Lei Luo, who began to walk out of the office alone, looked at the huge naval headquarters, and the pride in his heart became more and more high.

Soon, a brand new navy will appear here, a navy with the world's top equipment, and a powerful navy whose combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of the Four Emperors.

"Boy, are you Relo?"

Just as Lei Luo was thinking about his grand ambitions for the future, a thick voice that did not lose blood in old age reached his ears.

Hearing the prestige, the one who came was none other than the naval hero Karp!

"Lieutenant General Karp, I wonder what you are looking for me for?"

As a newcomer who has just joined the Navy, the only thing worth noting is that he has been appointed as a general, but this matter is obviously not known to Karp, so what does Karp mean.


Before Relo could continue to ask, Karp in the distance casually picked up a fist-sized stone, raised his arms, and attacked Relo like a cannonball.

This just started to shoot?

As soon as the thought in Lei Luo's mind emerged, he had subconsciously raised his hand and steadily caught the stone.

What a terrifying brute force!

Feeling the numbness that spread along his palm to his shoulders, Lei Luo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This is just a simple collision, and it is enough to show that naval heroes are not wasted.

"Good, what about this?"

I saw that Karp's figure disappeared instantly, and according to its previous position, the stone bricks that had turned into powder seemed to be shaved in the sixth style of the navy.

But when did the speed of shaving reach such speed?

The crisis signal in his mind suddenly sounded, driving Lei Luo's body to make a subconscious reaction of dodging far away.

As for why he didn't use elementalization to avoid damage, because the power of the index finger that attacked him was all dyed with a rich and deep pitch black, which was the ultimate armed color domineering!

"Lieutenant General Karp, what do you mean by this?"

The figure turned into a golden light, and Lei Luo, who was more than ten meters away, asked with a dark face.

However, Karp's reply to him was only a pair of pitch-black giant fists that instantly appeared in front of him!

"In that case, then you should be careful!"

The fist wrapped in golden light was brilliant, like a crystal diamond, and like a falling star, Lei Luo did not have any left hand, and he did not dare to leave half a hand.


The unpretentious pitch-black fists tore through the air and collided violently with the slightly fancy golden light.

In an instant, two unrivaled battle intents clashed, the fierce fist style suppressed the space, the brutal force tore the earth, and even the firmament faintly trembled.

As time passed, the ripples of energy visible to the naked eye erupted from the two people's bodies, constantly spreading around, and the king aura that permeated them was terrifying!

"Overlord color domineering!"

When the Warring States who had just arrived saw the vision at this moment, their eyes gradually narrowed slightly, and they stood quietly on the side, seemingly not wanting to block it.

At this moment, he also wanted to know how deep this boy who was so valued by the red dog and was invincible in Tina's mouth in the North Sea.

"Boy, the strength is not bad, it is worthy of being able to shatter the Dao Force Detector with one blow."

"You're really old!"

Lei Luo, who was a few meters away from Karp, stood with his hands in his hands, and he looked light on the surface, but his right hand was constantly trembling, and there was a faint light flickering on it.

Obviously, the frontal rigidity of this blow, because of the domineering nature of the armed color, Lei Luo secretly suffered a lot of losses.

"Even if it is a phototherapy blessing, can't you use your right hand again in a short period of time?"

After feeling his own situation a little, Lei Luo calmed down in his heart and began to calculate the battle plan.

Head-to-head is obviously Karp's strength, in front of so many people, whether it is Susanoo or the Great Buddha form, or the Mighty Godzilla mode can not be exposed, that is, he must use the speed advantage of the Shining Fruit to the extreme.


With a soft sound, Lei Luo's hand appeared out of thin air and the slashing knife Ice Wheel Pill appeared, and he held the knife in his left hand, his spine was like a sword, and his eyes gradually became cold.

"Is it still a sword master? This kid is hiding deep enough! "

Sengoku is becoming more and more interested in this naval newcomer.

The next moment, Lei Luo moved, the long knife waved, and the half-moon-shaped knife qi tore the air, and on the way, it turned into sharp solid ice, as if it was going to cut everything in half!

At the same time, Leiluo's figure shook, and a large number of light spots instantly appeared behind Karp's body to re-solidify, and the long knife in his hand gathered all his strength and slashed down fiercely!

Pieces of iron!

Facing the front and rear attacks, Karp calmly hugged his arms to his chest and stood quietly in place, not even using the armed color domineering.

Seeing this, Lei Luo chuckled, and he seemed to be underestimated.

Iron, this move in the Navy Six is known as indestructible, and it is the absolute strongest shield in the eyes of the Navy.

But it is precisely because of the trust in this trick that countless navies have lost their lives as a result.


At the moment when the long knife in Leiluo's hand made contact with Karp's flesh, the ice blade qi also came as promised, like the hum of steel colliding for a long time.

The rumbling explosion sounded again, and the ice blade qi shattered, and Lei Luo did not hesitate for a moment when he saw this, and flashed several meters away in an instant.

On the other hand, Karp at this moment is still standing in place and standing majestically.

This is Karp, the founder of the Navy Six, a being who has trained the Navy Six to the extreme!

Lei Luo's eyebrows, which were faintly painful in the mouth of the tiger in his left hand, became more and more furrowed, relying only on physical strength to fight, and the gap between the two was really too big!

"Boy, if you just have this little pound, I'm afraid that the expectations of the naval high-ranking are a little too high!"

Karp chuckled, he knew very well that Relo had a stronger hole card that he had not used.

In the face of Karp's agitation method, Lei Luo shook his head helplessly and put away the slashing knife ice wheel pill.

"Since your old man wants to see it, then I won't hide it anymore, but I don't use this trick often, so I may need you to wait for a while."

When the words fell, Lei Luo slowly closed his eyes, his breathing gradually became steady, but the spirit of the whole person was constantly climbing, and soon reached a critical point.

"This momentum, I'm afraid that Karp and Roger of this age and Whitebeard can't compare with this kid!"

The Warring States watching the battle randomly found a place to sit, no longer speaking, just watching quietly.

"What is the true strength of Lei Luo?"

People who were not stunned by the overlord-colored domineering aura released by Lei Luo and Karp before also occupied various commanding heights at this moment, waiting for the next real good show.

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