"Damn, the power is still a little worse!"

Looking at the pair of scarlet eyes below that appeared in the deep pit, flashing with madness and hideousness, Anilu's face sank, raised his hand and punched again, and the day tiger roared out!

Next, a different scene appeared, and the day tiger, who should have been brave and forged ahead, actually looked terrified and blew himself up when he was only one meter away from the deep pit.

After all, the day tiger is still a mortal tiger, and he can be the king among the world's walking beasts, but he cannot be rampant in front of the holy beasts, especially if the other party is still the ultimate source of his own evolution.

"Thunder Feather Sword Wanton Character Type Divine Feather Rage Thunder Slash!"

The long sword in Anilu's hand flew straight into the sky, and the already dark sky was thunderous, and countless feathers fell like petals.

"Not a bad trick."

In the air, Kaido, who was in the form of a dragon, looked at the faint white marks that appeared on his scales, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes when he looked at Anilu.

Perhaps, this kid's follow-up tricks can achieve the power of breaking through his own defenses and making himself injured!

With the fall of the plume, the Dao thunder also followed closely, and the two were perfectly integrated, and finally condensed into a delicate slash and fell into the deep pit.

This blow seems to be extremely slow, but it takes more than a second, even half a second is not enough!



"How so?"

"He's still evolving!"

"This kind of form, even if it was Lord Titoku's move last time, I have never seen it!"

Under the deep pit, a pair of scarlet wings that were like blood condensation suddenly stretched out, turning into two big hands, and actually blocked this blow of Anilu with empty hands receiving white blades.

The next moment, the big hand flicked violently, and the blood-red slash turned around extremely quickly, approaching the owner Anilu.


A sharp claw that was as tall as a person fell to the ground, Kaido looked at his dragon claw, and then glanced at Anilu, who had just appeared in front of him and was now back in place, and the excitement in his eyes became more and more rampant.

"Someone can hurt that monster Kaido!"

An abrupt sound sounded, and everyone raised their hands to see that it was a giant steel bird surrounded by black flames, and its tail had three finches fluttering in the wind.

A moment later, the black bird landed on the ground, and on it came down Tina and Lei Jiu.

"You're the next to die!"

Without even waiting for the black bird to show his identity, Ajin, who had not spoken for a long time, smiled, and he did not know when he had jumped out of the deep pit, and under the pair of eyes mixed with killing intent and battle intent, there was a pair of snow-white oozing fangs.

"Brother-in-law, who is that kid, believe it or not, I will go over and kick him to death now!"

That's right, the person who came was Sanji, who was dressed in the Celestial Storm Star Bennu Bird's holy robe.

"This is Anilu's battle, we don't have to interfere, right, what about Luffy and their people?"

"The revolutionary army was suddenly attacked by the navy, Luffy and everyone went to support, and I received news from my sister and temporarily separated from them."

"Then it seems that this surprise can only be told to him the next time we meet."

Lei Luo suddenly smiled mysteriously, even if it was Tina and Lei Jiu, they couldn't guess what the surprise in his mouth would be.

"Which bastard doesn't have long eyes and dares to invade Lao Tzu's headquarters!"

At this moment, a thick white smoke drifted in, and behind it, there were several ships, all of whom were peacemakers in initial combat uniforms.

"That Smogg guy came pretty fast."

Looking at the figure solidified, even in the face of the Four Emperors Kaido who had not taken half a step back, Relo smiled.

Now Smogg, having learned the Eight Gates of Dun Jia and Konoha Gangli Faction, plus the refinement of seeing and hearing the domineering and armed domineering, his strength has leaped and reached the point of being infinitely close to that of a general.

"Hey, smoker, don't show your abs all day long, make it look like our alliance is so poor that it jingles, then!"

After Master Yi complained a few words, he threw an ethereal-shaped glove towards the smoker.

"Hehe, Lao Tzu's Sky Dark Star Smoke Demon Holy Robe has finally been created!"

Taking the gloves, Smog laughed heartily.

"Chief, Boss Jinping went to Baal's brother to support, so I brought the Sun Pirates group... Lying groove, is Smogg's Hades suit so handsome! Xiao

Ba, who had just arrived at the base, looked at Smogg, who was already wearing battle armor in the air, and looked at Relo with envy written on his face.

It's just a pity that Lei Luo does still have a set of masterless holy clothes in his hand, but this is for Gejies after his strength reaches the level of a general, and Xiaoba has no chance to get it.

"Xiaoba, don't be sad, don't we have a few."

The leaders of the Peacemakers Alliance gathered one after another, and they all stood behind Relo, waiting for the leader's call for war.


At this moment, the dragon shadow in the air roared, and a strong man the size of a small mountain appeared in front of everyone, and under his huge palm that buckled to the ground, it was none other than Akin who was inseparable from Anilu.

And this person is the captain of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment, one of the Four Emperors of the Hundred Beast Kaido!

"I should have solved this pervert earlier!"

Anilu, whose figure fell behind Relo, complained.

"You're all together."

After a long silence, seeing that no one on the island was approaching, Kaido slowly spoke.

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!


Probably glancing at the cadres behind him, Lei Luo nodded.

"In that case, let's go to war!"

Kaido raised his head and roared, and at the moment he released his palm, Ajin, who kept roaring from his mouth, smiled viciously, and his body shot out like a cannonball straight towards Anilu.

"You should be afraid of you!"

Feeling that he was being provoked, Anilu also held the Thunder Source Thousand Feather Sword to face the battle.

"Hey, that old man with a sword!"

Ember shouted lightly at Master Yi, but only the unparalleled sword qi that responded to him was the unparalleled sword qi.

The two of them have long been unhappy with each other!

"Blackfoot Yamaji, Drought Jack is over to you!"

Smog in the air did not have a little nonsense, and directly chose the strongest among the remaining people, Plague Quinn, one of the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirates. Of course, if Flame Ember hadn't made a move, his target would naturally not be Quinn.

Since the first batch of personnel and the battle, the remaining men and horses on both sides were naturally not to be outdone, and roared and rushed towards the opposing camp.

Tina and Lei Jiu caressed the ring on their hands, and their bodies were instantly covered by the holy clothes of the underworld, and they greeted the juice minister Smoogie and the cookie minister Kriji.

"Perospero, I won't give you any chance to set up the battle!"

The air next to Perospero suddenly exploded, and it was just a snap of his fingers from Gerges.

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