With the hot air entering the lungs, the blood on Lei Luohun's body flowed rapidly, and his muscles were even more bulging like hills, and the surging feeling of power that was difficult to hide swept through everyone's hearts.

"Life is returned!"

Whether it was the yellow ape or the red dog, when they saw the changes that had occurred in Leiluo, their faces suddenly changed, and a slight exclamation came from their mouths.

The return of life, a powerful ability to control one's own flesh, blood and hair according to consciousness, is the meaning of the six forms of the Navy.

I saw that at this time, Lei Luo raised his right hand, slowly stretched out his index finger and gently pointed at the center of the mechanical instrument in front of him.

"Dao power is 0? This kid is engaged in such a big formation, just to show us a 0? At

that moment, I don't know whose exclamation sounded, and the entire square instantly boiled, and everyone was constantly mocking Leiluo.

Let's retreat, so that there is room to escape after losing face, right?

In the face of this overwhelming ridicule, Lei Luo still stood motionless in place, without a trace of expression on his face.

He was waiting, the red dog and the yellow ape and the vine tiger were also waiting, they were all waiting for the moment when the blood flow rate in Leiluo's body reached peak speed!

The power brought by the return of life is like this, the faster the flow of blood, the stronger the explosive power.

As Leiluo's fair skin gradually penetrated the blood red, the air beside him gradually became restless, and the suddenly rising breath sealed all his mouths in an instant.


A loud noise came out, and the earth centered on Leiluo's feet spread and cracked like spider webs, and the ferocious momentum turned into a violent wind, which lifted everyone watching in a breath.

On the big screen of the truth detector, the dazzling 0 still did not change, but in the area in front of Leiluo's fingertip, a pitch-black finger hole appeared.

"Did he make a move?"

The inspector who hurriedly got up from the ground said in disbelief.

Not only him, but the other testers also did not see any movement of Lei Luo, still the same as standing in front of the truth detector before.

However, the terrifying appearance of all this destruction kept telling everyone that Lei Luo moved, but his speed was too fast, so fast that he could not see clearly with only a pair of naked eyes.

"Pointing guns..."

the yellow ape and the red dog frowned one after another.

Just now, Lei Luo, at the moment when his blood flow rate reached the peak, perfectly fused the inch strength with the finger gun, and one finger burst out, and the strength could not be described appropriately even if it was terrifying.

Is this the end of it?

No, not yet!

The inspector, who thought that the Daoli detector was faulty, hurried forward to check and find out why the number on the display remained unchanged.

At the moment when his palm gently touched the instrument, the scene of the collapse made him unforgettable for life.

Dao force detector, broken!

After the ping-pong sound of the instrument hitting the ground, the entire square fell silent, and everyone opened their mouths and eyes to the maximum.

This is an instrument made of the strongest metal in the world, and it is so simple to shatter!

Even if it is the hero of the Navy, Vice Admiral Karp, the original all-out blow is just a crack!

"Sakaski, what do you think?"

The figure of the yellow ape appeared next to the red dog like a ghost, and the solemn words sounded.

"Fujitora, just now I bet with you, you won."

After a long time, the red dog let out a long sigh.

Fuji Hu's estimation is correct, the power contained in this newcomer's body is indeed comparable to that of Karp.

Compared to everyone's different degrees of shock, Lei Luo couldn't wait to look up to the sky and cry out in his heart.

What the fuck is this metal, how is it so hard! Lao Tzu's bones are already broken!

With a faint golden light floating on Leiluo's fingers, the light therapy technique slowly attacked, and the pain of broken bones was faintly relieved.

"Inspector, did I pass this?"

After recovering from his injuries, Lei Luo, who was moving his fingers casually, asked the inspector.

One blow destroys a Dao force detector, this kind of thing has never happened, and Leiluo's question made the inspector also confused, so he had to helplessly pin his head to the red dog.

"The others continue to test Dao power, as for Leiluo, follow the old man."

The red dog fell, and waved the cloak with the word justice written on it behind him and left.

The vine tiger beside him smiled politely at Lei Luo, while the yellow ape waved his hand, turned into a light, and rushed to the sign-in room as fast as he could.

When it's time to leave work, no matter who can't stop Lao Tzu from clocking in!

"This yellow ape is really lazy."

Looking at the shadowless beam that had disappeared in the blink of an eye, Lei Luo sighed with emotion, and also turned into a light and shadow and followed behind the red dog.

Just after Relo left.

"Didn't I read it wrong just now, that kid broke the Dao Force Detector?"

"Your reaction arc is too long, isn't it!"

"Haven't you all noticed that Leiluo's fruit ability seems to be similar to that of the Yellow Ape General?"

"Invincible power coupled with the speed of light, what a terrifying person this is!"

Among the shocked people, a girl with long pink hair looked at the back that was gradually moving away, and a crimson color gradually appeared on her face.

She could clearly feel that the momentum that Lei Luo's previous body erupted from swept everyone irregularly, but it seemed to consciously avoid her alone.

"Go ahead and start testing, the next one is... Vince Mockrejiu!


After smiling slightly at Leiluo's back, the pink-haired girl walked to the front of a Dao force detector.

Office of the Admiral.

"Sit down Relo, huh? Polysalino sneaked away again?

After beckoning Relo to take a seat, there was obviously a hint of anger in the red dog's voice.

The last time he took orders for the vine tiger and the green bull, the yellow ape also sneaked away, and now it is Leiluo's turn, he is still not there, it seems that he must find an opportunity to talk to him properly.

"Lord Marshal, I don't know what is the matter with me?"

The Navy has always been the model of one marshal and three generals, and now that he has been preempted by Fuji Tiger and Green Bull, Lei Luo can't think of any other position of the same level that he can get.

"Do you want to be a general?"

Just as Relo was guessing, the voice of the red dog suddenly sounded, hitting Relo's heart.

Do you want to be a general? Isn't that nonsense, Lao Tzu is aiming for the future!

If you are not a general after joining the Navy, then what is the difference between being a salted fish? Might as well be a pirate.

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