"Hahahaha, Relo, finally blocked you!" The

starlight shone slightly, and finally sent the red that was almost hanging on her body back to her house, and just turned a corner, she was blocked by Asma and a few of his pony boys.

The corner of Leiluo's mouth twitched, these stupid children, he and Hong in the playground from the end of the exam to now, at least five or six hours.

In other words, poor Asma and a few of his small henchmen also squatted here for five or six hours.

Seeing that Shenyue Izumo's knees were trembling slightly, and he was trying to pretend to be vicious, it was really pitiful.

"Asma, for your father's sake, I don't want to move you..."

"Dingdong, detected that the host is in danger, activate the mission: campus overlord. "

Campus Overlord: As a student of the ninja school, you must be the existence that all students fear and look up to!

Mission 1: Defeat all male ninjas of the same period and reward god-level lottery points*1.

Mission 2: Make at least three girlfriends in school and reward god-level lottery points*1.

"Isn't your father the third generation of Hokage, who has the ability to hit me!" Listening to

the system prompt sound in his ears, Lei Luo immediately changed his tone and said defiantly.

"Ah, Relo, the hatred of taking his wife, killing his father, uh, insulting his father, I want to teach you a good lesson

!" "Catch him!"

shouted Asma, along with a few small henchmen behind him, also shouting and pounced.

"Eat me with a punch!"

shouted, and Asma slammed a punch into Relo's head.

"Oh, it's really not that I want to hit you..."

Relo sighed softly, facing Asma's fist, he actually did not dodge.

"Sure enough, it's the tail of the crane, and I can't even dodge my fist, so let me..."

"Poof!" Seeing

that his fist was about to hit Lei Luo's face, which he hated him, who knows, his punch actually fell into the air!

"What love..." "Bang

!" "Oh!" "

Bang!" Not

only him, but also Shenyue Izumo, Gangzi Tie's several small henchmen, their respective attacks seemed to hit the air.

One after another, they collided and fell on the ground.

"Ding-dong, Mission 1 Completion: 5/21.

Leiluo's eyes lit up, it was so simple to complete task 1.

"What kind of ninjutsu are you!"

shouted Asma, pushing several of the people on top of him away, his eyes as big as eggs.


didn't all of our attacks hit, just like hitting the air.

"You know too much

..." Lei Luo shook his head, thought for a while, put his strength to the minimum, stretched out his index finger and pointed to a tree not far away, and said:

"Hey, don't trouble me in the future, otherwise..."

As he spoke, an extremely dazzling light suddenly shot out from the fingers of his right hand.

Laser light!

"Duh!" With

a soft sound, the center of the big tree hugged by one person was actually directly pierced by Leiluo's laser light through a finger-thin hole.

At the edge of the cave entrance, there is still green smoke.

After doing this, regardless of the stunned guys who were still paralyzed on the ground, Lei Luo also walked towards the house.

It's late, no, tomorrow there will be a distribution of the next ninja group, where can he play with this group of imps.

As for what they think, it's none of their business.

The ability of the shining fruit will be discovered sooner or later, and it is better to show it little by little.

At that time, the others would at most think that it was a special blood succession limit.

After all, there are also monsters in the ninja world that can extract their bones.

Compared to his own light, it's already normal!

"Big brother, big brother, I, what should we do..."

Shenyue Izumo climbed up, looked at the hole of the big tree not far away, subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of spit, and asked.

"Hmph, Relo, you wait for me, I'll go to my dad and ask him to teach me powerful ninjutsu!"


"Interesting, did you find me..." After

a few people left, a somewhat eerie voice suddenly came from above the big tree.

I saw a large snake pill with long black hair and extremely feminine eyes, slowly falling from the tree.

Looking in the direction Relo left, his eyes were very interested.

"I didn't expect to find such a special little ghost when I returned to the village this time.

"The physical attack is ineffective? It is very similar to the hydration technique of the Ghost Lantern clan in the Mist Hidden Village, but it is obviously one level higher

..." "Light, if you can develop it well..."

said Orochimaru, his eyes becoming more and more interested.

He went back to the village this time and had other things, but he didn't expect to meet such an interesting child.

I don't know, the attack just now, whether it was accidental, or really found me...

"And that little ghost just now, Asma, Sarutobi-sensei's child, compared to his eldest brother, the gap is not a star and a half..."

"It seems that this time I have to stay in Konoha for a while." "


said Orochimaru, and the whole figure immediately walked slowly towards the direction of the Hokage's office.

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