The body and soul are completely integrated, and in Leiluo's long-ago memory, this situation seems to only appear in the mysterious world of immortal cultivation, and it is unique to physical cultivation.

Now, in the comic world of pirates, such a terrifying existence has actually appeared.

Lei Luo knows very well that if you want to defeat Kaido, you only need absolute suppression by force, but if you want to kill him, you must destroy all his physical body, even a piece of flesh and blood.

"It turns out that this is the secret of your immortality."

When the words fell, taking advantage of Kaido's sneering moment, Lei Luo's eyes widened, and the pitch-black flame instantly crossed the space, covering Kaido's right arm, burning wildly.


This move, which is accustomed to the title of the strongest physical attack, comes from the black flame inside the sun, ignoring any attribute restraint, and the only way to extinguish it is to burn all the targets of the caster.

What about immortality, the flame of Amaterasu will never stop!


A sound of breaking wind sounded, even Lei Luo did not expect that Kaido would be so ruthless and decisive, seeing that he could not extinguish this black flame, he immediately cut off his right arm.

Looking at the arm on the ground that was gradually burned to black ash, Kaido had no expression, as if that arm was born with nothing to do with him.

"Hehe, next, here's your other one... Burst! Just

as Lei Luo was about to release Amaterasu again, a sudden domineering brute force in his abdomen knocked it away in one fell swoop, leaving a long line of black flame mixed with blood in the air.

However, before Lei Luo could make a move, the oncoming rough black shadow smashed on his body over and over again, and a small mountain that was originally majestic completely ceased to exist after a few seconds.

"It turns out that defeating Lingling is just a special ability, weak chicken! Bah!

A mouthful of thick phlegm spat out of Kaido's mouth, but just as he was about to land, dazzling golden light suddenly flashed, and a figure crossed the space and smashed a punch into his chest.

"Damn, the hammer Laozi is very cool, isn't it!"

The golden light dissipated, revealing Lei Luo's furious face, and at this time, his whole body was covered with blood, and he was embarrassed like never before.

Many things, only after experiencing it will you understand, just like the current Lei Luo, he understands very well why Luffy was directly killed by Kaido's thunderous gossip.

This flesh burst out with pure power, and even the peak of Huangquan Pirasaka could be shattered, you must know that the material here is several times harder than the mortal world.

"Presumptive Godzilla Immortal Mode, Susano, God and Buddha State, on!"

In the face of an opponent of Kaido's level, Lei Luo will never have any leftovers, and this is not because Kaido is strong, but because he really moves to kill.

Kaido, who took a few steps back to stabilize his figure, looked at the behemoth that appeared in front of him, not only did not have any fear, but an extremely hideous and crazy expression appeared on his face.

It's this feeling, this feeling that makes me feel threatened to my life, and that's what I've been pursuing for decades.

"Little ghost, you surprised me, so get ready to be pinched to death by me!"

I saw Kaido's face sank, and the flesh and blood bone at the smooth wound on his right shoulder began to squirm rapidly, and a brand new arm actually grew out like this.

With an invincible physical body coupled with a super self-healing ability and a decisive character, Amaterasu seemed to instantly change from a tall and powerful person to a weak chicken.

"Dragon Man form, start!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A powerful heartbeat sound came from Kaido's chest, and at this time, his mouth and nose continuously exhaled this rich white qi with high temperature, and the surface of the muscles around his body appeared covered with scales.

It's not good, can't let him complete the transformation!

Sensing that the power that erupted in Kaido's body at this moment seemed to be constantly rising, Lei Luo waved his big hand, and the Hades Holy Sword appeared in his hand.

It was an ordinary iron sword with a pitch black body, bright and bright on it, without a trace of impurities, but this sword had fought the Nine Realms, defeated countless strong people who made heaven and earth tremble, and helped Hades achieve the prestige of Hades.

"You can be proud of being able to force me to use this sword!"

Lei Luo sneered, although the iron sword in his hand was just an imitation forged by Gaji using the Slashing Knife Ice Wheel Pill, its power was by no means comparable to ordinary divine weapons.

"One word in one!"

The heavily armed Lei Luo jumped, and the unpretentious iron sword in his hand only waved lightly.

Ice, flames, golden light, atomic light...

At that moment, a slash that contained almost all of Leiluo's abilities appeared in the air, enough tens of thousands of ways, and the terrifying power emanating from it made even the space tremble.

In the next instant, tens of thousands of sword qi turned into light and returned to the iron sword, and everything still looked so unremarkable.

Void walking!

With a flash of purple light, Leiluo's figure had already passed through numerous spatial nodes and appeared behind Kaido.


A sword fell, without any sound.

The unpretentious iron sword, the unremarkable swing, and the final silence, all this seems to have no destructive power at all.

And at this moment, Kaido's transformation is still complete, and now he is like a dragon made of steel, standing majestically in front of Leiluo, under the cover of the scale armor, you can faintly hear the sound of blood flowing rapidly, which is proof of strength!

"Little ghost, is this your trick? It's not as strong as the punch you just had! As

soon as the words fell, Kaido's ghost-like right hand struck out and squeezed Lei Luo in his hand.

Previously, Kaido and Relo in their ordinary state were like giants and ordinary people, but now they are still like this!

In the setting of the pirate world, although the body size cannot represent everything, but it is a symbol of strength and defense, and Kaido at this moment is indeed worthy of the world's strongest creature.

However, did Lei Luo's previous sword really not have the slightest destructive power?


The corners of Leiluo's mouth raised slightly, and a word slowly spit out from his mouth.


In the blink of an eye, the muscles above Kaido's body suddenly bulged, and in addition to the sound of the powerful heartbeat, there was more of an endless roar.

One word in one word, one sword into ten thousand swords, ten thousand swords into one sword, one is ten thousand, ten thousand is one!

The sword qi penetrates the body, breaking from the inside out, this is the subtlety of this move!


With the wanton destruction and explosion of sword qi in his body, a surge of blood oozed from under the scale armor on Kaido's body, and in his mouth, it had already been filled with blood.

First destroy the inside, then break the outside, the immortal myth will surely end!

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