-five of the Ways of Bondage. Five pillars of iron! With

Lei Luo's chant, it instantly solidified from the void, and five pillars that looked like iron pillars smashed directly on the large barrel of wood peach-like body.

The big tube of wood peach style did not have time to react at all, and was directly imprisoned in the body, because these iron pillars were actually suppressed on the soul of the peach style.

Without waiting for the peach style to break free, the hand of the mighty Godzilla Immortal Relo held the body of the large wooden peach style in his hand.

Then Lei Luo clenched his palm fiercely!


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