Looking at Relona's spontaneous departure, no one in sight, Smogg took a deep sip of his cigar, turned and went back to his room, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"This Smogg, why is there such hostility towards Relo, he was not such a person before."

Looking at the two who left one after the other, Tina sighed, she never thought that he himself was the most critical problem between Smog and Relo.

"System, come out quickly, I want a lottery."

It turned out that the reason why Lei Luo was in a hurry to return to his room was not because he had any emotions, but because he was now going to conduct a lottery.

Previously on Meri Island, he was going to let the viper go, and the task arranged by the system appeared in his mind, as long as he killed the viper, he could get a reward of god-level lottery points*1.

It was the familiar big turntable that appeared in Relo's mind again, with six prizes still written on it.

S-class item: Mysterious Sword.

S-Class Item: Meja's Soul Stealing Scroll.

S-Class Weapon: Magic Knife Thousand Blades.

S-level skill: Immortal Body.

S-Level Skill: The Art of Change.

S-level skill: Overlord color domineering.

Mysterious Sword, equipment from the League of Heroes game, so a super perverted AD attribute equipment that is removed from the powerful low investment and high profitability, the effect is mainly through the number of kills or assists, each layer will increase the physical attack power, and when the twenty layers are full, it will also get a 20% attack speed bonus.

Note: The system is strengthened, the maximum limit can be stacked to 100 layers, and every 20 layers will get the effect of increasing the attack speed.

Meja's Soul Stealing Scroll, aka the Book of Murder, is also equipment from the League of Heroes, but it has not been removed.

The effect of the Murder Book is similar to that of the Mystic Sword, except that the Killing Book increases the attack power of the spell, and after stacking 20 layers, it will get a 10% movement speed bonus.

Note: System enhancement, the maximum limit can be stacked up to 100 layers, and every 20 layers will get a shift speed bonus.

Magic Blade Thousand Blades, the sword of Aqi, the strongest assassin of the Xuanwu Kingdom in the other world, it is rumored that this blade body is composed of a thousand fragments, with countless ways to attack, only attack but not defense, is the most offensive weapon.

Immortal Demon Body, the hero's armor move in the glory of the king, when turned on, will cause continuous damage to surrounding enemies, but also increase its own attack power, movement speed and damage blocking.

Note: System enhancement, duration extended to ten minutes, multiplied values.

The art of change, similar to the seventy-two changes of the Monkey King, can change one's appearance and body shape at will, which is actually a skill that most people in the world dream of.

Overlord color domineering, there is nothing more to say.

"EMMM, why is there still overlord-colored domineering?"

"It's still that sentence."

"Don't blame the system for black faces?"


Lei Luo, who was originally in a good mood, was so engaged by the system, and instantly had a black line on his face, which was really a non-chief.

"Slippery turn!"

Lei Luo, who lit a cigarette, thought about the size of this reward, for him, the overlord color domineering is the first useless, followed by the art of change and the magic knife thousand blades, as for the last mysterious sword, Mejia's soul stealing scroll and skill immortal demon body, are extremely useful rewards.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-class item Mysterious Sword!

Looking at the small turquoise dagger that came to mind, Lei Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

"How do you use this thing?"

"Stored in the storage space of the system, the number of layers is automatically stacked."

"The number of layers won't fall, will it?"

"As long as the host doesn't die, it won't."

"What about the duration of the layers?"


At this moment, Lei Luo's whole person couldn't wait to jump up happily, the 100-layer mysterious sword is too easy to superimpose in the pirate world, and the income is still permanent, where is the face black, it is obviously the birth of the emperor!

At this time, outside Leiluo's room, a white smoke drifted away.

The next morning.

"Tina, listen to me, that kid Relo has mental problems, and last night he was talking to himself alone in the room, and he mentioned all kinds of words that he had never heard of."

Facing Smogg, who was surrounding her early in the morning to say bad things about Relo, Tina's heart became more and more disgusted.

"Why are you eavesdropping again?"

"That's not the point, the point is that Relo that kid has a mental problem!"

Looking at the Smog who grew up with her in front of her, Tina couldn't believe her eyes.

What happened to the Smogg who was righteous in the past, and why did he become what he is now?

"Lieutenant General Smogg, it's not a good habit to start saying bad things about others behind your back early in the morning."

Relo, who suddenly appeared, just smiled at Smogg, not taking these things to heart at all.


A sudden loud noise fell into the ears of the three people, and at the same time, a dazzling lightning bolt struck from the distant sea and bombarded the warship.

Enemy attack!

Almost at the same time, Relo, Tina, and Smogg understood what was happening.

"Golden Light Shield!"

Lei Luo's hands formed a strange magic seal, and countless golden rays of light in his body spread out, condensing into a huge shield, which appeared between the naval warship and the lightning.

The lightning slammed into the golden light shield, and the smoke disappeared in an instant, and the extremely gusts of waves still showed that the destructive power of this offensive was by no means simple.

Smogg, who was standing beside Relo, was not idle, and after giving the order to be on full alert, he turned into white fog and rushed into the air to look into the distance, detecting the enemy.

I have to say that although the relationship between Smog and Relo is not harmonious, the two still have a tacit understanding.

"There are eighteen pirate ships in total, and that is... Overlord of the North Sea - the army of the Kingdom of Jemal! "

The Jemal Kingdom, the strongest military organization in the North Sea, is also a scientific research and combat force, mainly as mercenaries.

The North Sea, the strongest sea area among the four seas, the Jemal Kingdom can become the hegemon among them, and its strength is needless to say.

"Yamaji's family?"

Lei Luo whispered, thinking quickly about all the information of the Jemal Kingdom in his mind.

"How could we be targeted by the Jemal Kingdom?"

A confused Tina asked.

"You two destroyed Victor's weapons factory, I think this Jemal Kingdom is Victor's big customer."

Smog in the air took a sharp sip of his cigar, and his own figure gradually dissipated, turning into white mist and spreading continuously, and the fog array opened!

Suddenly, a brutal smile appeared on Leiluo's face.

"Hahaha, it's really heaven that is not thin on me, I just obtained the Mysterious Sword, and someone came to give me the number of superimposed layers of human heads so soon."

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