"Boss, how long has it been since the big event of the war on top?"

Lei Luo asked casually, the business of the bar was not very good at this time, and the boss was also idly wiping the wine glass.

If everything really turned out to be what he expected, then everything would be on track today.

"Mr. Lei, today should be more than a year before the end of the war at the top."

The answer given by the restaurant owner was not the two years in Leiluo's heart.

Wait a minute, this scene in front of you should have happened two years ago!

Suddenly, Relo's mind came up with the comics he chased day and night, the appearance of Supernova Eleven should have been before the top war, why would it be repeated again?

"Mr. Ray, the head of the family has already ordered a long time ago that anyone who encounters Joe Ellie Boni, who escaped from the headquarters, must be arrested as soon as possible."

The voice of Gerjess once again sounded softly in Relo's ears, and the head of the family was the current Marshal of the Red Dog Sakaski.

"Got it, now you tell me the identity of the three of them first."

From the mouth of Gerges, Relo learned that at this time, Becky had married Charlotte, the 22nd daughter of the aunt, and Boni escaped from the navy, and as for Hawkins, he was still the same identity.

It seems that everything is still developing according to the original story line, and today this situation is purely accidental.

"Boss, let me ask you one more question, what would you do if your customers destroyed your restaurant in the battle of gods?"

The restaurant owner was also a little overwhelmed by Relo's sudden question, but he still gave a humorous answer in a very short time.

"Then I will report to the naval headquarters and let the gods experience what is called Ragnarok!"

Lei Luo, who was once again amused by the restaurant owner's words, completely laughed out loud this time, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Hahaha, what a Ragnarok! Only this time, without you having to report, those three gods of yours will now face the flame demons that destroyed Asgardero!

Relo's words did not indicate who the three were, but for some reason, everyone present seemed to have a spirit in their hearts, and all their eyes were locked on Becky, Boni, and Hawkins.

Similarly, the three of them also felt a dangerous aura from Leiluo's body.

Compared to Becky's silence and Boni's disdain, Hawkins chose to take out his divination card.

"Ostke, the god of running? It looks like I'm looking for an opportunity to slip away first. "

Every action of Hawkins will be carried out according to his divination results, even if the opponent is weak, as long as the divination results show that he may die because of this, then you will see a figure without turning his head, dashing away."

"Hey, boy, Uncle Ben is not suitable to kill today, count yourself lucky!"

Beckinu, who heard Hoskin's whisper, snorted, I don't know whether this sentence was said to Relo or to Boni, anyway, after he finished speaking, he casually dropped a bag of Bailey, and took his men to leave.


Thunder Mang, electric light flashed, and a figure holding a large chicken leg appeared in front of Becky.

"Want to go easy and beat me."

Before Becky could reply, another green figure stood in front of him and killed several of his subordinates.

"Mr. Lei said that this person is handed over to me, and you will deal with the one who is bent on slipping away."

Reminded by Leiluo, Master Yi learned that Becky's Devil Fruit was a Solid City Fruit, which could build a castle inside his body at the mercy of his own thoughts or directly transform himself into stone.

The stone is not conductive, and Anilu, who has not yet recovered his peak, is restrained against this kind of fruit, especially if the other party is still a pirate whose strength is affirmed by the world, he will inevitably suffer a big loss.

Relo didn't want to be the subordinates he had worked so hard to recruit, because the stone could not conduct electricity, and finally began to find the way to the infinite land on his own again.

"The winning rate is four or six points, I am four and you are six."

Hawkins, who had made a hang for himself, grinned, casually pulled over a chair and sat down, seemingly not meaning to resist.

This made Anilu, who was very unhappy in his heart, instantly became excited after the opponent was replaced.

One acknowledges his strength and gives up resistance, which is the ability of a god to defeat the other party without making a move.

"Hehe, Anilu from the empty island, how about the two of us play a game?"

"How do you know I'm from Empty Island?"

"My divination results also tell me that you were in a far, far away place before."

"Say, what to play? And what are the bets?

Anilu, who had not talked carefully with anyone for several years, became the kind of child who did not wait in front of the fortune teller after a few words, and directly chose to accept Hawkins' proposal.

"This is a playing card, you shuffle the cards, and draw for you and me, a game to determine the winner, if I win, you must let me go, if I lose, there will be absolutely no resistance when I am caught." Lord Navy, what do you think? Through

the results of divination, Hawkins probably judged that the people in front of him were extremely difficult, and he had already known the identity of the navy.

"Okay, I agree."

At the moment when Anilu agreed, Hawkins seemed to be magical, and somehow a brand new deck of playing cards appeared, and he threw it to Anilu at the first time.

"Hey, boy, if you want to fight, go out and fight, don't delay the old lady's time!"

Boni, who was still stuffing things into his mouth, looked at Gerjess who was slowly walking towards him, and roared with great discomfort in his heart.

When tasting food, the people I hate the most are those who come to fight with the old lady!

At this moment, Lei Luo also used his life to return to his previous appearance, and his scarlet eyes shone in front of everyone's eyes.

"Red eyes, that's evil eyes!"

"Could it be that that person is the current Admiral Evil Eye Leiluo?"

"No, I heard that Lei Luo went out, how could he appear here?"

Different people have different positions, and everyone's ideas must be fantastic, but now, they look at Leiluo's eyes, as if they are waiting for something.

"Boni is right, if you want to fight, go out and fight, so do you three understand?"

In the next instant, the impact force of Haoran sword qi and rumbling thunder and air rubbing against each other, in just one moment, each carried this figure and came to the humanoid passage of the civilian street.

Three big one-on-one battles are about to begin.

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