"You finally can't help but continue to hide your identity, Bucky the Clown!"

All the peacemakers have long left the island and gone to a secret place that no one has found, leaving only Relo, who is silently waiting for someone's visit.

Bucky the Clown, a trainee crew member on the ship of One Piece Roger, one of the red-haired Shanks' best friends, a character that even Whitebeard remembers and never misses a major event.

"How did you know I must have hidden my identity?"

The soft moonlight pierced the night and shone on Bucky's funny face, a face that was murderous but unusually calm, another look that not many people in the world had ever seen.

"Hahaha, as long as you have a little brain, who will think that you are an ordinary person?"

A clown-like being in the eyes of the navy who participated in the Battle of Atvor unscathed.

Several times he fought undefeated with the Eight Treasures Water Army, the Ward Pirate Regiment, and the naval forces led by Zefa.

The body is divided into several pieces, and the whole world is undergoing a big adventure, and finally it can appear intact.

In the face of Magellan's unbearable onslaught of the Blackbeard Pirates, the panic on the surface relied entirely on luck, but in fact, he had never hit a trick and escaped from the underwater prison.

Undead under the sandstorm of Klockdar, the king of the desert, ignoring the slash of the world's first sword Hao Hawkeye, being frozen by the green pheasant, escaping the pursuit of the red dog, avoiding the laser of the yellow ape, and remembered by many strong people of the older generation.

Since Luffy went to sea, countless major events have been with him.


Such incidents, Lei Luo can be said to be three days and three nights without repetition, imagine that the person who can do this, will it really be a ridiculous character with great luck?

The answer, of course, is two words, never!

"The execution of Straw Hat Road in Rogue Town, and then failed due to lightning, may be quite ridiculous in the eyes of the world, but the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary, Long, once told me that after that incident, he owed you a favor."

"Also, in Rogue Town, you were arrested by Smog with a sea lou stone net, as a demon fruit ability, you just ignore the sea lou stone, I think few people should be able to do it."

"Besides, I don't believe that a little pirate would choose to ignore it after learning that his best friend has become the famous Four Emperors."

Relo directly began a three-fight streak in his mouth, without giving Bucky any room to refute.

In this clown, there are too many things that cannot be explained by common sense, and can be described by luck explosion and just right, so only Luffy's stupid people and weak people will think that the clown is just a clown.

"You're not quite right, that dragon guy, I owe me favors more than once or twice."

Bucky's words were obviously a joke on the grounds of easing the atmosphere, but the muscles on his face couldn't squeeze out the humorous smile that should appear on such an occasion.

"I don't care how much favor the dragon owes you, I just want to know if the people of Hades Rayleigh, as well as those kings who suddenly lost news, are all related to you."

Everyone is an understanding person, there is no need to beat around the bush, Lei Luo directly raised the only confusion in his heart.

After the World Conference, the Five Old Stars announced the abolition of His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas and named them evil pirates.

But it was such a coincidence, except for Bucky, Whitebeard II, and Doflamingo, who was imprisoned in the Great Undersea Prison, the others evaporated as if they had evaporated from the world, and there was no news.

Similarly, there are people like Reilly, Xia Qi and Kulokas.

"It's just hidden by me."

"Then what did you come to me for this time?"

"One is to form an alliance, and the other is a few of them."

As soon as the words fell, Bucky turned to look at the corpses he had brought with him, and it was all the cadres of the red-haired pirate group.

In front of the world government, God unknowingly takes away the corpses of the deceased, not to mention ordinary people, ordinary people can easily do it.

"It's good to form an alliance, you and I nod my head, just red-haired them, what do you mean?"

Lei Luo brushed the white hair of his sideburns, and his tone was somewhat helpless.

The fact that he resurrected all the peacemakers must have been known to the world government, and Baki, who has the ability to rival the CP intelligence organization, must have received the news as soon as possible.

It's just that the place where several red-haired people died happened to have a special existence, Aunt Lingling.

Relo has the corpse qi and the Hades holy robe, and controlling the undead is only a trivial matter for him, but if the soul of the deceased does not enter the underworld, but is controlled by others.

Just as Akainu cannot be resurrected by Relo, it is precisely because Huangquan Hirasaka does not have his soul.

It is not a very good plan to venture into the world government now.

"I brought their souls."

I saw Bucky's chest suddenly split, and then his heart was split in two, and there were several clusters of light blue flames flickering faintly, which seemed to be likely to be extinguished at any time.

"Last question, in addition to the red-haired ones, how many other souls..."

"The top of the revolutionary army, your subordinates Jinping, and the gang of imps in the Straw Hats." It's just that my ability is limited and I can't bring all the corpses, if you agree, Uncle Rayleigh will bring all the corpses of all the people. "

It turned out that the world government only released the news of the crushing defeat of the revolutionary army and the pirates, but did not attach a single photo, in the end, it was quietly robbed of the body by Bucky.

"Okay, then form an alliance."

In the face of Relo's approval, Bucky did not have any accidents, and between discerning people, doubts and suspicions only existed at all times and never appeared.

Obviously, both of the two present belong to the latter.

"Then I'll leave it to you next, and before dawn, I'll take everyone here again."


Seeing Bucky, whose feet had never touched the ground and could still fly hovering, Relo was shocked again.

The Broken Fruit must land on both feet to activate the Fruit's power, which now seems to be nothing more than what Bucky wants the world to see.

Like a circus clown, he will always only be seen laughing.

"System, I, the person who saved the red-haired pirate group, can it be considered to complete the task in reverse, is there any special reward?"

Looking at the red-haired pirate group in front of him, who had been admired for a long time, but met for the first time in this way, Lei Luo suddenly asked the system.

"Host, what do you think?"

"I think it can be."

"Get out!"


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