As the battle of recruits gradually comes to an end, the next round of decisive battle will also begin between the last six remaining promoters.

Relo vs. Gages.

Fujitora vs. Lei Jiu.

Green Bull vs. Yax.

Obviously, the grouping of red dogs deliberately avoided the battle between Relo and the trio of Fujitora and Green Bull.

"I abstain."

Gejess did not hesitate at all, because he knew that even if he tried his best to fight Leiluo, the final result would only be defeat.

"I also abstain."

"Me too."

Similarly, Lei Jiu and Yax also have a clear understanding of their own strength.

As a result, there are only three people left in the final semi-final.

Is it a one?

Chi Inu thought slightly, he didn't know how to make the schedule, but he happened to see the yellow ape who was about to clock in and leave work.

"Stop, Borusalino!"

The thick male voice that suddenly came from behind him was like the call of a demon in the ears of the yellow ape, and if he turned back at this time, it would definitely be nothing good.

"Lord Marshal, now that you are off work, there should be nothing to deal with overtime, right?"

The reluctant yellow ape turned around, revealing his trademark slightly lewd smile.

However, the red dog did not pay attention to him, but announced to everyone below: "Tomorrow, in the ice and fire island, the semifinals will be held, Lei Luo will fight the yellow ape, and the vine tiger will fight the green bull!" As soon as

the red dog's words fell, the atmosphere of the naval headquarters was instantly pushed to a climax, this is a battle between four naval supremes!

Being able to witness such a big battle between strong people must be a lot to gain, but the location of the semi-finals is an extremely dangerous area, which cannot help but make most people prohibitive.

Ice and Fire Island was originally just an abandoned island with no name or even a name.

However, because the red dog and the green pheasant fought for the position of marshal for ten days and ten nights on the island, the originally deserted environment was artificially turned into a harsh area of half lava and half ice, resulting in the extremely difficult survival of ordinary people even on the island.

It is precisely for this reason that the island of ice and fire will be the best occasion for the semifinals, a ring where the four of Lei Luo can wield their power without scruples.

"Can I abstain?"

"Yes, exchange all your vacations."

His final struggle was rejected so decisively, the yellow ape was helpless to accept the order on the surface, but in his heart he was secretly scolding the red dog.

The moon rises and night falls.

"First of all, congratulations to Lei Jiu for becoming a lieutenant general, and secondly, congratulations to Lei Luo for becoming a general soon!"

Tina, who was holding the dream, was in a very good mood, and long before the return of the two of Leilo, she had personally come down and made a table of hearty dark dishes.

According to the internal information that Tina inquired, the so-called semifinals are just a pretense for the red dog, and his real purpose is just to take this opportunity to make things difficult for the lazy yellow ape in his daily life.

After all, whether it is Fuji Tiger or Green Bull, or Lei Luo, they are all terrifying existences that actually have the combat power of the general level.

"You mean to say that Fuji Tiger and Green Bull may just be walking on the set on Ice and Fire Island?"

"To be precise, neither of them will pass."

Tina's answer left Derelo speechless.

"The red dog wants to make things difficult for the yellow ape, why do you want to find me?"

"I think it's because you're the only one who can keep up with the speed of the Yellow Ape General."

Indeed, the yellow ape with the speed of light can be said to be an undefeated existence, even if it can't be beaten, with the advantage in speed, there will definitely be no defeat.

Since he wanted to find trouble with the yellow ape, Lei Luo was naturally the best choice.

"You two eat, I'm going to go back and make a battle plan for tomorrow."

Fight against the yellow ape and develop a combat plan? This is absolutely impossible!

Perhaps when fighting against Fuji Tiger and Green Bull, Lei Luo will also think about the battle plan because the full strength of the two is not shown in the comics, but if the opponent is a yellow ape, you only need to adapt to it.

As for why Lei Luo said this, it was because he saw that Dream just ate a small bite of Tina's elaborate dark dish, and actually rolled his eyes directly and plunged headlong on the ground.

"Leiluo, don't go first, come and see what's wrong with Dream."

At the moment when Lei Luo was about to walk out of the second daughter's room, Tina's voice suddenly sounded.

Sister, do you really not know or pretend to be a fool, dreaming of this half-dead appearance, is it not because of your superb cooking skills?

Although he thought so in his heart, Lei Luo did not dare to say it, so he had to helplessly walk to Mengxiang's side, and the phototherapy technique was launched.

More than ten seconds later, Dream coughed, and a wrench-sized black solid flew out of his mouth, almost rubbing Leiluo's face, and finally embedded in the wall.

Good guy, this ghost cuisine is actually so perverted!

Looking at this scene in front of him, it strengthened Lei Luo's idea of never moving his chopsticks.

"Oh, by the way, Lei Jiu, this devil fruit is for you."

After thinking for a long time, Lei Luo, who really had no excuse to delay time, had to helplessly take out the devil fruit that he accidentally obtained in Victor's weapon factory before.

This is a fruit that resembles a papaya, with subtle lines all over its body, and it seems to look like the ethereal wind.

Lei Jiu also didn't see anything at all, and directly took the Devil Fruit from Lei Luo's hands.

Lei Jiu, who already has the strength of a vice admiral, has the blessing of a scientific and technological combat uniform, and if she adds another devil's fruit power, then sooner or later she will become a general.

He is also a Devil Fruit ability that can swim in the sea with the help of combat suits.


I saw Lei Jiu's silver teeth bite, and a vacancy appeared on the devil fruit, and at the same time, her face also changed suddenly.

Fishy, rotten, bitter... All the words that humans could think of to describe the unpalatable taste were all condensed on the mouthful of devil fruit in Lei Jiu's mouth at this time.

Since she grew up as a princess, Lei Jiu naturally eats fragrant and spicy, and the taste of the devil fruit is simply a hundred times more difficult to eat than the taste of chewing wax for her.


Lei Jiu, who felt a surge in her stomach, wanted to spit out this piece of pulp, so frightened that Tina directly covered her mouth with a rude and rude method, and then jerked up, and the devil fruit entered her stomach.

In order to obtain the abilities given by the Devil Fruit, you must swallow the first bite, no matter what method is used.

If you don't swallow the first bite and spit it out, you won't get the ability of the Devil Fruit either.


Suddenly, the devil fruit in Lei Jiu's hand fell to the ground, and there was a faint breeze in her eyes.

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