"Tianwei is not alarmed... Ever-changing... Spiritual Purity United... A hundred things do not invade..."

Along with the mantras taught by Master Yi, Anilu's originally restless mind gradually calmed down.


On the ground in the distance, countless veins suddenly appeared under Akin's head, constantly reorganizing at a speed visible to the naked eye, granulation germinated, blood grew together, and a half-human, half-beast-like shell was about to take shape.

"Not good! Anilu, continue to read with me! Sanji, Smogg, don't hurry up to finish that monster! Master

Yi could clearly feel that with Ajin's rebirth, Anilu's killing intent that should have been quelled had surged again, and climbed to an unprecedented height, and in this way, sooner or later he would also become a demon god who killed indiscriminately!

"Who dares to touch my Young Governor!"

The three plagues rushed up, even if they died in the hands of Ajin in the end, they would definitely not watch Akin being killed, because this was the only bloodline of the man who gave them a new life!

At this moment, Tichy, who had already retreated to the side, nodded to the green pheasant, and the ice age ended in an instant, and among the corpses on the ground and the wounds of the centaurs on both sides, several thick bloody qi immediately rushed out, shrouded towards Akin and Anilu.

"The dirt is not clean... If turbid... Yes...... Kim! Kim! The

blood qi entered the body, and Anilu finally could no longer suppress the killing intent that permeated his body, and while he slapped Master Fei Yi with his palm, his figure turned into a red and blue light, sweeping towards the sinister Ajin who had been reborn again.

Why red and blue?

Master Yi, who had also learned the Eight Gates of Dun Jia, hurriedly fixed his gaze and saw that at the mouth of Anilu's heart, the door of death, which represented absolute power, was actually completely rushed away at this moment!

"Good to go! Today you and I can have a good fight!

Akin laughed wildly, he had been waiting for this battle for a long time!

The White Tiger Fruit, a devil fruit born for killing and fighting, consumes the most precious lifespan when it continuously gives the capable person to complete the transformation of its form and obtain more powerful power!

Now, Ah Jin has entered his final form, and the surging power contained in his body has already surpassed the previous form by dozens of times, but what he didn't expect was that in the last moment of his life, he would actually meet the same person!

The same ruthless person who has exchanged his life for almost dozens of times his own strength!


A simple punch to each other, without any bells and whistles, but that's it, the expanding energy aftermath is like ripples visible to the naked eye, as the world's almost top three calamities. Master Yi and the others, who were dressed in the holy robe, were swept away in just a breath, and their figures rolled to the surface of the sea in embarrassment.

The sea surface that was frozen by the green pheasant was now full of cracks!


The power that the top forces cannot bear, how can those ordinary people bear it?

The blood in their mouths and their bodies shattered into dust are their final destination, submerged into the bodies of Akin and Anilu with bloody killing qi, and turned into the destination of the source of their strength!

"What's going on, why did that foreboding suddenly become so strong!"

In the endless void, Lei Luo's heart beat more and more violently with the help of the void walking and the world pass.

He seems to have seen a killing, an extreme killing being played out at the Pacifist Alliance base!

The corpse mountain and the sea of corpses, bloody and bloody, a hell on earth, whether it is the Hundred Beast Pirate Group or the Pacifist Alliance, no one survives!

"Damn, it's not easy to contact here, I have to hurry back!"

With the thought finalized, Lei Luo no longer cared about the load brought by the space shuttle, and now he must stop everything he just saw from happening!

"Look at what, don't hurry up if you don't want to die!"

Master Yi roared at the strong men on both sides who were still alive, the deaths of Anilu and Akin were still inevitable, since this was the case, we must do our best to reduce casualties!

However, what Master Yi didn't know was that his decision caused Lei Luo to see that hellish scene.

Holy Land Mary Joya.

"Abolish His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas and wipe out all pirates and forces that violate the world government, this sea needs a great cleansing..."

The five old stars holding the original ghost che stopped abruptly halfway, looking at the east with horror.

Not only him, but even ordinary people present could vaguely feel that in the direction of the East China Sea, several extremely strong forces suddenly collided, bursting out the destructive power of the earth-shattering ghost god!

In another room, on the empty throne that represented peace, the figure who appeared at an unknown time was grinning.

"It's getting more and more interesting!"

Revolutionary Army base Bardigo.

"Saab, have you felt, the direction of the

East China Sea..." "Hurry up and solve these navies, Grandpa Karp is not in the East China Sea now, and they may die!"

Saab, the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, who has always been calm and unhurried in the eyes of the world, also had panic written on his face at this moment, and all this originated from that great war.


At the Pacifist Alliance base, Anilu looked at the body that was penetrated by him, leaving two bloodstains in his eyes.

"I killed Gerges... I killed my own companions... I'm going to kill all of you pirates!" After

a short period of clarity, Anilu has entered a deeper state of madness, and in his eyes, only killing remains, and the group of pirates who appear in front of him will cramp, pluck bones, drink blood and eat flesh!

Compared to Anilu, Akin has always been so crazy laughing, from the moment the battle between the two began, his will has been completely dominated by killing intent, and now he will see everything destroyed before his life ends!

"Eight Doors Dun Jia, Door of Death! Open! "

Master Yi and Smogg, who have seen through everything, fully understand that if they want to stop the killing in front of them, the only way to stop killing is to kill and stop killing, and their only choice is to also open the last door of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia!

"Smogg, don't, don't!"

However, the truth is so cruel that in front of Tina, Smogg, who still has time to open the eight-door dunjia, chose to sacrifice his life in order to block the claws that attacked her.

"Sister Tina, I'll take a step first."

Lei Jiu smiled, also opened the final door of death, and rushed into the battlefield with Master Yi.

"Leiluo, where are you, come back quickly!"

Looking at the best friend who had grown up with her since childhood, and the sister who had been with her since childhood, and the sister who had been with her day and night, her life had come to an end, Tina finally couldn't bear the outburst of emotions anymore, knelt on the ground, and cried out Relo's name with all her strength.

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