"Hahaha, it seems that he is still a stinky boy who has never seen the world and smells dry."

"The Navy seems to have picked the wrong person this time!"

"Is this kid who can leave so many myths in the North Sea?"

"I just said, those must be the top of the navy who dispatched and finally forcibly attributed the credit to him."

"Boy, get back to your mother's arms and breastfeed!"

"Get down!"

"Get out!"

For a time, there was an overwhelming invective and mocking ridicule at the naval headquarters, which made the red dog's face more and more ugly, after all, this is a ceremony broadcast live to everyone in the world.


The yellow ape smiled bitterly, he also did not expect that Lei Luo would actually appear timid on this occasion, this is not Lei Luo's style!

The sarcasm came out one after another, and the audience's rhetoric became more and more dirty and ugly.

Lei Jiu and Tina, who were standing under the ceremonial platform, looked worriedly at Lei Luo, who was silent and bowed her head above, and now they didn't know how to save the situation in front of them.


In the air, a thunder suddenly appeared out of thin air, like God's laughter, laughing at Leiluo's embarrassed appearance.

"Shut up Lao Tzu all fucking!"

Suddenly, Lei Luo raised his head, and under the sinister smile, there was a cold and bone-deep killing intent.

At that moment, the incomparably domineering king aura spread madly from Leiluo's body, and in just the blink of an eye, it had enveloped the entire naval headquarters, and the hearts of everyone present were shrouded in layers of thick fear.

"This kid's overlord color domineering has actually reached this point!"

The steel bone empty pupils shrank sharply, and he didn't expect that Relo would actually be able to do something that even the red-haired Shanks couldn't.

Without stunning others, your own courage alone makes everyone feel the ultimate fear.

Whether it is the navy or journalists, or the viewers guarding the front of the TV worm, they will never forget Relo's blood-red eyes in this life.

"Lao Tzu, as a senior admiral, does not need the recognition of any of you in terms of strength, and the future era of great peace will make you understand how blind you are today!"

Leiluo's voice was like the roar of the dragon above the nine heavens, and the roar of the evil ghost under the mansion, and the words were constantly circling in everyone's hearts and minds, and they never dissipated for a long time.

This is what kind of person there has never been a navy that dares to speak to the whole world in such a tone.

This is clearly the way the pirates work!

"Oh yes, one more thing."

After a long silence, Lei Luo's voice suddenly became gentle, and her loving gaze fell on the faces of Tina and Lei Jiu's two daughters.

"Ms. Lei Jiu, Ms. Tina, can you be my girlfriend?"

As soon as the words fell, Lei Luo's figure appeared next to the second daughter in a flash.


A snap of fingers came from Relo's fingertips.

The next moment, in the headspace of the naval headquarters, the space suddenly exploded, and the beautiful and dazzling colorful dazzling light slowly condensed into the smiling faces of Tina and Lei Jiu under the eyes of the world.

Immediately after, Relo opened his arms, revealing his not so broad, but full of security chest.

"Uh-huh! I do! After

Tina and Lei Jiu's brief shock, two lines of tears turned down their faces, but the two of them were laughing, like the two most beautiful flowers in heaven and earth, showing their beauty to the world.

Now, he no longer dared to question Lei Luo's strength, whether it was the overlord-colored domineering aura he released earlier, or the colorful aurora that appeared in the air later, he was constantly demonstrating his strength and true strength.

Lei Luo, who hugged the second daughter into his arms, also had a happy smile on his face.

Playing pig and eating tiger? First suppress and then rise?

The long-lost smiles appeared on the faces of the top naval officials such as Akainu.

Leiluo's actions are just his willfulness, but in the eyes of the high-level officials, it is a different look.

First pull down their image in the eyes of the world, and then surface their coldness with absolute domineering, at this time, the overall image of the navy will be greatly discounted in the hearts of the world because of Leiluo's actions.

However, Leiluo's final affectionate confession was the finishing touch, telling everyone that the coldness of the navy will only be in the face of criminals, because the navy also has love, and the navy also has love!

"The last step, the reporter's question session."

The voice of the red dog sounded, which suddenly pushed the atmosphere of the naval headquarters to a climax.

"General Yellow Ape, I don't know where the former general Qing Pheasant is now whereabouts?"

"The old man has no comment on this."

"Green Bull General, do you really have the confidence to achieve your lofty ideals?"

"Ideal, this is a word that only people who have confidence in themselves can say, in the mouths of those garbage who live in confusion, there will always be only unattainable daydreams!"

"General Fujitora, when you treat pirates, will you be a gentleman like today?"

"Not all pirates are necessarily evil, we must have a mirror heart to distinguish right from wrong."

"Lieutenant General Lei Jiu, Lieutenant General Tina, can you tell me how you feel now?"


It seems that because of the killing intent that Lei Luo just burst out, the reporters would rather ask Lei Jiu and Tina than dare to have any verbal contact with Lei Luo.

"Senior General Leiluo, I don't know what your title is?"

Time passed, and just as the last session was about to end, a reporter finally mustered up the courage to ask Relo an insignificant question.

But it was precisely in such a contentless question that it attracted everyone's attention in one breath.

"That... Actually, I haven't had the title yet..."

"Evil Eye! Yes, he is the new Admiral of the Navy, Evil Eye Leiluo!

Just as Lei Luo scratched his head, the Warring States reacted extremely quickly and stepped forward and casually made up a title for Lei Luo.

Evil eyes, as the name suggests, a pair of eyes full of evil, the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Writing Wheel Eye that Lei Luo had inadvertently exposed earlier, seemed quite suitable for this title.

"Well, as the Warring States General said, my title is Evil Eye!"

With Relo's personal acknowledgement, all the reporters had in their hearts and thought about tomorrow's newspaper headlines.

The youngest and most special general in prehistory - Evil Eye Leiluo!

Whether it is a red dog, a yellow ape, a green pheasant, or a vine tiger and a green cow, these titles all have the names of animals, and Relo directly uses human organs as a codename, which is his uniqueness in the eyes of the world.

"Fortunately, Lord Warring States reacted quickly, and the old man didn't expect that Reluo kid really hadn't come up with a code name that matched his own."

Looking at the reporters who were gradually leaving, Akainu breathed a sigh of relief.

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