When Datumu Cixuan heard Lei Luo's words, his pupils shrank sharply, and then he returned to normal.

Although Relo single-handedly ended the Fourth Ninja World War and subdued Kaguya, Otsuki Tzugen did not feel that he would be much weaker than Relo.

After all, Kaguya had just gotten rid of the seal, and his strength had definitely not returned to the peak, but he was now in the strongest state.

Then Da Tumu Cixuan said lightly to Lei Luo: "It turns out to be the first chairman of the first generation!"

As he spoke, the chakra on Otsumu Cixuan's body began to surge, and the blue-black spell mark spread out from the "wedge" in the lower jaw and spread throughout his body.

"Although it's you, it's impossible for me to tie my hands!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent momentum burst out from Cixuan's body.

Lei Luo did not panic at all, looked at Cixuan's current state with interest, and said: "Very good momentum, I hope you can let me exercise well, and I can hold out for a long time." Da

Tu Mu Cixuan shook the cloak behind him and said to Lei Luo: "Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Then he rushed directly towards Relo.


Lei Luo grabbed Cixuan's fist and slammed it in, and a strong shock wave spread out from the place where the fist collided, and the qi wave drove the cloak behind Cixuan to shake continuously.

"Good power, but that's not enough!"

Lei Luo looked directly into the eyes of Datumu Cixuan, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But this smile was full of ridicule in Da Tumu Cixuan's eyes, which made Da Tumu Cixuan couldn't help but get angry.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Leiluo, this is just warming up first!"

The figure of the big tube wood Cixuan retreated violently, and then attacked towards Lei Luo.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Lei Luo did not dodge, and the two of them fought hard to attack dozens of physical techniques, but this Cixuan was still too underestimating Leiluo's physical skills, so many attacks were easily stopped by Lei Luo, and the position under his feet did not change much.


A sound of gold and iron clashing came, and I don't know when a black rod suddenly appeared in the hand of Datumu Cixuan, but it was still blocked by Lei Luo with an ice wheel pill.

"Oh, want to play yin?" There was a hint of mockery in Leiluo's mouth.

This black rod Lei Luo is very familiar, this thing is made of Yin and Yang Dun, in which the "power of the outer path" of the eye of reincarnation is lodged, which can seal the acupuncture points of the opponent's refining chakra and disturb its chakra.

If you accidentally get poked, it's not a joke.

"Your Excellency Lei Luo said and laughed, this physical technique is tired of playing, can't you try weapons?" Da Tu Mu Cixuan replied lightly.

The words of the two did not fight on the surface, but they had been secretly clashing.

As soon as the words fell, Da Tumu Cixuan threw out several sticks towards Lei Luo.

This is an item similar to the black rod, made of Yin Yang Escape Technique like the black rod, and inserted into the opponent's body can not only block the acupuncture path of the hand-held chakra, but also absorb the opponent's chakra.

This basket, large and small, fell towards Lei Luo's head.

"Don't take out this kind of gadget and embarrass people!"

Lei Luo said in his mouth, but he didn't underestimate these bridges, after all, if the big tube of wood Cixuan can take it out against himself, it is definitely not a simple thing.

"The breath of water *wantonly* beats the tide!"

The ice wheel pill was danced by Lei Luo out of the sky blade shadow, and each blade shadow corresponds to the position of each sword.

This bridge was easily blocked by Relo.

Da Tu Mu Cixuan snorted coldly, knowing that his current state was absolutely helpless to Leiluo, and then manipulated the Chakra in his body to trigger the power of the "wedge" again and entered state two.

A sharp horn similar to the other Otsumi clans emerged from the top of Cixuan's head.

Now Cixuan looks like a big tube of wood.

"Your Excellency Leiluo, be careful!"

When the voice of the big tube of Mu Cixuan sounded, his body had already disappeared in place, and this speed was almost twice that of state one just now!

"Oh, it's kind of interesting!"

"Then let you see some of my power too!"

Lei Luo, who only turned on the immortal mode, once again triggered the power of the Great Buddha form of the Fruit of Everyone in the body, and the pupil power of the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel in the Divine Court Cave continued to gush out, once again triggering the solar energy in the sky, using the Great Sun Rulai!

Now Lei Luo is several feet tall, and there is a "swastika golden wheel" behind him, which is really like a god and Buddha descending into the world!

Da Tumu Cixuan kicked Lei Luo, and it didn't have any effect on Lei Luo.

Lei Luo, who was in the state of God and Buddha, looked down at the large tube of wood Cixuan on the ground, his eyes were full of coldness, and he shot towards Cixuan with his backhand.

"Immortal Law. Shock wave! This

move can already be described as that Rulai Divine Palm, for Datumu Cixuan, Lei Luo's giant palm fell from the sky, with a violent coercion, making him feel that his body was a little difficult to move.

But Otsuki Cixuan can also use time and space ninjutsu.

"Space shuttle!"

A vortex like a black hole appeared next to Da Tu Mu Cixuan, and Da Tu Mu Cixuan stepped in with difficulty, just dodging this palm of Lei Luo!


A violent shock wave spread, and countless innocent trees in the distant mountains and forests suffered as a result.

And when Lei Luo raised his hand, only a huge palm print was left on the ground, and the soil in that palm print was fiercely compacted, and it was much harder than stone.

The figure of Da Tu Mu Cixuan appeared in the air, looking at the palm print on the ground for a while, even if it was his current state, if he ate this palm hard, it was estimated that he would have to be crippled if he didn't die.

"Then you can only use its power, I hope this body can hold it!" Da Tumu Cixuan secretly said in his heart.

That's right, the current body is just a container for him.

At that time, his body was severely injured and broken, and in order to save his life, he condensed all his energy and consciousness through secret techniques to form a "wedge".

The ten tails in the original body were hidden in a space by him, but he absorbed part of the power of the ten tails through the "wedge".

Originally, the current strength of the shell organization was not yet out, but he did not expect that his newly cultivated container escaped.

This made him also have to send someone out to look for it, but he didn't expect that so soon, the actions of the shell organization were discovered by Relo.

The next moment, Da Tumu Cixuan directly triggered the power of the ten tails in the "wedge" and entered the ten-tailed beast coat mode.

Feeling the power that filled his body, Da Tumu Cixuan was not so happy, because he also felt the pressure coming from this body.

"It is estimated that it will not last long, and it must be solved quickly!"

Da Tumu Cixuan's eyes were cold, and he directly attacked Lei Luo in the state of God and Buddha.

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