"Anilu! Easy! Follow me! Gageus, you go contact the Revolutionary Army and inform them that Straw Hat Luffy is about to challenge the BIGMOM Pirates today!

Looking at the three figures that disappeared into the endless sea in the blink of an eye, Gejess did not dare to waste a second of time.

"Gojes, I'm Saab, what happened?"

"Straw Hat Luffy is going to challenge the Four Emperors Lingling!"

Time, in this endless sea, seems so insignificant, seconds, minutes, hours are just a concept, here the smallest unit of timekeeping, are days!

Just today, the BIGMOM Pirates turned on a live broadcast to the world, in order to awaken the slightly faint fear in people's hearts with the death of the betrayer.

"Big brother, I always have a sense of foreboding, which seems to be somewhat related to the previous Fifth Emperor."

In one corner, Katakuri's face was serious, and there were always chaotic pictures flashing in his mind.

"Is that the straw hat Luffy you said? It's just a hairy boy, it's so hard to deal with a little Doflamingo, becoming the fifth emperor of the sea, he still has a long way to go, unless..." Speaking of

this, Perospero didn't follow, just smiled contemptuously.

If you want to become the emperor of the sea, in addition to using time to prove your strength, there is a shortcut that everyone knows, but has never succeeded, that is, defeat the current four emperors!

Supernova is indeed very powerful in the eyes of the general public, but in the eyes of the four emperors, it is just eleven babies who have just learned to walk, and they can't even run, what do they rely on to fight against four adults who stand tall?

Just like a few days ago, several supernova stars led by Kidd challenged the red-haired pirates, and in the end, they didn't even last an hour, and Kidd lost an arm.

Perhaps the only thing they should be thankful for is that after the people of the red-haired pirates defeated the challenger, they never chose to take their lives, so that they could luckily continue their weak lives.

"Second brother, what do you mean by this look? Could it be that Luffy became the fifth emperor and stepped on our throne?

Before he could finish speaking, Perospero laughed at his whims in his heart.

If you can be defeated by a straw hat kid in front of the people of the world, then there is no need for the BIGMOM Pirates to exist.


The trumpet of the execution sounded, and with the vibration of the ground, the huge aunt walked onto the Xingtai.

"Guys, the four emperors on the sea symbolize strength and power, but the last time they made a move was more than two years ago with the white-bearded pirate group, and they were defeated by the navy, do you think that the four emperors are just a virtual chart because of this matter? Well?

The aunt smiled politely, but her words were sharp.

Two years is enough time for a person to change completely from the beginning, but it should not include some kind of emotion for something, such as the awe and fear of the BIGMOM Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates led by Newgate, the world's strongest man, lost to the navy, and later, under the leadership of Margaw, the Whitebeard Pirates became a stepping stone for Blackbeard to ascend the throne of the Four Emperors.

These two things seem to be telling the four people, and the four grandeurs are just that.

"Today, let me revisit for you what it was like to play with everyone's soul many years ago!"

I saw that the corners of Auntie's mouth rose slightly, the mighty soul power burst out, the fluctuations that could be reached by the naked eye were even difficult to withstand even the space, the coercion that could not be described in words, that is, across a screen, many people were also scared into a cold sweat!

People, the body can die and the soul can be destroyed, but the spirit must not retreat, because this is the last line of defense, the last line of defense between life and death, once defeated, then everything will be for nothing!

Fear takes root deep in the heart, then germinates and grows at a very fast speed, and finally attaches to the blood flow throughout the body, so that the whole person is enveloped in despair.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The members of the Sun Pirates were far away from their aunt like crazy, but no matter how they resisted, the final result was only in extreme pure panic, and they fell to the ground.

Looking at the small white ball that appeared in her palm, the soul turned into a soul, and the aunt opened her big mouth and swallowed it into her belly.

The heart is beating, the body is young, and the life expectancy is increasing!

This exhilarating feeling constantly rushed her brain nerves!

"Five thousand watts fist!"

Because of the loss of life, Jinping, whose body became weak, struggled to break free and smashed his aunt's knee with all his strength.


The sound of fractures sounded, but the source was Jinping's palm.

"Is this still claiming to have a fist that can shatter five thousand tiles in an instant? Now don't say that you are armed and domineering, even jumping up seems so difficult, hahahahaha..." The

aunt who kicked Jinping and flew with her foot laughed condescendingly at the camera.

This is the Four Emperors, the Four Emperors who do not allow anyone to resist!

"Rubber rubber, four gears, Great Ape King Gun!"

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A sudden youthful voice resounded through everyone's eardrums, and what was even more shocking was that with the moment when the huge pitch-black fist fell on the aunt's face, the previously unshakable aunt actually took several steps back, and it was difficult to stabilize her figure.

On the other side, a blond man dressed in black caught the aging Jinping, and beside him, stood a group of centaurs.

Straw Hat Pirates!

"Bastard, dare to hurt your mother!"

Thirty-four people, led by Cracker Minister Kriji, Juice Minister Smoogie, and Bomber Minister Snagg, flocked to the Straw Hats and surrounded the Straw Hats.

To ask why the strongest Katakuri and the eldest son Perospero did not make a move, it is all because the former expected the appearance of the strong, while the latter appeared at the commanding heights and commanded the overall situation!

"Here it comes!"

Katakuri looked up to the east, and his figure flashed.

"Fire Fist!"

An angry voice sounded, followed by a fiercely burning sea of fire, instantly turning the battlefield into two people, standing tall and facing each other!

"Move my brother, have you ever asked my fist!"

An ordinary water pipe could no longer be inserted into the ground from the air, and then a young man dressed in a dress and surrounded by flames appeared in the air, his eyes locked on this Katakuri.

"Saab, chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army?"

Looking at the comer, Perospero's face was more gloomy.

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